As Way Opens   by Beth Henricks

Last week was the 197th anniversary of the first private mental hospital opened in the United States called the Asylum for the Relief of Persons Deprived of the Use of Their Reason. This is monumental because it was founded by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends on a 52 acre farm that is still around today called Friends Hospital. These Quakers wanted a new model of care because at the time, mental illness was widely misunderstood and treated as criminal behavior. Mentally ill people were tied up, put in chains, isolated or beaten. The mission statement of this new type of hospital was as follows:

"To provide for the suitable accommodation of persons who are or may be deprived of the use of their reason, and the maintenance of an asylum for their reception, which is intended to furnish, besides requisite medical aid, such tender, sympathetic attention as may soothe their agitated minds and under the Divine Blessing, facilitate their recovery."

There have been many times in our collective history that Quakers have stood up for people that our society has determined are less than a Divine Blessing. It is that beautiful realization that there is that of God in each of us that requires us to take on the plight of those less fortunate. The question is - what are we doing today to help change our world? What can our collective Meeting, our Yearly Meeting, Friends United Meeting and our other national Quaker organizations do to take on discrimination and injustice?


Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities
The Big Oval! Meeting for Worship will gather in Fellowship Hall this Sunday, as we join with our

Indy 500 community, and consider the path our lives take. Join us at 10:15!

The Coffee Circle/Wired Word and the Quakerism class will each continue to meet through the summer at 9:00 a.m. All friends are welcome, including members of other classes not meeting during the summer. Childcare will be available; the children will meet in the Nursery.

The sign-up sheet for special Summer Music is now on the bulletin board in the hallway. Please sign-up to share your music with us.

Mark your calendars!!! The Annual Picnic will be on June 1st! We’ll have lunch followed by a family-friendly kickball game! It will be a potluck, so

families with last names A-K please bring desserts, L-Z please bring salads to share, or you can bring both if you’d like! The Meeting will provide chicken,

hotdogs, vegetarian hotdogs, ice cream and drinks. Please plan to come for food, fellowship, and fun!

Finance Committee Report 4/30/2014 For the 4 months ending April 30, 2014, EXPENSES exceeded income by $2,907. Our budget for the entire year has a DEFICIT of projected income compared to projected expenses, as we expand our programs & services. To make it easier to ensure your contributions continue even during inclement weather or summer vacations, you may request automatic transfers from your bank to be sent to First Friends. This can be via a paper check or an electronic transfer. Thanks for your financial support!

Did you know that your bank probably provides you with free online bill pay? If you've never used it before, it's a great way to simplify your personal finances, cut down on check writing and mailing, and track your expenses more easily. We're not talking about institutions pulling cash from your checking account--or using a credit card--rather, we're talking about logging in to your checking account and setting up payees for automatic payments. If you have used it before, you know how great it can be! Either way, Finance Committee would like to remind you that this is a great way to make your regular contributions to First Friends. The benefits are clear: the Office receives the check sent by your bank whether you happen to be in the pew on Sunday or not (of course, we want to see you there -- but it's one less thing to worry about as you're getting ready on Sunday morning!). This ensures that contributions to the meeting are less dependent on changes in the weather, vacation schedules etc., and it can greatly simplify your own giving experience! Please contact the Office if you would like more information.

The Quaker Haven camp registration deadline is May 23rd - if you are interested in having your children/young people attend Quaker Haven, the Meeting will provide for 50% of the cost if you register by May 23rd. Please send in your application to Quaker Haven with the required deposit and let the office know that your young person will attend.

Have you put anything in the Donation Station lately? The following items are collected:

  •   CFL Light Bulbs (Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs) are recycled

  •   Soda/Pop tabs benefit Ronald McDonald House/Riley Hospital

  •   Old Batteries are recycled

  •   Used Shoes go to Changing Footprints, who give them to those in need

  •   Food/Household items are taken to the Mid-North Food Pantry

  •   Prescription Pill Bottles are taken to Western Yearly Meeting and reused at local clinics

  •   Used Stamps & Boxtops for Education benefit Right Sharing of World Resources

    So if you’re doing some Spring cleaning and have things to get rid off, consider bringing them in for recycling or to benefit others in the community.

    Boy Scout Troop 132 and Rick and Cindy Small invite you to an Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Scott Small. It will be held on Sunday, June 8, at 4:30 p.m. at First Friends Meeting. Reception immediately following. Please RSVP before May 30 to Cindy Small at or 317-818-1099.

    The Garden committee needs donations and volunteers to help with the purchase and installation of an 1100 gallon cistern which will give the garden a consistent water supply. The cistern includes guttering, piping to direct water from the garage roof, and pre-filtration hardware to keep the water free of algae and debris (similar to the one pictured at the right). Tentative plans require the building of a platform so the cistern can be elevated and supported. The projected cost is $2300. With money the committee has already raised, including a $350 grant from Quaker Environmental Witness, and money from the trustees, they only need $500 more to make this happen. If you wish to donate, checks can be written to First Friends Meeting with

    Garden” in the memo line. Please contact John Noble if you can assist in the build.

    The Garden is a thriving work-in-progress. The raised bed gardens are producing and the cooperative garden to the east of them has space for more community

    gardeners to use. Please check with current gardeners before planting in the cooperative space. The committee is attempting to organize times when gardeners can work together. Please send your suggestions to Susan Belton at

    Mt. Gilead Friends Retreat: Inner and Outer Landscapes’ on Saturday, May 31st, 9-12 pm (rain date: June 1, 1-4 pm). Participants should expect periods of reflection, discussion, and writing followed by sharing. We ask that you bring writing materials and, if you like, a camp chair. To register, send a check for $25 payable to Mt. Gilead Friends Retreat to 3363 Mt. Gilead Road, Bloomington, IN, 47408. Registration is limited to 18, so please register by May 27, 2014. Some scholarships are available. For more information call 812-332-4074.

The Friends Educational Fund & Overman Scholarship Applications are still available. The deadline to submit an application for the Friends Educational Fund is May 31st, and the deadline for the Overman Scholarship is June 7th. If you need an application please call the Meeting Office at 317-255-2485 or email a request to

Friends United Meeting Triennial is coming soon! Are you registered? Quakers from around the world will be gathering June 11-14 in Marion, IN. Don’t miss this chance to learn about FUM and its ministries. Speakers include Richard Foster and James Bryan Smith. meeting-triennial-2014/

Outreach Ministry of the Month

In 1997, Elease Womack founded the Unleavened Bread Café with a vision of providing spiritual nourishment and life-skills training to hurting men and women. The Unleavened Bread Café, located at the intersection of Central Avenue and 30th Street, has served as a community meeting place, offering everything from Bible study and living skills classes to a back to school rally, Thanksgiving giveaways and much, much more. The café is currently holding a fundraiser to help in their ministry. Please see the Bulletin Board for more information about how you can support this special ministry.

Thank you! Your Witness and Service Committee.

