Friend to Friend
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Concerns, Announcements and Devotional Thought
A Weekly Ministry of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting
As Way Opens
Light was present in the Monthly Meeting room this past Sunday. Amidst the tender questions, the bold statements, the fiery proclamations, the eager concerns… Light was present. For the first time, our Meeting was asked to consider in a Meeting for Worship to Conduct Business the concern of equality for all persons, in marriage. Our Clerk led us carefully and well. We listened to each other, even when some things were difficult to hear. We laughed, when our common story reminded us of our joy together. God was present with us.
In times past, the equality question that’s come before us, has usually been “Who?” It has been framed as an “Us vs. Them” query. Who’s in, and who’s out? Scripture is full of these questions. Jesus was asked this question many times. The question that came before us this past Sunday was different. It was “How?” It was a “We” query. How will we care for, love, respect, honor one another? The first question is easy to answer. It’s much easier to figure out how to live as “Us vs. Them”, than as “We”. That’s why everyone loves our Meeting so much. This is exactly why people are attracted to First Friends. There aren’t many faith communities who have the wide diversity of opinion, of faith experience, of Biblical understanding, of Quaker heritage, or life itself, that holds them together with such passion. They, like we, are seeking to learn more of God… to know a God who loves them through people like you.
Jesus had a lot of answers for us about how to love one another. He didn’t give us a choice. He reminded us of God’s command; to love God first and always with everything we’ve got, and then to love everyone else as much as we love ourselves. It takes a lot of work to do this. If you’re anxious about how our Meeting will answer these “how” questions in the coming days, I’d ask you to remember Jesus. He literally “hung around” to show us the answer.
Love and Light,
Considering the Query: ‘Be aware of the spirit of God at work in the ordinary activities and experience of your daily life. Spiritual learning continues throughout life, and often in unexpected ways. There is inspiration to be found all around us, in the natural world, in the sciences and arts, in our work and friendships, in our sorrows as well as in our joys. Are you open to new light, from whatever source it may come? Do you approach new ideas with discernment? From Advices and queries; Britain Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice, 5th edition, @ 1995-2015
Joys & Concerns
Eight walkers and a dog participated in the Crop Walk for Hunger this past Sunday. Donations of $320 were given to support the efforts to reduce hunger. Thanks to all for their participation. If you would like to contribute to this cause, please contact Beth Henricks ( as donations are still being received.
Meridian Street Preschool Co-Op! The fall festival this past Saturday was a wonderful time of fun and fellowship. Several of our families joined families from the preschool co-op for a beautiful fall event that included chili, games, costumes and music. We are blessed to have the preschool here at First Friends. We have several families that attend both the preschool and First Friends. A big thank you to our Meeting for opening our hearts and doors for this event.
Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities
Jewish and Quaker - Finding Solidarity in our Shared Values. Share a Middle Eastern meal and meet Brant Rosen, the American Friends Service Committee Regional Director this Thursday October 22nd from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the Indiana Interchurch Center at 1100 42nd St. Brant is a Jewish Rabbi that has written the book, Wrestling in the Daylight - A Rabbi’s Path to Palestinian Solidarity and will speak about his experiences and work. Brant is a fascinating person in a leadership role at one of our Quaker national organizations so you won’t want to miss this. His book will be available for purchase that evening with all proceeds supporting American Friends Service Committee. Attached is the link to register - the cost to attend is $25.00.
YFYF Halloween Haunted House Fun! The Young Friends Youth Fellowship will be joining together to have their Halloween fun this Saturday, October 24th at 7pm. Afterwards, (if we didn't lose any kids to the Haunted House), we will be coming back to Meeting and enjoying S'mores out on the front patio. If you haven't already RSVP please do so by Thursday to Hayley Adams (
Speed Queries this Sunday! Speed Queries is like Speed Dating, only in a distinctly Friendly style! Many of us have been following Ruthie’s queries on our own (, but Speed Queries will be a fun way to meet some new faces and engage more deeply with the questions in a social atmosphere. Stick around for one hour after Fellowship time THIS Sunday, October 25 to discuss three queries with three different partners. Who will be your partner? It’s a surprise! You will have to come to find out! Snacks will be provided.
Central Area Meeting on Sunday Nov 2nd at 2:00 p.m. First Friends is part of Western Yearly Meeting which divides up all the Meetings into various areas. We are part of Central Area Meeting that includes Valley Mills, First Friends, and West Newton. (West Newton Meeting is not splitting as was earlier reported.) We will meet for fellowship and business as an area on Sunday, November 2nd at 2:00 p.m. at Valley Mills. Please mark your calendars. Everyone is welcome.
Sponsor a College Student: There are only a couple of young people left to select for this important ministry of care and love to our college students. Please
Consider selecting a student (the poster board of student information is in fellowship hall) to periodically send notes, treats or words of
Encouragement throughout the year. Our students love to hear from us and
Receive something in the mail. Please let Beth Henricks
( know if you would like to sponsor a student. We would like to have all of our students selected by this Sunday.
First Friends Pictorial Directory! Contact Sue Mills for an appt: 431-2900 Pictures will be taken by Lifetouch Directories at the Meeting House on Wed., Nov. 4 – Sat., Nov. 7. Finished pictures will arrive in time for Christmas cards. This is a great chance to have a professional picture taken of you and/or your family. Having everyone participate enables the directory to be as useful as possible to facilitate our knowing one another, and in putting names and faces together. We only do this every 4 years, so hopefully everyone will be able to participate.
Each year Western Yearly Meeting initiates an outreach project to help the less fortunate. This year’s project is to raise $12,000 for health and education in East Africa. Monies collected will be evenly divided to assist as follows: 1) Water and sanitation projects in Kenya and Uganda...Friends United Meeting partners with Friendly Water for the World to expand access to low-cost clean water technologies (biosand water filters) and information about health and sanitation; 2) Lindi Friends School...founded in 1996 for young children living in the Kibera slum, Nairbi, Kenya, which is considered one of the largest slums in the world; 3) Lugulu Hospital...$40 provides one day of inpatient are to the poorest of the poor; the hospital’s motto is “We treat, but Jesus Heals and Saves.” Please consider helping Western Yearly Meeting reach its goal by contributing as you are able. Checks may be written to “First Friends” with a notation of “WYM outreach Project.” Thank you.
This year’s FUM Summer Mission Project is to support the Amari Play Canter. The Amari Play Center provides a pre-school education and a place to play for the community within the Amari Refugee Camp which is at the outskirts of the city of Ramallah, near Jerusalem. It is a symbol of tolerance and peace for the camp’s almost entirely Muslim population. Opportunities for education of these young children are very limited. This project will help repair, renovate and resurface the playground and will also provide new play equipment, refurbish the kitchen and bathrooms, and complete several other minor repairs. FUM’s goal is $25,000. Please help as you are able. Checks may be written to “First Friends” with a notation of “Amari Play Center.” Your support is appreciated.
Wanted for the Homeless: The John H. Boner Center would make good use of our old coats, scarves, gloves, mittens, hats to give to the homeless people they serve. Look for a donation box in Fellowship Hall. Our contact person there, Felecia, sends her appreciation for the underwear drive. Thanks to all who contributed. Linda Lee (317 253 0053)
Those who regularly attend Sunday School may now join the choir too, in preparing for the traditional Vesper service! Vesper rehearsals have 9:45 am each Sunday. The Vesper service will take place on Sunday, December 6 at 5 pm. “All are welcome”. Regular choir rehearsals start at the 9:00 am hour.
Set your clocks back before going to bed Saturday, October 31st.
Mark your calendar now!
First Friends Parents: Gently Used Toys (NOT new) are requested as Christmas presents for the children of MidNorth Food Pantry recipients. If you are clearing out old toys in preparation for influx of new toys at Christmas, please keep us in mind. They can be dropped off at the food donation station in Fellowship Hall or Kathy Farris (842-5844) will pick up.
“Friends Of Nature Kids” ~ Nature by Alphabet: Gather together some leaves, twigs, rocks, and other small things. See if you can spell your name by shaping the letters with these pieces of nature on a clear piece of ground. Try writing other words and maybe even a sentence. Can you read each other’s words? You can make a nameplate by saving the pieces of nature for your name and gluing them onto a piece of wood or paper. From ‘52 Nature Activities for Kids’ by Lynn Gordon
Indianapolis First Friends Meeting
Compassionate v Christian v Quaker
3030 Kessler Blvd. E. Dr. Indianapolis,