• Beth-El-Zedeck Synagogue (map)
  • 600 W 70th St
  • Indianapolis, IN, 46260
  • United States

The Affirmation class will be visiting Beth-El-Zedeck synagogue for their service on Friday March 13th.   We invite anyone to join us that is interested in experiencing a Jewish service and to speak with one of their leaders afterwards.  We will meet at Beth-El Zedeck (600 West 70th St) at 5:45 as their service starts at 6:00.  The service will last about 75 minutes.  We will meet with George Kelly, Religious Education Director after the service to have a question and answer time as we learn more about Judaism.  If you would like to travel from the Meeting, we will assemble at First Friends at 5:00 p.m and drive over together.  Let Beth Henricks (beth.henricks@indyfriends.org) know if you want to join us.