Concerns, Announcements and Devotional Thought

A Weekly Ministry of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting

As Way Opens 

 ‘The first gleam of light, “the first cold light of morning,” which gave promise of day with its noontide glories, dawned on me one day at Meeting, when I had been meditating on my state in great sadness. I seemed to hear the words articulated in my spirit, “Live up to the light that thou hast; and more shall be granted thee.”

                                                               Caroline Fox 1840

 So many times we think that what we have to offer is of little consequence.  What possible worth could our gifts, talents, or participation in our community, in our family, in our Meeting have?  How could our lives make a difference?  Caroline Fox discovered what each one of us should remember… that God gives each one of us light… a measure of God within.  The more we live in and experience that light, the more light we gain.  And the more we share that light with others, the more light we discover we are a part of.  Rather than denying the light we have, God asks us to fully claim it, live in it, and use it.  God is light! Live in the light of God’s love and presence.  Discover the light that is the life of all people!  John 1:4

  Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities

 This coming Sunday, July 20th is ‘Western Yearly Meeting’ Sunday, and we encourage everyone to attend Meeting for Worship, either at First Friends or at the Yearly Meetinghouse in Plainfield.  (See information below.) For those who wish to worship at First Friends, we will gather at 10:15 for Unprogrammed Meeting for Worship in the Meeting Room, hosted by Mary Blackburn.  Nursery Care and a Children’s Program will be provided, as usual.    


Western Yearly Meeting Sessions, July 17-20 in Plainfield        ‘Stewardship’

“To turn all we possess into the channel of universal love becomes the business of our lives.”  John Woolman

For information and to register for the sessions events, please visit


Thursday, July 17, 7:30 pm Quaker Lecture: Norval Reece

Norval is a lifelong Friend and a member of Newtown Friends Meeting (PA).  He has served on over forty boards, including the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority (Chair), Founding Board member of C-SPAN, American Friends Service Committee, and PYM Quaker Quest.  He is currently a member of Haverford College Corporation, George School Board of Trustees, AFSC Centennial Campaign Leadership Committee, and the Board of Trustees of the David Library of the American Revolution.  Thanks!

 Saturday, July 19, 5:00 pm USFW/Quaker Men Dinner Deneen Aheumada!about_us/c55t

Deneen Aheumada is a member of the Mesquakie Tribe and has been serving Friends at the Friends Center in Tama since the retirement of Brenda and Victor White.  Ulysses S. Grant met with Friends in 1869 to discuss concerns for Native American peoples, and soon after that the Associated Committee of Friends of Indian Affairs was begun. Some of us have visited the work among the Mesquakie Tribe at Tama. Visit again!

 Sunday, July 20, 9:30 Concert of Talents and Gifts: Dale Graves  

A leading of the Spirit, Dale Graves gathered Friends from many different WYM Meetings last year to share their talents and gifts.  It was such a joyous, spirit filled experience that everyone asked him to arrange it again this year… and he has.  He has asked Ruthie to lead the hymn singing, Shawn to accompany, and many different persons to share their gifts and talents.  Eric Baker will represent First Friends Meeting.

 Sunday, July 20, 10:30 Meeting for Worship: Eden Grace

Eden Grace has returned to the United States after serving in Kenya, East Africa for the past nine years in the Africa Ministries Office for Friends United Meeting with John Muhanji.  She is now serving in the FUM offices in Richmond as the Global Ministries Director.  Eden is a member of Beacon Hill Friends Meeting, New England Yearly Meeting.  She will be leading the devotions throughout WYM sessions, as well as speaking Sunday.


Our Vacation Bible School program, Wilderness Escape is quickly approaching!  We will begin on Sunday, July 27th at 11:30 a.m.  - 1:30 p.m. and will include lunch. Our adventure continues Monday, July 28th through Thursday, July 31st at 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Our Fellowship Hall will be transformed into Camp Israel with a variety of tents and tribes! Kids up to fifth grade are welcome.   Please consider signing up your kids, grandkids, neighbor's kids for this wonderful experience. We need the following help with our decorating: 1 EZ Up Tents/Canopies, ethnic looking rugs and blankets for the tents, large baskets. We will need these items by July 20th and will return them August 3rd.  Please let Beth Henricks  ( know if you have any of these items. If you have volunteered to bring a basket or blanket please bring in to the office this Sunday or early next week.

 We will no longer be collecting pill bottles for WYM. The clinic has gotten additional funding and will be able to purchase new bottles. Thank you!

 Peace Fest 2014 is coming to First Friends on Sunday, August 3rd.  Historic Peace Churches will gather - Shalom Mennonite, First Mennonite, Northview Church of the Brethren, and Friends Meetings through the Indy area - to share and celebrate the goal of peace in our community and world.  First Friends is hosting this potluck lunch and gathering. Expect music, speakers, and lots of interesting time shared together.  Come one, Come all!

 Come and experience the Dairy Barn at the Indiana State Fair - we are one of the volunteer organizations that has been approved to work the Dairy Barn on Saturday August 9th.  We need to provide 14 people from 9:30 am to 9:45 pm and the Dairy Association will donate $1100 for our Quaker Affirmation Class.  Please contact Beth Henricks ( if you would like to work the shift from 3:30 pm to 9:45 pm.  Kids need to be 15 years old or can be accompanied by a parent if 12 - 15.  You will be provided several breaks and all of the Dairy Barn food you can eat (who could turn this down).  You can also visit the fair prior to your shift as we will provide the ticket into the fair.

Come and see the fabulous 1000 gallon water tank that a team of volunteers led by John Noble installed next to garden. They were able to repurpose the old landscape timbers to make a sturdy base. Thanks for all the support that the Meeting and Quaker EarthCare gave to this project.  Now, let the rains begin!

 Would you like to receive a copy of each First Day’s sermon?  Simply sign-up for Wednesday Word by sending an email request to or call the Meeting Office at 317-255-2485.
