Concerns, Announcements and Devotional Thought

A Weekly Ministry of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting

As Way Opens  by Beth Henricks

It has been a tough couple of days as we collectively mourn the loss of our beloved Howard Taylor this past Sunday.  Howard touched so many lives at First Friends over his 55 years attending the Meeting.  He started his journey here when Pastor Errol Elliott went canvassing in the neighborhood and knocked on Howard and Jean's door in the house they lived in a couple of blocks away from the newly built church in the mid 1950's.  He started attending at the invitation of Errol and became involved in so many aspects of the life of the Meeting over the years.  He had an amazing voice and joined the choir and shared his talent in song each Sunday until his stroke in 1999.  He was a successful business person and provided effective leadership of committees, was Clerk of the Meeting and offered financial understanding and acumen to the benefit of the Meeting.  He honored children and was an instrumental board member of Little Friends, a daycare we provided for a number of years.  He was full of stories.  If you ever sat at his table during our fellowship hour, you would have heard one of the many adventures Howard experienced in his 91 years.  

One of his greatest characteristics was his positive outlook and affirmation of the good in each of us.  He saw that seed of Spirit and Truth and Light within our being and supported our journey with kindness and generosity.   He had hardships that he had to bear in life, but he chose to find joy each day and I never saw him discouraged or full of complaints.  

Howard made each of us feel special.  His influence will stretch deep and wide for many years.  His imprint was unique and will never be replicated.  But we are all better humans and better Friends because we knew Howard Taylor.  Many blessing on his family, and we hold them in the Light as they begin their family journey without Howard by their side.  May we embody Howard's spirit and generosity within our own lives each day and make this world a better place to honor Howard.

Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities

Monthly Meeting has been moved from this Sunday to next Sunday, January 25th following Meeting for Worship.  All are welcome to join us to discuss the business of the Meeting.

Would you like to welcome people into our wonderful First Friends Meeting? Ann Panah is looking for people interested in greeting in the coming six months. She is asking people to sign up for an entire month so greeters can remember new attenders from the previous week(s). If you cannot take the whole month she’ll work with you to fill in the gaps. Please let the office know if you are interested. You do not need to be an extrovert – just a welcoming person.

Ladies!  Oak Leaf: Meeting for Reading will be discussing Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch on Tuesday January, the 27th, at 7 pm in the Parlor.   If you would like to be on the email list or need a copy of the book list for 2015, please contact the office. Peace Like A River, by Leif Enger is our upcoming book for February 24th.

Think Art!  Think Scripture!  An Exhibition of Fine Art Prints from The Saint John’s Bible are on display at the Indiana Interchurch Center until January 31st. They are located at 1100 West 42nd Street, here in Indianapolis. There are also related special events being held there, such as a panel discussion on January 21st, “Justice – How Do you Pursue?” and many more.  For information on events, please visit

Save The Date!  Saturday, March 21st! First Friends Meeting Talent Show! Start polishing those dancing shoes, and warming up your vocal chords… or preparing whatever talent you may have!

The Preschool Co-op is hosting a Rummage Sale here at First Friends on April 18th!!! They are organizing and hosting the event themselves, but we will share in the proceeds. We are asking our members/attenders to bring in items for sale as they are cleaning out closets, cupboards and garages.  We will accept all items (except no drop side cribs, car seats or bumbo seats).   Please start bringing in your items and place them in the unused Sunday School room with the sign that says Rummage Sale.

Hospitality, Companionship, Creating Space for Others…Discovering God in a Changing World. Join us for our second of an exciting 4-part program series with Dr. Dan Moseley right here at First Friends! The second session is January 31-February 1. It will consist of a Saturday retreat from 9-1pm, Meeting for Worship on Sunday at 10:15am followed by a luncheon and then a Q&A with Dan. We’ll have breakfast foods available on Saturday, and if childcare is needed, please let the office know. There is no fee, but you are encouraged to pre-register with Amanda Bow in the office at  Copies of Dan’s book, Lose Love Live: The Spiritual Gifts of Loss and Change is available in our office for $10 each.

IFCL Lobbyist Needed:  Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation (IFCL) has announced a Search Committee to fill the staff position of lobbyist to the Indiana legislature.  IFCL has for decades worked as a legislative action group advocating the social concerns of Friends to Indiana legislators. The position is a paid position. Bill Chapman is heading the Search Committee and can be contacted at  or (317) 255-4739. You can learn more about IFCL at

Would you like to receive a copy of each First Day’s sermon?  Simply sign-up for Wednesday Word by sending an email request to or call the Meeting Office at 317-255-2485. The sermons are also available both in text and audio on

