The Meditational Woods Committee is announcing their work days for 2017. Starting on March 18, one Saturday each month will be an opportunity for Meeting members to help keep our woods in good condition. We will be working hard at removing winter creeper (euonymus fortunei) an invasive ground cover that smothers the native wildflowers that we are trying to restore to the landscape. Put on your gloves and come work with us!
Also, if you have shade tolerant native plants such as may apples, trillium and Virginia bluebells, please let Terry T. know. She is helping coordinate our native plant restoration.
- March 18, 2017
- April 22, 2017 Earth Day!
- May 13, 2017
- June 10,2017
- July 15,2017
- August- off
- September 16, 2017
- October 14, 2017 –last work da