Friend to Friend

  Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Concerns, Announcements and Devotional Thought

A Weekly Ministry of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting



As Way Opens 

The past 3 days, our Meeting has been filled with children and adult volunteers gathering together for Vacation Bible School.  Our theme this year is Mt Everest - God will provide.  Each evening we are examining the dimensions of God’s love for us and how this love has been exhibited in history and how we experience this love today.  God provides for us, God comforts us and last night we talked about God heals us.   The verse we learned was from Psalm 147:3 -   "He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds”.   Yesterday, our dear Dan Mitchell made a large white heart and took a straight edge and cut it in two.  On the one side of the heart, we identified the physical hurts that we experience; illness, broken bones, family sickness.  On the other side of the heart we identified our emotional hurts; when people make fun of us, when we are afraid, when we are lonely, when we feel sadness for what is happening in our families.  We can all make our own list of what is breaking our heart today.  We all have our own Mt Everest that we are climbing today.   We are facing things that could be big or small but they make us feel broken. 


At the end of last night, we brought the broken heart together and put beautiful pink tape down the center of the heart.   The good news of our life is that God bandages our wounds and heals our hurts.  Our heart doesn’t look like it started, but it is now full of character, memories, words, and pink tape.  Our heart is shaped and changed through our life experiences.  God’s healing of our hearts continues to make us new beings with more capacity to share that healing with others.  That is the secret we learned last night.  God heals our heart so that we can help heal other hearts. 


Joys & Concerns


Duffy Fankboner shared the news that he is suffering with terminal cancer, and asked us to remember him in prayer. He is joyful, knowing he has a loving relationship with his Father God and with Jesus Christ.  He asks that we hold him in love, and ‘take on an attitude of celebration. You’d be doing me a big favor if you would… God gave me a great adventure in this life, and now I get to go to be with Him’.  God bless him!


Many thanks to the Chair Crew! John Noble, Ed Morris, Michael Hostetler, Billie Main, Norma Wallman, Mindy Sommer, Dan Mitchell and Bill and Kathy Farris did a super job of helping unpack our new chairs!!!


Ed Thomas was recently hospitalized and is now home again at Marquette Manor, under hospice care.  Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he journeys forward.


Joyce Bowman has returned home after knee replacement surgery and physical therapy.  We rejoice at her great recovery, and look forward to seeing her once again at Meeting for Worship! She is thankful for your prayers, cards, and visits.  Continue to pray for Joyce as she heals and recovers.


Have you seen Mt. Everest?  Our VBS set has been lovingly prepared by Dan Mitchell and Jim and Leslie Kartholl.  Next time you need a mountain… see them!


Ellie Arle will be traveling with nine other students from Speedway High School in a cultural exchange program with Speedway’s Italian sister city, Varano de Melegari.  While in Varano, they will stay with a host family to experience family life, culture, food etc. They will visit many Italian cities  including Florence, Venice, Rome etc.  Ellie departs tomorrow and will return on July 1st.  Ellie was selected from other students to particiapte in this program. She is 16, a junior at Speedway High School, part of our Affirmation class, and the daughter of Heather and John Arle.  We wish Ellie safe travels and will keep the group in our prayers.


Amanda and Lily Cordray are traveling to Washington DC this weekend for a program that is honoring veterans who died after the Vietnam War but due to chemical exposure during their tours.  Amanda’s father, Sargeant Randolph Craig Hamlyn did two tours in Vietnam and died in January 2008. Amanda will be reading his name during the ceremony and Lily, with Amanda’s sister, will place roses at the tribute site.  This day will be full of many emotions for Amanda’s family.  Please pray for their family.


Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities


This Friday! An Evening of Storytelling and Music with Phil Gulley and Tim Grimm 

Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation (“IFCL”) has planned an evening to remember with nationally known Quaker storyteller, Phil Gulley and rural Americana and southern Indiana’s favorite musical son, Tim Grimm this Friday, June 19 at 7 pm at First Friends Meeting.  Phil’s fun and entertaining storytelling and Tim’s heartwarming music and songs will take you on a journey to small town Indiana and rural Americana that will leave you smiling, laughing, clapping hands and stomping feet in ways you had only imagined.  Tickets are $20 (advance) and $25 (at door). To obtain tickets, call 317 255 4739 (ask for Bill) or 317 730 2268 (ask for Tom). Phil’s books and Tim’s CDs will be available for sale and signing after the concert.  There are a limited number of tickets.  We encourage you to purchase them in advance.  Proceeds go to benefit IFCL.  


Mid-North Food Pantry Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony and Open House is being held on Tuesday June 23rd at 2:00 p.m. for the ribbon cutting and 3:00 p.m. for the open house.  Mid-North is the food pantry that we support and they have done some renovations that you are invited to see at  3333 N. Meridian.


VBS Sunday! Come, Enjoy our Everest Adventure! Join us this Sunday morning for Meeting for Worship at 10:15 as we celebrate the experiences our VBS students have had exploring the power of God… songs, stories, pictures and music will help us focus on the lessons we all can learn together. 




This Sunday June 21st, will be Monthly Meeting for Business after Meeting for Worship and all are invited to attend.  We will be reviewing and asking for input on the job description for the new Youth Pastor.  A draft of this job description is attached.  The minutes from our May Meeting for Business are also attached for your review.


American Friends Service Committee is presenting a poster exhibit titled “All of Us or None:  Responses & Resistance to Militarism” at the Indiana Interchurch Center, 1100 W. 42nd Street. The exhibit runs June 2nd through June 20th, and is open weekdays 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. or by

appointment on weekends.  Also, at 6:00 p.m. on June 17th, there will be a reception and discussion on non-violent solutions to militarism.  This discussion will feature writer and radio journalist Vince Emmanuele and Dr. Terri Jett of the Butler University Political Science Department.



The Spiritual Heart of Earthcare is a workshop led by Katherine Murray at Fairfield Meeting on Saturday, June 20, at 4:30pm. The workshop will help you connect and better understand your relationship with the earth, identify your own leadings and concerns, discern spirit-led responses, and learn a few techniques for staying spiritually grounded when you feel overwhelmed or blocked.


KIB!  June 27 from 9-12.  Come be part of Keep Indy Beautiful’s first partnership with IMPD to help the residents of the Near Northwest neighborhood (near 30th & MLK) with a community cleanup. Let’s pool our energies to beautify a transitional area and support neighbors who work hard to keep their streets and alleyways clean. Please make plans to join the fun!  Meet at SW Corner of Udell and Rader Streets.  For more information, contact Mary Blackburn:


Jay Marshall, Dean of Earlham School of Religion, will be meeting with us for worship on Sunday, June 28th.  He is happy to take folks out to lunch after Meeting who might be interested in or have questions about the seminary experience at ESR.


Greg Keesling and Recycle Force: Mark your calendars for July 12! That's when Greg Keesling will be here to tell us about the mission of Recycle Force which combines environmental care and social ministry. Greg is a lifelong Quaker with deep roots in Indiana. He is the president and founder of Recycle Force which is a recycling company that emphasizes the recycling of electronic materials. While Recycle Force recycles most recyclable goods, they specialize in recycling computers, TVs,  monitors, printers, cell phones and just about anything electronic. In addition to this environmental service, Recycle Force provides jobs for people who have formerly been incarcerated. Recycle Force helps former inmates break the cycle of the revolving prison door by providing jobs, training, and other support systems. Plan to be here on 7/12 to hear more about this amazing man's story and mission!


Mark your calendars for an interfaith event hosted by Fairfield Friends MeetingOn Monday, July 13th, Noor-Malika Chisti will be presenting “Stories of a resilient heart:  navigating culture and religion in the pursuit of Peace.”  Noor-Malika Chisti is a founding member of the Southern California Committee for the Parliament of World Religions and the Southern California Muslim-Jewish Forum.  The event will take place July 13 at 6:30 p.m. at Fairfield Friends Meeting, 10441 E. County Rd. 700 S.; Camby, IN 46113.


Western Yearly Meeting, July 16-19 in Plainfield; Register Now!

‘Building Together to become God’s Dwelling’ is the theme for the sessions this year. Howard Macy will be the main speaker, and Alan Kolp will be bringing the Quaker Lecture. Workshops and worship will be offered, in addition to regular business.  Consider joining in the work and witness of Western Yearly Meeting at their summer session. Register by July 1 for Early Bird Rates.


 Women’s Choir Fun!  Join Ruthie and Pat for a Sunday of Song!

All women who love to sing are invited to sing in Meeting for Worship on Sunday, July 26th.  Save the date for lots of fun!  We will practice twice… Thursday, July 23 at 7:00 and Sunday, July 26 at 9:00.  Two pieces have been chosen… warm up your warblers!  We’re going to make a joyful noise! 


We still have folding chairs for you, if you’d like to take some before they leave for Goodwill!  You’ll find them on the stage in Fellowship Hall.  They need some TLC, but they still fold, and they still sit!



Indianapolis First Friends Meeting

Compassionate v Christian v Quaker

3030 Kessler Blvd. E. Dr.

Indianapolis, IN   46220

