Christian Education
In a community of Quakers, Christian Education can sometimes feel different than what you may find in other settings. Our education is not grounded in memorizing dogmas, nor in getting everybody to believe the exact same thing. We hold that Christ is our Inward Teacher, and that in community, our Friends can help us learn new ideas and higher ways of life that the Inward Teacher is revealing in the midst of us. We invite you and your family to join with us, and explore God’s inspiration for today. We provide multiple opportunities for people of all ages to expand their own spirituality.
Children's Ministries
10:15 AM Children's Worship Children in Preschool through 5th grade are excused after the Children’s Message in Meeting for Worship. Most Sundays they are divided into Pre-School/early elementary and middle school groups. Each group will engage in worship and participate in an interactive Bible story with beautiful and appropriate props to create a participatory and full of life experience. A craft, game, or activity will accompany the theme of the Bible story each week.
Young Friends Youth Fellowship - Youth fellowship is a time where young Quakers can join together in unity while playing games, discussing current events, and find fellowship among other young spiritual seekers! Grades 6-12 are welcome to join us not only for our Youth Group Fellowship time, but also for our community service and activities. If you are the parent of a young person who you want to get involved, or if you are curious about your own participation in YFYF please contact the office with any inquiries or questions.
Multi-Generational Ministries
9:00 AM Sunday School Classes
Seeking Friends - A book study of various titles of interest to Friends, led by Pastor Bob Henry. Titles have included “Do I Stay Christian?” by Brian McLaren; “What is the Bible?” by Rob Bell; “Our Life is Love: The Quaker Spiritual Journey” by Marcelle Martin, and many more works including but not limited to other authors like Thomas Hamm & Thomas Kelly. Sunday mornings 9am September through May.
Choir: The choir rehearses every Sunday morning for the special music each Sunday as well as rehearsing for the Christmas Vespers and Easter. The choir welcomes anyone interested in music and singing in a choir. Choir Director: Eric Baker
Childcare during the service is available for kids in 5th grade and younger. Kids are invited to come to the front of the Meetingroom for the Children’s Message, and then head to the classrooms at the end of the hallway for Children’s Worship which lasts through the rest of the service. Children 2 and under may stay in the nursery, located down the hall on the left just past Fellowship Hall. All childcare is free and no registration is required. We invite your kids to join us!