Friend to Friend
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Concerns, Announcements and Devotional Thought
A Weekly Ministry of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting
As Way Opens
Floyd arrived with an empty suitcase – one of those roller bags with a sturdy handle and wheels. It was a little worse for wear, but it would do. He’d made it down the steps, and was the first in line. Sam had signed him in, Pat had given him a number, and Carol greeted him at the door. (I was her shadow.) A shopping cart, some plastic bags, and we were off… a roll of toilet tissue, and some personal care items. Then canned vegetables, soups and beans, snacks, beverages. Pasta and peanut butter came next. Then we turned the corner. Bill was there with another big welcome and meat; chicken, tuna… drawn out of the freezer. Milk, yogurt, bread, baby foods, odds and ends. Floyd could take his apportioned amount of anything he wanted. His cart was full when we ended the line. All the while, Jim, Kathy, Bill, and Jade, were restocking shelves, helping others shop, finding boxes for those who had driven. Carol and I took Floyd’s suitcase, and filled it, moving the heaviest things to the ‘wheel end’ with breads, up top. Phil was there to help Floyd move his suitcase up the stairs, and out the door. He walked home, rolling his groceries with him. Now, I wonder, how can we get his glasses repaired?
This was my first, but not my last visit to MidNorth Food Pantry. This is one of many ways First Friends reaches out to our community, and it’s a powerful thing to see. Many of our members swarmed the place with energy, care, intention, and purpose in bringing Light to those who are surrounded by darkness for much of their lives. This is what we have… the opportunity to share God’s love in practical ways. You do it all the time… and may not even realize it. Smile. Say ‘hello’. Offer someone a seat. Open a door for them. Shop for a ‘friend’ each month, and donate to the food pantry. Make greeting cards, and send them on their way. You know what to do… you’re filled with Light, and now, you only have to let it shine!
If you’d like to support the MidNorth Food Pantry, here are some suggestions: plastic grocery bags, chili con carne or beef stew (a protein meal that’s easy to fix!), cereal, toiletry items or hotel sample bottles of lotion, shampoo, or soaps, simple foods – not fussy! and cash… the Pantry can often purchase food at discount prices – lower than what we could ever find in grocery stores.
Joys & Concerns
Kathy Rhyne was a little girl when she first learned the Lord’s Prayer. For quite a long time, she was certain God’s name was Howard. Why? “Our Father, who art in heaven, Howard be thy name!” Join us for more fun, and a loving sense of purpose in Women’s Ministries next quarter at Friends Women! If you’d like to, donate to our “Love Fund” this quarter, in support of Joyce Aljhouny, Director of the Ramallah Friends School in Palestine.
Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities
Join us for the Church Picnic & Worship in the Woods on May 31st. Worship will be at the normal time, 10:15am, in the Meditational Woods. Please bring your lawn chairs! Immediately following will be the church picnic, where we will provide fried chicken, hot & veggie dogs, rolls, ice cream, and drinks. If your last name begins with A-L, please bring a side or salad to share, if M-Z, please bring a dessert to share. Come prepared for fun with Friends, and join in the kickball game! In case of rain, or soggy surroundings, we will meet for worship in the Meeting Room.
Last week to apply for available Scholarships!
· The Friends Educational Fund Scholarship for undergraduate African American students
· The Overman Family Scholarship, in memory of Jess and Mark Overman, for members and attenders of First Friends. High school seniors through graduate students are welcome to apply, though undergraduate students will be given first consideration.
The deadline for the applications is May 31, 2015. For an application please contact the office.
Mark your calendars for June 14th-June 18th - Vacation Bible School will begin on Sunday from 11:45am to 1:45pm, and will continue Monday thru Thursday 6:30pm-8:30pm. If you are interested in being a part of this VBS adventure, we’re looking for volunteers! All children 5th grade and under are welcome! The program we will be using is Everest: Conquering Challenges with God's Mighty Power. Parents, please register your children with Beth Henricks at if they are able to attend.
An Evening of Storytelling and Music with Phil Gulley and Tim Grimm. Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation (“IFCL”) has planned an evening to remember with nationally known Quaker storyteller, Phil Gulley and rural Americana and southern Indiana’s favorite musical son, Tim Grimm on Friday, June 19 at 7 pm at First Friends Meeting, Indianapolis. Phil’s fun and entertaining storytelling and Tim’s heartwarming music and songs will take you on a journey to small town Indiana and rural Americana that will leave you smiling, laughing, clapping hands and stomping feet in ways you had only imagined. Tickets are $20 (advance) and $25 (at door). To obtain tickets, call 317 255 4739 (ask for Bill) or 317 730 2268 (ask for Tom). Phil’s books and Tim’s CDs will be available for sale and signing after the concert. There are a limited number of tickets. We encourage you to purchase them in advance. Proceeds go to benefit IFCL.
Do you know CPR? We would like to maintain a database of those that are certified. Please contact the office and let us know if you are!
Pave the way! Be aware that our parking lot will be seal coated this coming week. Parking lines will be painted soon after.
Are you looking for a place to live for the 2015-2016 school year near Butler? We got this note from Christine Orlowski: Hello! My friend and I are two Mental Health Counseling students at Christian Theological Seminary, right next to Butler. We are looking for a third roommate for a 3 bedroom house right by CTS. The lease would start in August, and would be for a year. We are Friends, 27-30 years old, introverts who enjoy good conversations, and value a clean/neat home! Sound like a living situation you'd like to be a part of? Please contact me if you are interested at We'd love to meet you! Thanks so much, Christine Orlowski.
Indianapolis First Friends Meeting
Compassionate v Christian v Quaker
3030 Kessler Blvd. E. Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46220