As Way Opens

Dear Friends,    Our Finance Committee asked if they could bring the Meeting Message this past Sunday, and I hope you’ll take time to read or listen to it.  You’ll find it on our website at It was a gifted message about a little boy, two fish, and five loaves of bread… a story you’ve probably heard before.  But the message was nothing like anything you’ve heard.      First Friends Meeting is blessed with an abundance of gifts, and gifted people.  Many of us – most of us – consider First Friends our spiritual home.  This is our Meeting, and we love it.  It is God’s Meeting, a place where we have been drawn together by God’s Spirit, to gather in Meeting, to listen to God’s voice, and to move out into the world, carried by God’s Spirit into service.  We hold tightly the testimony of integrity in the financial choices we make.  How can we support the ministries and work of the Spirit that is First Friends Meeting?      First of all, by being informed.  Our Meeting serves our city and the world through the work of our staff, our building and grounds, the education, care, and ministries of its members and attenders, and the support of Quaker ministries worldwide.  We welcome all who enter, and share the deep and lasting love of God with everyone, through the power of the Holy Spirit, as taught to us by Christ Jesus.  We strive to live out a life of faith, based on our understanding of God’s call on our lives, lived out in the testimonies of Quakerism – simplicity, peace, integrity, community, and equality.  Most of all, we respect the importance of God’s voice, speaking uniquely to each one of us, personally and in community.  Based on projections for this calendar year/budget year, we held our budget with no raises for personnel (the largest part of our Meeting expense) and with a decrease in hours for our Office Administrator position. As you can see, our funding is not where we hoped it would be.        Aside from being informed, and making wise choices, how else can we support the spiritual work of First Friends Meeting?  First of all, by giving thanks, as Christ did, for what we have.  And then, by seeing what God will do with what we offer.  How is God asking us to financially support First Friends?  What part of our story is meaningful to you – to me?  What portion of our blessed life can we consider sharing with the Meeting, in order that it might be a blessing to others?  There are many ways we can and do give.  Thank you for your generosity.  Thank you for your continued giving.  Thank you for beginning to give.  Thank you for your care in this concern.          
 Considering the Quote: ‘As Christians, all we possess are the gifts of God.  Now in distributing it to others we act as his steward, and it becomes our station to act agreeable to that divine wisdom which he graciously gives to his servants.’               John Woolman, 1763

Bill Keene is looking for a bedroom (and possible separate bath) to rent. He has been attending First Friends for about 7 years. If you or someone you know has a room to rent, please call him at 317255-4855 (ask for Bill @ Webster’s Sporting Goods between 8:30-10am Monday-Sat) or chat with him here on Sundays.  

Please join us on Thursday April 28, 2016 at 7 p.m. for “Made In Indiana” an evening of music and storytelling with Phil Gulley, Scott Russell Sanders, Krista Detor and Tim Grimm at the Royal Theater in Danville, IN.  A reception and book signing will follow the concert. The book signing sales will benefit the Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation. For tickets please call (317) 370-9329 or (317) 386-3111, as well as by visiting The Royal Theater is located at 59 S. Washington Street, Danville, IN 46122.    

Are you interested in saving honeybees? Did you know that bees pollinate 1/3 of nuts, fruits, and vegetables that we eat? Come join an information session about the importance of bees and how to be a beekeeper. You are invited to meet with local beekeeper, David Wheeler, in our parlor tomorrow night April 28th, 2016 at 7pm. David has offered to work with persons in the Meeting who would like to work with Bees, and the possibility of having a bee hive in our back garden plots here at First Friends. David is affiliated with the Seventh Day Adventist garden at 64th and Oxford. If you have any questions please contact Nancy Scott at 317-523-5756.   

United Society of Friends Women Quaker Men International Triennial Meetings July 7 – July 10 Cedar Rapids, Iowa   
Join together with Quakers from around the world for a time of worship, fellowship, study and joy. Ruthie Tippin will lead the Daily Bible Studies for USFWI, and Ron Bryan will lead the Daily Bible Studies for QMI.  A number of international speakers will bring messages for the evening gatherings. Men and women will join together for Mission Workshops and Sunday Morning Meeting for Worship.   Triennial Sessions begin with registration on Thursday, July 7, 2016, at 8:30 a.m. Triennial ends after lunch on Sunday, July 10. Conference registration costs $375 per person prior to May 14th ($400 after) and includes ten meals.  Hotel costs $105/night. Register at  Daily registrations are also available.  Registrations are due by May 14, 2016, with a minimum deposit of 50% of total conference costs. No refunds after June 3rd.   

Lena Brooks-Kelly and Ruth Kelly are hosting a Bridal shower for their sister/daughter, Amanda Brooks-Kelly, on Sunday, May 15 at 3:00pm at their home. If you would like attend, please rsvp to Ruth by May 9 at Amanda and her fiancé, Zachary Weiss, will be married by their rabbi, Rabbi Skydell, in Connecticut on June 19. Lena BrooksKelly will be serving as Maid of Honor. The couple is registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond and Bloomingdale's.  

Poetry Group will meet at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17 in the Parlor. Melora Cox will present a program on ‘Transformational Experiences in Poetry.’ This will be our last program until we resume meeting in September!   

Service Appreciation Dinner ~ All are invited to share memories and stories about several of our treasured members who have admirably served First Friends over the years.  Please reserve Sunday, May-22, 5:30-8:30, for this exciting free dinner and program. You need to sign up to attend.  See the sign-up sheet on the table in the hallway or call the office for your reservations 317-255-2485.   

This year, we had a couple members from First Friends go to the FWCC trip to Peru who came back with wonderful ideas and plans on how to make First Friends eco-friendlier. They employed us with the task of completing two sustainable projects, and we have just completed the first one! Indianapolis First Friends is now provided with 100% Green Energy from Indianapolis Power and Light. This service is even available for your own residential home. To learn more about Green Energy go to     

Friends of Nature Kids” ~ Name Chain ~ This game works well for groups of more than four people. Make a circle and create a rhythm with your hands by clapping and then patting your legs alternately over and over again. Keep the rhythm while one person starts by naming something found in nature. Without missing a beat, the next person says what the previous person said and adds something to it. Continue around the circle as many times as you can until someone forgets one of the things, loses the rhyme, or can’t think of anything to add. Now a person starts with a new word.
