As Way Opens

Ground of Being - Paul Tillich

"There is no tyranny in your Divine essence.  Rather, you are part of the cause and effect of this intrinsic world and of our very self.  You, the solid base upon which all exists, remain beyond our greatest comprehension.  We can only speak about and proclaim you through the guiding help of symbol and story.  Still, we dare to approach and believe in you, because somewhere deep within our soul, we know you are who you are."


Our comprehension of the mystery of God is limited, small and always lacking because God’s essence and love is far beyond our understanding.  We catch a glimpse of God through symbol and story but it is only a glimpse and offers a small window into the nature of God.  And yet that glimpse of seeing and knowing comes from God within me.  I was raised in a faith tradition that taught about the depravity of man and that we must be saved from our sinful, fallen nature.  I never understood this when I consider that we are all made in God’s image.  I like what Richard Rohr says about understanding God.  "Remember, it’s God in you that loves God. You, on your own, don’t really know how to love God. It’s Christ in you that recognizes Christ. It’s the Holy Spirit, whose temple you are (see 1 Corinthians 3:16), that responds to the Holy Spirit. Like recognizes like. That’s why all true cognition is really recognition (“re-cognition” or knowing something again). Only so far as you have surrendered to Christ and allowed the Christ in you to come to fullness can you love Christ. It’s Christ in you that recognizes and loves Christ."


Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities


Free ink – Thanks to Laura Cruise-Gibson, we have two ink HP 564XL ink cartridges up for grabs. They are free to anyone who needs them. Please contact the office if you’re interested.


Please join us for Community Soup this Thursday, August 3, sponsored by Witness & Service. Come by anytime between 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.  Since it is summertime, we plan to serve salads, bread and desserts. No cooking, no dishwashing, and no charge.  If you are able, please plan to attend and bring a salad and/or dessert to share.  Hope you can make it.


Friends Education Fund Scholars will be honored this Sunday, August 6:  A Quaker college scholarship program for African American students was created in the mid-1940’s by several members of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting who were the surviving governing board of the only orphanage for African American children in the state of Indiana.  Since that time, a great number of scholarships have been awarded, and many students have gone on to academic life.  Come and hear the story of how it all began, and celebrate with these fine young people – both in worship and Fellowship Hour.


Beneath it all some children go bare.
Those kids need some underwear!
So go and shop because Quakers care.
Briefs and bras, undershirts and camisoles,
socks for the feet, new things without holes.

Underneath It All – First Friends ninth annual underwear drive ends August 31st! We are asking for donations of new underwear, as well as socks, t-shirts, bras, etc, from toddler to adult sizes! Cash or checks are also accepted and may be made out to First Friends and placed in offertory plates if labeled as donations to the Underwear Drive. Contact the office if you have questions.


Calling all ice cream lovers! First Friends will be working at the Dairy Bar at the Indiana State Fair on Saturday, August 12th all day. We have one more spot we need to fill, from 3:30-9:30pm. It is fast paced but lots of fun! Volunteers will receive a free ticket to the State Fair for that day, as well as unlimited ice cream, shakes and cheese sandwiches. Please let the office know if you’re interested in volunteering, or use the signup sheet in the hallway!


Feminist & Theologian Grace Ji-Sun Kim ~ Join us to meet and hear Grace discuss her work for her forthcoming book, Planetary Solidarity, Global Women’s Voices on Christian Doctrine and Climate Justice, hosted by Fairfield Friends Meeting, Saturday, August 5, 9am-noon. Grace Ji-Sun Kim is an Associate Professor of Theology at Earlham School of Religion and an ordained minister of Word and Sacrament within the PC (USA) denomination. She is the author or editor of 11 books and is co chair of a steering committee, “Women of Color Scholarship, Teaching and Activism.” She sits on the editorial board for the Journal for Religion and Popular Culture, is a referee for 3 journals, and has written for Huffington Post, Sojourners,, and more. This lecture is free and open to the public. A light lunch will follow the presentation. Held at Fairfield Friends Meeting, 10441 E. CO. RD. 700 S, Camby, IN. Please RSVP by emailing Fairfield Friends.


Indians Ball Game with Friends! Join First Friends on Sunday, August 27th at 1:30 PM to see the Indianapolis Indians! This is a time of fun for anyone to join in from First Friends and ticket costs will be free! Friends are encouraged to carpool with each other to save on parking, and we will all meet at the ballpark. It’s also the last home game of the season and kids 14 and under eat free! Contact the office if you’re interested. Please RSVP as soon as possible—first come, first served!


New Library Books Ready for Checkout! Now that the library committee under John M's direction has purchased 30 new books, brief descriptions of them will slowly appear in Friend to Friend. In the library, you will find a clipboard with a sign out sheet. Please remember to let us know when you return the book, as well as when you check it out. Here are a few of the new Library Books Ready for Checkout:

Simply Quakers: Who are the Quakers and what do they do?
A comic book for beginners

This thin, colorful book condenses history (including biographies), beliefs, worship and processes of Quakers in clever cartoons. There are several pages of advices and queries. And a brief, interesting section comparing Quakerism to other religions. Erick Dries is Dutch. The book's publisher is FGC Quaker Press.

Gathered: Contemporary Quaker Poets
Edited by Nick Mcrae

Here are deep and powerful poems from Quakers across the religious and cultural spectrum. Many of the poets have won awards and been published in prestigious journals, several have been editors of prominent literary magazines. A valuable collection!

A Living Faith: An Historical and Comparative Study of Quaker Beliefs
Wilmer A. Cooper

After ten years here is a new edition of a favorite book popular among Quakers for discussion groups, Sunday School classes, and as an introduction for newer attendees and members.


Did you know the Quakers helped the Japanese after WWII? All are invited to visit a small exhibit at the Bona Thompson Memorial Center in Indianapolis to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the signing of executive order 9066, which sent Japanese Americans into the internment camps. Around the country, and here in Indianapolis as well, Japanese families had to start their lives over. As it turns out, Quakers, who could see the injustice of this incarceration of innocent people, stepped in and helped many Japanese families restart their lives during this time. The exhibitor herself, Anne, was part of a family that was helped by the Quakers. Come see her exhibit--opening August 5 and running through October 1, 2017. More details can be found at


Valley Mills Friends invites you to a Quaker Jamboree with Annie and Peter Blood Patterson Thursday, August 24 at 7pm. If you know the songbook "Rise Up Singing" that has been used at many fun Quaker sing-alongs, you might know of Annie Patterson and Peter Blood-Patterson who compiled it. They are released Friends who travel in Quaker circles bringing their ministry of community-building through singing together. Committed to fostering Hope, they are coming to Indiana in August. This is a fundraiser for Valley Mills Friends and the Blood-Pattersons' with a suggested donation at the door and opportunity to buy songbooks and CD's. The concert & singalong will take place in the meeting room of Valley Mills Friends, 6739 W Thompson Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46241.  Refreshment to follow.


Shalom Zone Electronics Recycling Event ~ If an item runs (or used to run) with a plug or a battery, you can recycle it! This includes (but is not limited to) appliances, TVs, DVD/VCRs, gaming consoles, fax machines, Christmas tree lights, calculators, toner cartridges, hair dryers, and more! The Shalom Zone is holding their annual Recycle Force event at Epworth United Methodist Church, 6450 Allisonville Road, on Saturday, October 7, 10am-2pm. Please bring any items you wish to recycle to Epworth on the day of the event. A $10 donation is requested for CRT type monitors/TVs smaller than 27”; a $20 donation is requested for appliances containing Freon (fridges, freezers, A/C units, etc) and TVs larger than 27”; any other monetary contributions are also greatly appreciated.
