Don’t miss the 2nd annual Festival of Faiths on Sunday, September 7, 1-5pm at the Veteran’s Memorial Plaza (Meridian and Michigan St). One of the most exciting things about it is that so many Quakers are participating! First Friends, North Meadow Circle of Friends, Iglesia Amigos, WYM, AFSC, RSWR, and other Quaker meetings will have a ‘Quaker Booth’ at the Festival, including a Friends Worship Space. We intend to host a Quaker Sing-a-Long, Unprogrammed and Programmed Worship Times. Booths and activities will help us better understand and appreciate our neighbors from different religious traditions, as well. There will be a main stage outdoors with a grand opening ceremony. Special speakers will join in panel discussions. There’s something for everyone! For more info about the Festival, visit