Concerns, Announcements and Devotional Thought
A Weekly Ministry of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting
As Way Opens by Beth Henricks
This past Sunday, our young people in our Affirmation class asked deep and significant questions about Quakers and their faith to a panel of long term Friends - Linda Lineback, Jon Tippin, Eric Tinsley and Mary Blackburn. It was an amazing experience to hear the questions our young people wanted to have answered and the insightful and thoughtful answers of our panel of Friends. Here is a sample of the questions that our young people came up with - What do you think is the most important thing in life? Which of the testimonies is most important to you? How do you recognize science in terms of the creation story in Genesis? Is the Bible important to you? What are the essentials of Quakerism - what are the essentials that you could not take out to remain a Quaker? What does God's voice sound like to you? Describe a time that the Inner Light impacted your decision.
Wow! These are tough questions that really make us examine our faith, our relationship to God and how the Inner Light changes what we do. Our panel provided some profound answers that I am still processing and provided insight that will impact my own theology. I wish we had recorded this session for all of you to hear.
It has been such a joy and privilege to get to know our young people and watch how God is present in their lives. We have some awesome kids in our Meeting and I am thankful that our faith community has been willing to invest time and monetary resources to impact their lives.
May you reflect on some of these questions during this holiday season as we all make our journey to the manger and allow Christ to be born again in our lives.
Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities
There will NOT be a Monthly Meeting for Business in December. We will resume the standard schedule in January, with our next one on January 18th, 2015.
Join us this Sunday during Meeting for Worship to see the “The Christmas Story” presented by the children of the Meeting. Our children’s Christmas pageant is such a blessing – unlike any other – with each child able to play the part they choose. We may have three Joseph’s, two Mary’s, four Wise Men… you never know! It’s pure joy, as the children tell the story, in their own unique way, of the Christmas Child. Join us, and invite your family and friends to worship!
During our fellowship time this Sunday December 21st, our kids will be selling cookie and soup jars for donations to Right Sharing of World Resources ( This is a great gift item and all proceeds will help support this Quaker micro lending not for profit. We will also have fair trade coffee, tea, chocolate and olive oil for sale during our fellowship time so we encourage Christmas gift shopping this Sunday.
Christmas Eve is Coming! Plan now to attend our very special Christmas Eve Service at 5:30 on December 24th. Christmas Carols, Handbells, Children and Families, special music, the Christmas Story, candlelight, and a time for Silent Worship, promise to bring us to the manger that night. Invite your friends and family for this meaningful time together.
Meeting for Worship will gather on Sunday, December 28th, with our traditional ‘open sing’ of beloved Christmas Carols. Mary Blackburn will lead us in meditative worship considering friendship. Bring your friends. Invite your family. Enter into our treasured gathering among Friends.
Do you want to get Quaker Life Magazine sent to your home? Subscribing with our Group Plan means that you save on your subscription! The regular rate is $26, but if you are on our plan it’s only $20! If you would like to add a new subscription or renew your current, please contact the office at and submit your payment of $20. Please write your check to First Friends and write Quaker Life in the memo line. The renewal date is January 13th, so please let us know by then!
Lucretia Coffin Mott is coming to Meeting for Worship on January 4th! Be sure to return to Meeting after the first of the new year to meet and enjoy hearing from Lucretia… and to celebrate her 222nd Birthday! (We have a party planned for her during Fellowship Hour!) Lucretia Mott was a Friend, a women’s rights activist, an abolitionist, a religious reformer. Don’t miss her!
Discovering God in a Changing World. Save the date for the second of an exciting 4-part program series with Dr. Dan Moseley right here at First Friends! The second session is January 31-February 1, where Dan will focus on hospitality, creating space for others, and assessing the role of companionship. It will consist of a Saturday retreat from 9-1pm, Meeting for Worship on Sunday at 10:15am followed by a luncheon and then a Q&A with Dan. There is no fee, but you are encouraged to pre-register with Amanda Bow in the office at
Would you like to receive a copy of each First Day’s sermon? Simply sign-up for Wednesday Word by sending an email request to or call the Meeting Office at 317-255-2485. The sermons are also available both in text and audio on