We’ve added a few new plants to the Woods: look for spicebush, New Jersey Tea and a pagoda dogwood. A wheelbarrow full of honeysuckle was pulled out and disposed. We’ve scattered native grass, wildflower and sedge seeds in different areas, so we hope that we will see more growth soon.
Thanks to Mindy and Linda for their helping hands. Amy Perry has rearranged the entry berm that supports the Woods dedication monument to make it even more beautiful.
Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIB) has many activities to help with Creation Care.
Family learning activities for Earth Month. https://www.kibi.org/nature-learning-activities
Kick start spring cleaning! Host a Great Indy Cleanup, find out the date of your neighborhood cleanup, or join us on April 24 for a cleanup at Indiana Guide Right.
Do you want a KIB pocket park in your neighborhood? Is there a vacant or under-used lot in your neighborhood? A place that where you and your neighbors could spend time together outside, if it had just a little love and attention? Do native plants and butterflies make your daily walks a delight? Then a greenspace sounds right for you! Applications for our 2022 AES Indiana Project GreenSpace projects are open until May 31, 2021. Apply now!