As Way Opens

Last week I suffered a severe gash on my right forefinger through a strange series of events.  When this happened, it hurt but the pain was not unbearable.  I actually didn’t know how bad the gash was until I looked down and my finger was bleeding profusely.  I gathered up gauze and applied pressure to stop the bleeding.  For the next half hour, I sat in the chair, taking a peek at the gash and trying to decide if I needed to go to an urgent care facility for a few stitches. I could hardly look at the wound as there was such a large opening on my finger.

I decided to sit tight for the evening and see how things progressed.  The next few hours were pretty amazing to me.  I don’t understand the biology of what occurred, but I could see that the wound was starting the healing process and the gap started to begin to fill.  It was one of the few times in my life that I carefully watched a wound begin to heal and I was in awe of how incredible our bodies are made.  In a strange way, I felt God all evening working through my energy and my body to begin healing.  I realized that I need to pay more attention to the potential ways that God can work in and through me.  And I was reminded of the words from my favorite Psalm 139…."For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb, I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, wonderful are your works; that I know very well".

When I had uterine cancer 14 years ago, I lamented that my body had betrayed me and I was angry.  But through that experience I actually realized how amazing my body was and that it had sent me warning signs of my trouble that I finally paid attention to and took action to go see my doctor.  I wasn’t angry anymore and I realized that the most important healing process through that experience happened internally for me.  My heart and spirit broke open in a new way that allowed me to see and experience God and the world differently.


Joys & Concerns

We had a great Scout Sunday on February 4th where we honored all current and past scouts. Here are photos of some of our scouts reciting the Girl Scout Promise, Girl Scout Law, Boy Scout Oath, and Boy Scout Law. Everyone standing is a past or present scout or scout leader! Thank you, Scouts!


Announcements, Reports & Opportunities

Family Bowling ~ Please join us for a bowling party hosted by the Christian Education Committee. It will be this Sunday, February 11th at noon at Woodland Bowl, 3421 E 96th St. First Friends will provide 2 games, shoe rental, pizza and drinks for everyone. Please RSVP with the office at

Eco Film ~ The first Eco-film showing of the year will be A Plastic Ocean, held this Friday, February 9th at 7:00pm at Cross and Crown Lutheran Church, 5233 E. 79th St. A Plastic Ocean begins when journalist Craig Leeson, searching for the elusive blue whale, discovers plastic waste in what should be pristine ocean. In this adventure documentary, Craig teams up with free diver Tanya Streeter and an international team of scientists and researchers, and they travel to twenty locations around the world over the next four years to explore the fragile state of our oceans, uncover alarming truths about plastic pollution, and reveal working solutions that can be put into immediate effect. 
Also mark your calendars for the next Eco-film showing on March 9 which will be Clean Disruption: Energy and Transportation at Epworth United Methodist Church. Keep an eye out for more information on the April showing, which will be held here at First Friends!

Seasoned Friends Wednesday, February 14~ Join us on Valentine’s Day at 11:30am for Seasoned Friends luncheon and fellowship for all who are retired or of retirement age. Lunch will consist of comfort food with a Valentine’s twist. We will meet in the Parlor and enjoy each other’s company with games and movies. Please contact the office if you’ll be able to join us at or (317) 255-2485. Hope to see you there!

Community Soup & FCNL Priorities ~ Witness & Service will host the next Community Soup Thursday February 15 from 5:30 pm – 7 pm. Everyone is invited to this very informal dinner. If you’d like, you’re welcome to bring a soup but not necessary.  During dinner, starting at 6:30, anyone is invited to join us for our FCNL priority setting. This dialog takes place every two years, to discuss what legislative priorities we would like for Friends Committee on National Legislation to focus on during the next Congress. FCNL seeks the input from all Quaker Meetings and Churches to compile its list of priorities to work on with Congress. We welcome your input and encourage you to join us for soup, discussion, or both!

Threshing at the Tap: (def.) a gathering of men who mull over current issues or topics, where all points of view are heard, no decisions are made, and beverages are enjoyed.
PLEASE NOTE we are changing the date in February so as not to conflict with Community Soup & the FCNL priorities discussion. It will be held Thursday night, February 22nd at 7pm at Taxman Brewing, 29 S Main St, Fortville, IN 46040. We hope to see you there!

AVP (Alternatives to Violence Project) Indiana is planning a Basic Workshop to be held here at First Friends! It will be on Saturday March 3rd from 8:30am to 8:00pm and Sunday March 4th, from 8:30am to 7:00pm. Lunch and dinner will be provided. They use a sliding fee scale to cover food and expenses of the workshop: $10 to $40, depending on your financial means. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. AVP seeks to help those interested in learning new and creative ways to respond to conflict in personal relationships and groups. The workshops use the shared experience of participants, interactive exercises, games and role-plays to examine the ways in which we respond to situations where injustice, prejudice, frustrations and anger can lead to aggressive behavior and violence. The training is highly experiential and fun, with participants choosing many of the ways in which the exercises and skill-learning occurs. For more information and to register, visit their website at They are also looking for volunteers to host out-of-town facilitators and help with food. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the office at or at (317) 255-2485. Thank you.

Rise Up Singing! ~ The Sing Along will happen again on Friday, March 9, the second Friday of the month, at 7:00 in the parlor. We are using Rise Up Singing and Rise Again. Lyrics for all the songs from Rise Again are on You Tube and many from the older book are also available. If you don’t want to buy the books, charge your electronics and come ahead. You may email song requests and/or book orders to We have an order already for two books, so if three more books are ordered there is a 20% discount on all. The larger size is $29.00, plus shipping. Slightly lower for smaller size. Dan and Beth H, founders of Indy Folk Series, will again be joining Jim K. Three guitars and lots of song and laughter along with the singing. Ends around 8:30. Our voices were tired by 9:00.  

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