As Way Opens

A couple weeks ago I shared my love as a child for the Space Program in this column. In thinking about that era, I was reminded of my grade school science teacher, and, hands down, one of the best teachers I have been honored to have, Mr. Kramer.

Mr. Kramer was a unique and incredibly dedicated teacher. To me, he was Bill Nye the Science Guy in real time. From his belief in the importance of teaching Macintosh computer programming starting in second grade (yes, 1980), to challenging me and a friend to build a model of the entire school for an upcoming construction project just to teach us about architecture, to those wacky science experiments that had me and my class rivetted and loving science, he did it all in his own laid back but inviting way.

Mr. Kramer also lived along the path in town, where I rode my bike to my grandparent’s house. I would see him out working in his garden, or on a project and stop for hours to talk and glean some new trade or experience from him. One day he asked if I would be willing to help him on Saturday mornings at our church. He was also the church organist and needed help tuning the organ. That intrigued me, so I said yes.

I would ride my bike to the church on Saturday mornings and meet Mr. Kramer, who proudly wore a band t-shirt from a concert the night before. To help supplement his teacher salary, he would be part of the lighting and setup crew for local concerts at the Memorial Coliseum on the weekends. Science teacher by day, rock band roadie on Fridays, and organist on Sundays – like I said, he was unique. There he would be sitting at the organ in his crisp new Van Halen or Megadeath t-shirt ready to work.

Since I had taken several years of piano lessons and often played the trumpet for special church services, Mr. Kramer was well aware of my musical abilities. So, I would sit at the organ, as he scurried like a mouse back into the recesses of the pipe rooms. I would listen for him to yell out a specific note to play and press it when prompted. We would spend a couple hours tuning, but I couldn’t wait until he would replace me at the organ, let all the stops out, and play something based on the notes we had tuned. Whether Saturday or Sunday morning, there was a pride in knowing that I helped make that organ sound like a true instrument, not just a ballpark novelty.

Who would have known that later in college I would live on a floor of accomplished organ students, several have actually become renowned for their work. I would even spend a summer rooming with one of these gifted organists. Actually, he was already writing his own music and giving concerts on arrival at our school. I heard recently that in 2017, he was a semi-finalist for the American Prize in Composition. Often my floormates and I would join him at the chapel on our campus and just listen to him or one of the others play. Their artistry and passion to make the organ come alive was like none I have ever heard. They pulled stops and played notes that seemed to transcend this world and speak to our souls. Recently my former roommate and I reconnected through our Meeting’s website and we are looking at him possibly coming to give an organ concert after the pandemic is over.

Looking back, I am extremely thankful for people like Mr. Kramer who inspire and encourage us through their willingness to spend time investing in people. Mr. Kramer not only helped lay a foundation in my life, he built in me appreciations that have assisted me through college and into my career as a pastor. May we find some time this week to invest in those around us.

Grace and peace,


Quaker-Affiliated Organizations

We are coming near the end of our fundraising efforts for the WYM and FUM 2020 fundraisers but have had very few contributions. Please give these causes your prayerful thought and, if you are so led, make your contribution this week to assist our brethren in Belize and Turkana, Kenya. Thank you for your consideration.

WYM and FUM 2020 Mission Projects: Each year Western Yearly Meeting (“WYM”) and Friends United Meeting (“FUM”) designate mission projects for us to consider and help. WYM is a Quaker organization of which First Friends is a member and consists of approximately 32 monthly meetings located in Indiana and Illinois. FUM is a Quaker international organization based in Richmond, Indiana and consists of a number of yearly meetings around the world. These mission projects are the primary way that folks at First Friends can assist Quakers in parts of the world that can use our help.

The WYM project for 2020 is for the benefit of the Belize Friends School. The school needs financial assistance for its operating expenses and the WYM goal is to raise $15,000. You might recall that in 2017 WYM also designated Belize as its project but monies raised at that time were designated for re-locating the school and expanded ministries including community services and the starting of a Friends meeting. Many of you knew Dale Graves, a member of Mooresville’s West Newton Friends, who poured his heart and soul into the Belize school and surrounding area and was the driving force that enabled the Belize school and Friends meeting to become what it is today. While Dale is no longer with us, there is no doubt that Dale would be very proud of the ongoing efforts to improve the Belize school and Belize Friends meeting.

The FUM project is to assist the Friends in Turkana who are celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Turkana Friends Mission. Turkana Friends was founded in 1970 in Kalokol, Kenya. It began as a project of East Africa Yearly Meeting and FUM. Turkana Friends Mission has grown from one location to a vibrant multi-site Quaker community that, among other things, oversees six nursery schools and six primary schools. The number of meetings in Turkana Friends Mission has increased dramatically in the past few decades from seven village meetings in 2002 to twenty-five meetings in 2019.

We at First Friends Indianapolis seem far removed from our fellow Quakers around the world and FUM and WYM are organizations that help connect us through worthy projects each year. Please help these Quakers in Belize and Turkana as you are led. Checks should be made to First Friends with a notation as to whether the monies should go to (WYM) Belize, (FUM) Turkana, or split between these projects. Thank you.

Joys & Concerns

Thank You So Much!
To our Mid-North Food Pantry volunteers, we THANK YOU for continuing to offer support to those in need during these trying times! A great group of First Friends volunteers showed up to help at the food pantry last Wednesday: Christie M; Linda and Rik L; Kathy and Bill F; Phil G; David B; Terry T; Tony Myers; Melanie, Virginia and Derek S; and Carol and Jim D. We kept busy serving 87 families..

Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities

Men’s Threshing Together ~ If you are interested in gathering with other men who mull over current issues or topics, where all points of view are heard, no decisions are made, and all in a non-threatening atmosphere over a meal, then Threshing Together is for you! Our next meeting will be held in-person on Thursday, October 22 at 7:00pm. See current locations here:

Don't you miss the First Friends Friday Night Sing-Along? Jim and Jesse have created a sing-along video which will premiere Friday, October 23, 7pm. Tune in at that time to our YouTube channel at to watch it along with us. We hope you will join us in singing at home!

From your Friendly Creation Care Team ~ If you live in Marion County, you are invited to give feedback on a new proposed ordinance on Benchmarking and Transparency Ordinance to help improve energy and water efficiency of Indianapolis buildings. Essentially, if you don’t know how much energy your building is using without a benchmark, how can you improve? Currently buildings contribute to 66% of community-wide greenhouse gas emissions. With a benchmarking ordinance in place, businesses can reduce energy use by 2.3% just by understanding energy use in a building. Little changes can add up to money saved. Here’s the link:

Outdoor Harvest Festival Open to All this Sunday!


Live music, courtesy of Jim K and Jesse S will float through the air at the Community Garden work day/play day harvest celebration this Sunday, October 25 at 11:30 a.m. This is an outdoor in-person, socially-distanced event open to the entire Meeting. There will be firepits and a cornhole game. We will gather in the garden area north of the Meetinghouse.

Bring: mask, bagged food and service for yourself, a chair, and garden tools if you plan to help close down the garden for the season. You may want to bring marshmallows or hot dogs to roast over the fire. Extra chairs will be provided for those who cannot readily supply their own. There may be some canna rhizomes or herbs available if you would like to bring your own bags or containers. You are not required to help in the garden and your presence will bless us whether you join in the work or just relax.

Check the Meeting’s Facebook or the gardeners’ Marco Polo to see if the Fest is cancelled because of the weather. Rain date is Sunday, November 1 at 11:30. Daylight saving time ends and we will fall back an hour so be aware of the time change.

This is intended to be a safe gathering. Each person should bring a mask to wear to protect others when not socially-distanced and to protect Friends from unintended sneezes and coughs that cause droplets and aerosols to travel further than six feet. Hand sanitizer and masks for those who have none will be available.

Come and join us so we can thrive and enjoy one another beyond the world of Zoom.

~ Sam and Nancy


Oak Leaf: Meeting for Reading would like you to join us from virtually anywhere in the world as we discuss The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women by Kate Moore The Curies' newly discovered element of radium makes gleaming headlines across the nation as the fresh face of beauty, and wonder drug of the medical community. From body lotion to tonic water, the popular new element shines bright in the otherwise dark years of the First World War. Meanwhile, hundreds of girls toil amidst the glowing dust of the radium-dial factories. The glittering chemical covers their bodies from head to toe; they light up the night like industrious fireflies. With such a coveted job, these "shining girls" are the luckiest alive ~ until they begin to fall mysteriously ill. ( Carolyn T will be leading the discussion in via Zoom starting at 7 pm on Tuesday, October 27, 2020.

Recycling Event! The Shalom Zone plans to have its yearly recycling event with Recycle Force on Saturday, October 31 from 10:00am to 2:00pm. If an item runs (or used to run) with a plug or a battery you can recycle it! This year it will be held at Epworth United Methodist Church, 6450 Allisonville Rd. A $20 donation is required for televisions and appliances containing Freon (fridges, freezers, ac units and dehumidifiers). Other monetary contributions are greatly appreciated. This is a great opportunity to clean out your basement, garage, closets, attic and responsibly recycle unwanted electronics and appliances. If you have items that are heavy and you need assistance to move them, please contact the office at and we can arrange to have the items picked up. For more information, view the flyer here:

Do you have a car to sell? A refugee family with legal documentation needs to buy a reliable, low-cost used car. Prefer four-door, well-maintained vehicle needing no major repairs, but will consider all options. Hard-working, goal directed single mom is in a bind because IPS has a one-location rule and won't drop off her kids at the daycare provided by her employer after school. Please spread the word to your family and friends and forward all possibilities to the office at Thank you so much.

The Mid North Food Pantry is in need of help on Mondays. There are 2 shifts: (1) 8:30 am – 10:30 am to prepare bags of food to be distributed, and (2) 10 am –noon to hand out food to families (this is the same function that First Friends volunteers perform every first and third Weds. of the month). In addition, Mid North is looking for someone who would like to work part time at the pantry to replace a current employee who is to undergo medical treatment. If you are interested in any of these opportunities or need further information, please contact the office at

TAILGATE PARTY! Hey, Friends, the Connections Team will be hosting a COVID-safe tailgate party in the meeting house parking lot on Saturday, November 7, 4-6 pm. What a good chance to connect with folks from the meeting face to face. Bring your own food and drinks...and masks, please. We will have fire pits for hot dogs and s'mores. Stay tuned for more details. 


The First Friends Women's Book Club is discussing Richard Rohr's, The Universal Christ and still welcoming new members. The group meets at 6:30 p.m. semi-monthly on Wednesdays or Thursdays, depending on the members' work schedules. Upcoming meetings via Zoom on the following dates:

•      Wednesday 10/14

•      Thursday 10/29

•      Wednesday 11/11

•      No meeting during Thanksgiving week.

•      Wednesday 12/2

Please RSVP to the office at and you will be sent a Zoom link. Regular and sporadic attenders are welcome.

Circle of Care needs more volunteers! The Circle of Care ministry is such an important way to love and care for each other as a faith community. The volunteer network is made up of folks that can occasionally give a ride to a doctor’s appointment, help with technology, rake leaves or other support services that might arise for a person. It works like this: The Circle of Care receives the request and sends it out to the network of volunteers. If someone is available they will respond to the Circle of Care coordinator and the connection will be made for with the person asking for assistance. Could we add your email to this list? Please let the office know if you would be willing to join this important ministry—

Attention women of First Friends! We will be offering a virtual 4-part workshop on spiritual gifts starting Sunday November 1st from 5:00 - 6:30. The workshop will continue for the next three Sundays after that ending on November 22nd. Zoom Space is limited so please contact the office if you would like to sign up.

We will explore the gift economy of the Body of Christ and why it matters for us to gain understanding of it. We will also examine specific spiritual gifts and how they work together in a community. 

  • Session 1 (Nov 1st) will examine the two realities we all inhabit: the Body of Christ and the world or the Kingdom (Kin-dom) of God and empire. We’ll be learning to look for Kingdom of Heaven already within and among us.

  • Session 2 (Nov 8th) explores the nature of a gifts economy, our God-created diversity, and celebrates our strengths as well as our weaknesses, which are important to embrace.

  • Session 3 l(Nov 15th) looks at ways honoring gifts and stepping into a gifts economy makes us the right size and shape for who we were created to be and for making communities run smoothly.

  • Session 4 (Nov 22nd) asks how we might apply these concepts in our daily lives.

Our Facilitator is Sara Beth Terrell, a recorded Friends minister with a ministry of spiritual formation. She is a spiritual director, speaker, writer, and workshop and retreat leader. Sara Beth has been a Friends pastor and campus minister. She is married with two adult children and is a member of First Friends Meeting in Greensboro, NC. She can be found at

Small Group Meetings. If you are part of a small group that would like to meet at First Friends – or are interested in joining a group – please let us know. First Friends has opened the building to small group meetings. All gatherings are limited to 10 and participants will be required to wear face coverings and follow other social distancing protocols. Many small groups who choose to meet in person will also meet via Zoom so people can still attend virtually if they prefer—ask your small group leader how they will be meeting. If you are interested in joining any of the below groups, please notify the office at: or 317-255-2485.

Our current available meetings:

·         Unprogrammed worship - Mondays at 11:15am

·         Unprogrammed worship - Wednesdays at 6:45pm

·         Unprogrammed worship - Sundays at 9:00am

·         Men’s book group (John Woolman’s Journal)

·         Oak Leaf: Meeting for Reading

·         Men’s book club

·         Serenity Now

·         Women’s book club

·         Men’s Threshing Together

·         Seeking Friends book class

·         Kids Pre-k through 1st grade Sunday School class

·         2nd - 5th grade Sunday School class

·         Youth Group

How to Vote Green! This recent email blast from the Carmel Green Initiative ( is filled with useful information—from how to “Vote Green” to tips on planting trees! View the email blast here:  

Queries for the Week

(From self-led guide)

  • If you have a relationship with indigenous people, is it all that it could be? What would help to strengthen it?

  • If you don’t have a relationship with indigenous people, where might you begin to develop such a relationship?
