As Way Opens

Matt and Seth used to have a bunch of Transformers when they were kids – plastic figures that could be twisted and reconfigured into different characters.  No additional parts necessary.  A car would become ‘Optimus Prime’, the leader of the Autobots and an aircraft would change into ‘Megatron’, the leader of the Decepticons.  The tagline for the Transformers was ‘more than meets the eye.’   The boys played with them for hours.

The only thing necessary for Optimus Prime to appear was a child.  The boys could twist and change those figures into a character with personality and purpose.  We too, with no additional parts necessary, can be transformed.  God, through the work of the Spirit, can move through us, reconfiguring our lives.  God does not act on us – God acts in us.  God moves through the Holy Spirit, through each movement, each thought, each action, each breath we take.  God, our Creator, has designed us in God’s image – we are well known, intimately known to God.  God understands our capacity and knows our potential.  Our lives are full of promise.

Many of us have gotten stuck.  We’ve been in the bottom of the toy box for too long.  We’ve become used to the shape we’re in, and satisfied with the position we hold.  But what is it that God’s Spirit would have us become?  What potential does God have in mind for us to achieve?  What role does God ask us to play?  There is more to us than meets the eye – and God knows what that is.  Will you allow yourself to become vulnerable, to become malleable, to be transformed through the love of God, and become the person God had in mind when he originally designed you?

“And now Lord, with your help, I shall become myself.”  Kierkegaard

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Considering the Quote: “Here is the unfailing attraction of the life in Christ.  It is a life which even to old age, is always on the upgrade; there is always something calling for a joyful looking forward; it is a life where, across each revelation of God’s grace as it comes to us is written, in letters of gold, ‘Thou shalt see greater things than these.’  It gives full scope to our latent chivalry, to our desire for high adventure.  No conceivable life can be so interesting, so stimulating, as that which we live in Christ.” 

Friend William Littleboy (1853-1936)

Joys & Concerns

What a wonderful time we shared this past Sunday night at the Service Appreciation Dinner!  It was a blessing to spend time with good friends, to share stories of time well spent together, and lives given in purpose for God’s work among Friends.  Many thanks to our Witness and Service Committee and the Fellowship Committee for planning, preparing and hosting such a lovely, loving event.

Great thanks to our Food Pantry Volunteers. 144 lbs. of food were delivered from First Friends!

Word has come that Phyllis Hurley has passed away. She died on Friday, May 13th in Terre Haute.  She and her husband Bill had three children – Bruce, Craig, and Jill, and five grandchildren.  They were a busy and active part of First Friends Meeting for many years.  A private memorial service will be held for immediate family. Let us keep Phyllis’ family in our hearts and prayers.  For her obituary go to If you’d like to send her family a card, please call the office for the address of her surviving daughter, Jill.

Our own Dan Lee has an article in the latest Friends Journal Magazine (May 2016) on Being Rufus Jones.  There is a picture of Dan as Rufus and also Deb Hejl as Lucretia Mott taken at last year’s Western Yearly Meeting annual session.  Dan highlights the influence that Rufus has had on his life drawing him into Quakerism and expanding his faith journey.  Dan, thanks for representing First Friends so well through the spoken word!

Announcements, Reports & Opportunities

Please note: There will be no Monday Meditational Worship at First Friends on Memorial Day. You are, as always, welcome to worship wherever you are. The Office will be closed.

 Everence’s 2016 Rebate for Mission award!
You can help Friends United Meeting receive one of two $16,200 grants by clicking on this link and casting your vote for FUM today. Voting ends on June 17. The two organizations with the greatest number of votes receives an award. Please help us be one of them!   You can only vote once—but you can pass this along to your Friends!  VOTE BY CLICKING HERE

Quaker Haven Camp is hosting a work day and a prayer walk this Saturday, May 28.  They invite churches, youth groups, or individuals to come up to camp, spend a day preparing camp for the Summer Season. They provide lunch to all volunteers. The prayer walk is also open to anyone and will begin at 3pm that day. Please visit for more details.

Make Plans for Memorial Day Weekend! Join us this Sunday, May 29th for Worship in the Big Oval! Memorial Day Sunday’s are really special at First Friends Meeting – we gather in Fellowship Hall, and enjoy our own ‘Indy 500’ experience in the Spirit!  Bring your family and friends, and join us at 10:15.  

Do you want to Ish? - Ish Group: A small group gathering for adult fellowship started by former members of the young adult group who weren’t sure if they were still youngish or adultish. Ish social events are often centered on food, spirits, and connection with Spirit through one another. Most that attend are 30ish to 50ish, but all adult attenders, members or their guests are welcome.  Meetings are held monthlyish at a member/attender’s home. See Bill Heitman ( to be kept up with upcoming events or visit the first Friends Ish Facebook Group for details and ongoing Ish conversation. 
Next Ish gathering: A sushi making party hosted by Nichole Mathews on Friday June 3rd. 

Join us for the Church Picnic & Worship in the Woods on June 5th. Worship will be at the normal time, 10:15am, in the Meditational Woods. Immediately following will be the church picnic. Fried chicken, hot dogs & veggie dogs, rolls, ice cream, and drinks are all provided! We ask that you bring something based on your last name: 
A-M: desserts
N-Z: sides & salads

We will have kickball afterward, weather permitting. 
We hope to see you there!

The Quaker Religious Education Collaboration (QREC) invites you to Instilling Quaker Identity through Religious Education, a weekend gathering that includes a series of workshops, plenaries, interest circles, displays, fellowship, worship, and celebration. It is being held June 10-12 at the Quaker Hill Conference Center in Richmond. You can register online at Questions? Contact

Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation (IFCL) will be showing a film in the parlor on Friday, June 10th from 7:00-8:30 PM.  Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and The NRA tells the stories of how guns, and the billions made off of them, affect the lives of everyday Americans. It features personal stories from people across the country who have been affected by gun violence, including survivors and victims' families. Anyone is invited to attend this screening! 

The Overman Family Scholarship, in memory of Jess and Mark Overman, is available again this year. High school seniors through graduate students are welcome to apply.  Undergraduate students will be given first consideration. The scholarship fund is designated to support the members and attenders of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting. Scholarship funds may be applied to any school related expense, i.e. books, supplies, tuition, housing, computer, etc. The deadline for application is June 19, 2016. For an application please contact the office at 255-2485 or

Follow the Drinkin’ Gourd - Westfield Parks and Recreation and Main Street Productions have partnered on this original musical production that follows one family on their journey from slavery to freedom in the pre-Civil War era. The premiere of "Follow the Drinkin' Gourd," on the lawn of historical Asa Bales Park, will take attendees along the Underground Railroad with only the "drinkin' gourd" (Big Dipper) to guide them. The special performance highlights the struggles, fears, and hopes that slaves experienced in their attempts to achieve freedom. Performances are June 17-19, with each performance will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including a short intermission. Adult tickets are $12. For event and ticket information, please visit or call 317-804-3184.

First Friends is exploring the possibility of keeping a beehive on our property. Bees are actually very important to the environment and to the health of plants and even humans! Honey bees are dying at alarming rates around the world. Did you know that honey bees pollinate a third of the human diet including nuts, fruits and vegetables?
David, local beekeeper, is willing to donate a hive and honey bees, as well as provide training for anyone interested in learning to care for the bees. See the bulletin board in the meeting for more Friendly Facts about Bees, and please take a notecard on the table in the hallway for more information on how you can help support bees! For more information, please contact Nancy Scott, 317-523-5756.

Jeff Rasley has a new book: Hero's Journey - John Ritter, the Chip Hilton of Goshen, Indiana; a Memoir. It's part memoir about childhood heroes and part biography of John Ritter. John was a star for the Indiana University Hoosiers and captain of Bob Knight's first Final Four team.  His life later took a very unexpected turn.  Jeff set out to discover what happened to John and why.  The book is also a meditation on what makes a hero, why individuals and nations need heroes, and how they are used and abused. The eBook and paperback can be purchased through Amazon.

“Friends of Nature Kids” ~ Leaf to Leaf ~ How many different kinds, colors, and shapes of leaves can you find? Collect samples of leaves that have fallen or draw their shape on a piece of paper. See if you can find out what kind of tree each leaf is from by talking to your parents and neighbors, looking in a book, or asking someone who works in a park.   
 From 52 Nature Activities by Lynn Gordon, Chronicle Books, San Francisco.

