As Way Opens
At our beautiful Candlelight Christmas Eve Service this year, I shared the following words written by Brian McLaren from his book, We Make the Road by Walking. They are a great reminder for us as we prepare to enter a New Year.
“What do we mean when we say Jesus is the light? Just as a glow on the eastern horizon tells us that a long night is almost over, Jesus’ birth signals the beginning of the end for the dark night of fear, hostility, violence, and greed that has descended on our world. Jesus’ birth signals the start of a new day, a new way, a new understanding of what it means to be alive.
Aliveness, he will teach, is a gift available to all by God’s grace. It flows not from taking, but giving, not from fear but from faith, not from conflict but from reconciliation, not from domination but from service. It isn’t found in the outward trappings of religion -- rules and rituals, controversies and scruples, temples and traditions. No, it springs up from our inner most being like a fountain of living water. It intoxicates us like the best wine ever and so turns life from a disappointment into a banquet. This new light of aliveness and love opens us up to rethink everything -- to go back and become like little children again. Then we can rediscover the world with a fresh, childlike wonder -- seeing the world in a new light, the light of Christ.”
Join me in starting this New Year with a new light of aliveness, rethinking everything, rediscovering the world, and preparing to see it with childlike wonder! Happy New Year!
Grace and peace,
Joys & Concerns
What a wonderful worship experience we had this past Sunday on Christmas Eve. We enjoyed a night of Jazz, Christmas music, story-telling, and exploring the Light. Also thank you Eric B, for bringing several musicians to share in music with us and give us a unique worship experience.
Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities
Please note that there will be no Sunday School this coming Sunday, December 31st. Classes will resume Sunday, January 7th. This coming Sunday worship will be our normal service in the Meeting Room at 10:15. We hope to see you then!
Happy New Year! Please note there will be no Meditational worship on Monday, January 1st in observance of New Years Day. The office will also be closed that day. Happy Holidays!
Vespers DVDs ~ Did you enjoy our Vespers service this year? Or maybe you missed it and would like to see it? DVDs of this year's Vespers service are now available. People can send orders to the office at They are $1 each. Also thank you to Norma Wallman who provided the camera and did the filming.
Warm Clothes for a Cold Winter~ We are again collecting used outdoor winter clothes. Coats, gloves, mittens, hats, for children or adults. Here is an opportunity to give without spending more money! In Fellowship Hall look for the box for J. H. Boner Center.
We are in need of volunteers next month for the Mid North Food Pantry! ~ Due to the holidays, several of the “regulars” will not be able to volunteer at the food pantry on Wednesdays, January 3 & January 17. If you are in town and available during any of these dates, please consider volunteering. Let the office know if you are interested or have questions. Thank you for your assistance!