Our Calendar

Featured Events

Creation Care Update ~ The dormant plants are waking up! Every day I see new leaves unfurling, buds opening, and more birds singing their morning chorus. The Woods Committee invites you get your hands and boots dirty this Saturday, March 29 from 9 AM - 12 noon. 

Shalom Zone Seminar: Food, Insecure ~ Join us on Monday, March 31, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at Allisonville Christian Church for a screening of Food, Insecure: A Documentary That Hits Home, followed by a community discussion on hunger in Indiana. This powerful film shares the stories of nearly a million Hoosiers facing food insecurity and explores the root causes of hunger, along with potential solutions. It builds on The Working Hungry, a regional Emmy-nominated documentary presented by the Shalom Zone in 2023.  Attend in person at 7701 Allisonville Road or online via the “Join Us Live” link at allisonville.org or live on their YouTube or Facebook.

April Monthly Meeting Rescheduled ~ Due to Easter falling on the third Sunday of April, our Monthly Meeting for Business will be held on Sunday, April 27, instead of the usual third Sunday. Please mark your calendars, and we hope to see you there!

Young/Mid Adults, Families, and Youth Gathering ~ Join us for a fun and welcoming gathering at First Friends, Richmond from Saturday, April 26 to the morning of April 27! This free event is a chance for young and mid adults, families, and youth to build community, enjoy good food, play games, have meaningful discussions, and simply spend time together. Those who wish can participate in a teen lock-in at the meetinghouse, and hospitality options are available in Richmond for others needing accommodations. Children are welcome, and you’re invited to stay for the whole event or just drop in for a bit. We hope to see you there! To see more details, schedule, or to register, click here. Questions, contact toms@westernyearlymeeting.org.

2025 Linda Lee Spirituality Retreat: REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! ~ Mark your calendars for our fourth annual Linda Lee Spirituality Retreat! It will be held Saturday, May 3 from 10am-4pm at the Seton Cove Retreat Center, 2025 Dugan Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46260. This year’s theme is Lessons for Today from the Female Catholic Mystics. You can now register online! The registration cost is $35. Scholarships available—contact Beth at beth.henricks@indyfriends.org to ask about scholarships.

Our facilitator this year will be Rachel Doll O’Mahoney. Rachel is a Quaker and Catholic minister with a Master’s in Theological Studies. Her ministry began in prison chaplaincy and expanded to interfaith, formation, and LGBTQ ministry in Jesuit Higher Education. She pastors Valley Mills Friends Meeting and offers spiritual direction. She has authored prayer services featured in various publications and hosted the Bringing Forth podcast on parenting and spirituality from an inclusive perspective. We hope you will join us!

Jazz With Friends: Save the date, Sunday, May 18, for “Jazz With Friends” in the First Friends meetingroom. This benefit concert features the artistry of our music director, Eric Baker, and other talented jazz musicians. Tickets are $15 each, with proceeds supporting our Meeting and ministries. Read more and reserve your tickets at indyfriends.org/jazz.

Oak Leaf: Meeting for Reading meets on the last Tuesday of the month in the Parlor. If you’d like to be on the monthly email list, contact the office at office@indyfriends.org.

January 28 ~ Night Watch by Jayne Anne Phillips

February 25 ~ The Measure by Nikki Erlick

March 25 ~ Better Living Through Birding by Christian Cooper

April 29 ~ Dinners with Ruth by Nina Totenberg

May 27 ~ Maus a Survivor's Tale by Art Spiegelman

June 24 ~ James by Percival Everett

July 29 ~ Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

August 26 ~ Democracy Awakening by Heather Cox Richardson

September 30 ~ The Women by Kristin Hannah

October 28 ~ A Fever in the Heartland by Timothy Egan

November 25 ~ Shakespeare by Dame Judi Dench

December 30 ~ The Delgado Connection by Gary J. Rhyne