• First Friends Meeting (map)
  • 3030 Kessler Blvd E Dr
  • Indianapolis, IN, 46220
  • United States

"Books and Basics" Party Will Welcome Baby Comacho.  Introducing Valerie Elizabeth Flores, born to Rocio and Jose on Thurs., Oct. 9th. Rocio is our cherished custodian and friend, and we invite you to celebrate Valerie's birth at a party on Thursday, Nov. 13, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm, in the parlor. Refreshments will be hearty snacks, and, in keeping with the Quaker commitment to equality, this celebration is not gender-limited.  All are welcome! If you would like to welcome Valerie with a gift, here are three ways to do that:

  • An assortment of excellent children's books will be on display at the party.  You may purchase one or more as your gift.  That's the "books" part of the party.
  • As for the "basics," you could bring a package of disposable diapers, in a size that is likely to fit Valerie sometime between now and her first birthday.
  •  As our community gift, we are going to purchase a high chair.  If you would like to participate in this purchase, you may give your contribution to Amanda, in the office.

Please RSVP to Amanda Bow at office@indyfriends.org or by calling 255-2485, to help those who are preparing refreshments.