As Way Opens

This past week before I became sick and had to stay home for the second half of the Western Yearly Meeting Sessions, I had a conversation with a fellow pastor about how technology has continued to change the nature of pastoral ministry (as well as society in general). 


Most people don’t know how accessible we have become in the last few years. Not only can we now Zoom into meetings from just about anywhere, but smart phones, text messaging, Facebook Messenger, and a plethora of new apps keep us accessible 24-7 – that is if we do not set some boundaries. 


As we were talking about this, we both shared stories of being contacted after 10pm by people who messaged us on Facebook. It used to be that people wouldn’t pick up a phone and call after 9pm, but texting and messaging has completely changed that. Also, with Zoom there is no reason for people to miss meetings anymore. You can be on vacation, on a business trip, even in a remote area, and still find a way to Zoom in. Even during this year’s WYM sessions, I became sick, and continued to participate from my bed at home.


The query that has been running through my mind is: How is technology allowing us the opportunity to heal, to rest, to have needed down time? 


Often before my day officially begins, I am having very important conversations with people, doing spiritual counseling, even helping people through difficult situations through some aspect of technology. These can start before I get out of bed in the morning. Just a decade ago this was not the case. I would go through my morning routine, exercise, shower, and meditate, and then start my day when I arrived at work. Sure, there are many benefits to our accessibility, but there are also many disadvantages. 


Allan Lokos says it so well, “Technology offers us a unique opportunity, though rarely welcome, to practice patience.” As I spoke of a week ago in my sermon, I have been learning to practice more patience and to set better boundaries since technology is a key component in our patience struggle. Take some time this week and see where technology is making you impatient and stealing your time for healing and rest.

Grace and peace,


Joys & Concerns

We were overjoyed that we had 19 kids from our Meeting attend Quaker Haven Camp! This is the highest number of kids we’ve had there in years and we are so glad to see them take advantage of this opportunity. We were able to give each child a partial scholarship thanks to generous donors like YOU! Thank you to all who give to First Friends to make ministries like this possible.

Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities

Indiana Peace & Justice Center Speaker Event ~ IPJC is delighted to invite you to our July 27th Speakers Event: “Four Friends Hit the Road! Report of a Week in DC including the Moral March on Washington, June 18, 2022.” Four friends from Indianapolis (Kay Tawney, Suzanne O’Shea, Mike Przybylski, and Steve Tilden) took a road trip to attend Reverend Barber’s Poor People’s Campaign Moral March on Washington, and have a little fun along the way. Join us for a few stories, a few pictures, and snacks. The event will take place tonight, July 27th, 2022 at 7:00 pm at North United Methodist Church, 3808 N Meridian St, Indianapolis, IN 46208. Refreshments will be provided.


FUM and WYM Projects for 2022

The Quaker umbrella organizations, Friends United Meeting (“FUM”) and Western Yearly Meeting (“WYM”) each promote a fundraiser each year to assist in their mission work around the world. Here are the projects for 2022.

WYM: The WYM project is to raise $15,000 to help purchase a good used 4x4 vehicle for Friends Theological College, located in Kenya. The vehicle will be used to 1) transport students who go out to preach and work in the villages, and 2) to haul food, supplies, and other resources as needed. The total vehicle cost is estimated to be $45,000 – $49,000.

FUM: The FUM project is to “cultivate seeds of new life” for its various missions. Such missions include 1) the work of Getry Agizah who serves as Programme Coordinator in the Africa Ministry Office, 2) the work of Nicholas and Dorcas Otieno, FUM Living Letter missionaries serving in Tanzania, and 3) the pastoral ministry of Oscar Mmbali who has initiated outreach programs in Belize in connection with the Belize Friends School.

This is the one time during the year that First Friends promotes a fundraiser for Quaker missions outside the United States. Checks can be made out to First Friends with the notation “WYM Project” or “FUM Project” or you can donate securely on our website at (choose “WYM Project” or “FUM Project” as the fund). Please note that the last day to give for these fundraisers is July 31!! Thank you for whatever support you are able to provide to these worthwhile projects.


Help Washington Township Students ~ Teachers and school social workers in Washington Township are collecting “back to school” items for some of their kids.  Needed items are as follows: 1) Pencils, 2) Zip pencil bags for 3 ring notebooks, 3) Folders with 3 holes, 4) Spiral notebooks.  First Friends (and the other Shalom Zone churches) will be collecting such items through August 14.  Please place items in the box in the foyer of the meetinghouse.  Thanks for your support. Also, a big “THANK YOU!” to those who contributed items to our previous Washington Township school collection effort.

Restorative Yoga: DATE CHANGE ~
Please join friend Kristyn G in a restorative yoga practice session. Please note, due to changes in her schedule, Kristyn will now offer yoga once a month. The next session will be Monday, August 8th at 4pm in Fellowship Hall. Each session will last for an hour. This gentle practice will stretch and restore you. $10 suggested donation. If you have any questions, reach out to Kristyn at her cellular number 317-409-2116 by text or call. Hope to see you there!

SUMMER SING-A-LONG! Come join Jim, Jesse, and many Friendly noisemakers for a sing-a-long on Friday, August 12, 7pm, in Fellowship Hall. Bring your favorite percussion instruments. Some will be provided to share. Warm up those voices and join us!

SAVE THE DATE: SUNDAY FUNDAY! Friends, please mark your calendar for our annual Sunday Funday, which will take place on Sunday, August 14 after a special outdoor Meeting for Worship. We will share in our annual picnic, and have fun with a bounce house, slip-n-slide, and games! Please bring a lawn chair for yourself if able. We hope you will join us for this fun time of fellowship!

2022 First Friends Women’s Retreat! ~ Ladies, save the date for the 2022 First Friends Women’s Retreat! It will be Friday September 23rd beginning at 5:00 p.m. through 11:00 on Sunday Sept 25th. We will share meals, have fellowship and food together, provide opportunities to reflect on the struggles/losses/opportunities/riches of the past 2.5 years as well as offering several workshops. Rachel Doll O’Mahoney, the new pastor at Valley Mill Friends will be our retreat leader. We will gather at the Benedictine Center in Beech Grove and the Center will provide rooms and meals. Our previous retreats have been a rich time of connection and community. This is a retreat that is trans inclusive/LGBTQ supportive.
