Salty People: Bringing Out the God-Flavors
Indianapolis First Friends Quaker Meeting
Pastor Bob Henry
March 23, 2025
Good morning and welcome to Light Reflections. The scripture I have chosen for this week is from Matthew 5:13 from the New Revised Standard Version),
“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything but is thrown out and trampled underfoot.
Even though I concluded my series on the Beatitudes last week, I thought it was interesting what Jesus said to the faithful immediately following the Beatitudes. It is still part of the Sermon on the Mount, but it serves as both a compliment and warning of sorts.
If you were listening to the scripture reading, Jesus actually called his followers “salty.”
Now, in our world today, to be “salty” means something much different than what Jesus meant. Today, if you or I call someone salty it means they are irritated, angry, or resentful, especially as a result of losing or being slighted. That was far from what Jesus was saying. Actually, Jesus was paying them a very high compliment by calling them the salt of the earth.
But to understand this strange comparison Jesus makes to the faithful of his day, we have to know a little history and background. I enjoy reading the Patheos blog and especially Tim Suttle’s Paperback Theology. He has helped me understand the salty descriptor in a new way.
If we go all the way back to the ancient world, evil spirits were thought to be warded off by salt. As well, it was among the first commodities ever traded.
For our furry friend lovers. Sometime around 10 thousand years ago the first dogs were domesticated, and they accomplished this by using salt. They would leave salt out for the dogs to lick, then began to leave food. Soon they’d be the only food source, and they’d begin to approach the dogs, closer and closer until they were eating out of their hands. Then they’d steal a puppy, or a puppy would just follow them home. They’d get used to the people. The pups that were more naturally docile stayed with the people, were bread, and over time were domesticated. All our domesticated animals like cows, goats, and other livestock were domesticated with this process and it all starts with salt. This is why so many people who put out salt licks on their property for the deer, find the deer becoming a bit too friendly.
As well, salt was a major political factor. The city of Rome was founded where it is because of its close proximity to the salt works of the day. The first great Roman road was the Via Salaria the way of salt or the “Salt Road.” Roman soldiers were sometimes paid in salt. And a commander might ask if a solder was “worth his salt.”
Our word salary – comes from the Latin sal for salt. Romans were known to salt their greens (where we get the word salad). Romans developed engineering technologies that are still being used to mine or process salt.
Humans cannot live without salt. Just like water & food, its deficiency causes headaches & weakness, light-headedness & nausea, eventually death.
But with food we get hungry.
With water we get thirsty.
With salt there is no associated craving, even though salt is a vital nutrient.
Salt is in our blood, lymph fluid, all extra-cellular fluids and is necessary for most metabolic processes. It helps our body regulate fluids and is essential for cardiovascular function & digestion.
Without enough salt we will die, not to mention that French fries taste horrible without it.
In the ancient world salt was a symbol of fertility. Fish lived in salt water & had many more offspring than did land animals. They thought it was to do with the salt in the water. Later European brides and grooms would carry salt on their person to ward off infertility. Romans called a man in love salax – in a “salted state.” (Which is actually the origin of our English word salacious.)
Salt has been a part of the religious customs of nearly every religion known to the world. It was an acceptable offering for the Greek gods. It was part of the ancient Egyptian burial rites (All those mummies we go see in museums are there, still today, because of salt.).
To the Hebrew people salt is the symbol of the covenant with God – a covenant that will never spoil. Numbers 18:19 says,
“It is an everlasting covenant of salt before the Lord to you and your descendants.”
Newborn Hebrew babies were rubbed in salt as sign of covenant – which just sounds itchy and dry, doesn’t it?
In Islam, salt seals a bargain.
In many Christian traditions salt is used to make Holy Water, and it is associated with wisdom, truth and witness.
On many occasions, when I was an Anglican priest at a Cathedral, I would help the Bishop bless the holy water. But before we did that, we had to mix the salt and purified water. There was a formula in our priest’s handbook along with the prayer of blessing.
So, with that little history lesson, it is clear Jesus was paying his followers a huge compliment when he said:
“YOU are the salt of the earth.” Not only were they blessed from last week, but they were salt.
Salt is such the perfect descriptor for Jesus to use.
Salt flavors food. It’s not the main taste so much as it brings out the flavors that are already there. The church (or the people) should bring out the flavors in our world. Not simply create or become a flavor of choice.
Salt is also a preservative. It keeps things from spoiling and rotting. And it doesn’t take much – a tiny bit of salt flavors the whole thing. Everybody doesn’t have to become salt for the salt to do its job. All it takes is just a little bit to make the whole thing better.
As salt preserves meat from rotting, those who are trying to live in the way of Christ, distributed in communities all around the world, help to preserve humanity through righteousness (or practical living), seeking justice, sharing and being love and kindness, and all while upholding that which is Truth.
Folks, salt permanently changes the flavor of food, just as the influence of faithful people can change a community, a nation, and even a culture. The main point is that you and I serve a divine purpose in the world simply by living out what Jesus taught us.
Now, we also need to address the rest of our scripture for today. Jesus adds a “but” saying,
“…BUT if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything but is thrown out and trampled underfoot.”
So, what is Jesus saying here?
Well, when it comes to you and me, how can we lose our “saltiness”?
I think one of the clear ways we would lose our saltiness is by simply staying in the saltshaker – or what some may call our “comfort zone.” Some people have even made the church their saltshaker and seek this place only to be comforted.
But the purpose of the salt is to be shaken out into the world – into our communities, neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, families, etc.
And at times, we can be so, huddled together in our comfort zones, that we are not actually outside of these four walls, engaged with the world, and bringing practical living, justice, love and kindness, and truth to the world around us.
Folks, someone once said, “We gather to scatter.” We come to Meeting to listen, hear, and be nudged by the Divine and then we scatter into our places of influence to share what the Spirit has spoken to us.
But if we stay in the saltshaker, and if we are not seeking to bring kingdom life into the world around us, we are effectively TASTELESS Quakers and Christians because we are not in the proximity for anyone to even know the salt is here.
In Jesus’ day, when salt would lose it’s taste or salty nature, it would be spread on the paths of the city to strengthen the road and keep the weeds away. Thus, it was literally what Jesus said, “trampled underfoot.”
That is often what happens to those of us who lose our saltiness in the world. We get trampled by the world’s ways. Some even would say the Christian Church in America has been trampled by politics, a lust for power, a desire to be right, and thus it has lost its impact.
More than ever, we need to embrace our saltiness! We once again must answer the call to season our circles of influence with righteousness, justice, love and kindness, and truth.
I love the way the Message translation puts Matthew 5:13:
“Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.”
We are here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. It reminds me of one of my favorite TV shows, Guy Feiri’s “Dinners, Drive-in’s and Dives.” Do you know Guy’s catchphrase for his Triple-D Nation?
It’s you have a “one-way ticket to Flavortown.”
Folks, You and I (the salt of the earth) are the one-way ticket to Flavortown for our world of influence. We are the seasoning. We are bringing out the God-flavors in our world.
The world is getting awfully bland – and I think it’s time we spiced it up a bit. And for Quakers who describe their testimonies as S.P.I.C.E.S. – well this should not be that hard.
So, as we head into waiting worship this morning, I want us to take a moment to ponder the following queries.
· Is my comfort blocking my seasoning ability and saltiness?
· What could I do this week that would bring out the God-flavors in my circle of influence?
· How could First Friends be more effective at bringing out the God-flavors in our community?