• Christian Theological Seminary (map)
  • 1000 W. 42nd Street
  • Indianapolis, IN

The 35th annual Indianapolis CROP Hunger Walk is on Sunday, October 19th. Indianapolis area congregations of all faiths, civic groups and other organizations are invited to participate. Walkers cover a designated route beginning and ending at the Christian Theological Seminary on 42nd St near Michigan Rd (near Butler University). Funds raised from this walk are channeled through Church World Service to help fight hunger around the world. Registration starts at 1:30 and you begin walking immediately, setting your own pace. We are putting together a team of people to participate in CROP walk. If you are interested please contact Jim Donahue at jdonahue@indy.rr.com or Beth Henricks at beth.henricks@indyfriends.org. If you would like to donate to the cause, we will have a table set up at the Meetinghouse collecting donations before the event. For more information, please visit http://www.indycropwalk.org/.