The Meditational Woods team is exploring ways to expand our native habitat to further love on God’s incredible creation. Over twenty years ago, the original plan included a prairie under the powerlines. Amy P, Mindy S and Mary B are investigating how they could install a test area under the high voltage electrical tower and extend it further north and whether it would be feasible. Indiana Native Plant Society has small grants to help with projects like this. We will keep you all posted about our progress!

AES Indiana, formerly known as Indianapolis Power & Light, is planning to reveal its next 20 year plan and it seems likely that they are not including any of the benefits offered by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. See Katharine Hayhoe’s newsletter and click on the link to the Sierra Club report on utilities' slow walk to convert to clean energy. AES IN gets a D grade for relying on fossil fuels for most of its energy. Our collective future is at stake. The effects of climate change are real and they are happening now and quickly. Call or write AES and urge them to go to clean energy by 2030.

You can sign up to participate in the final public meeting here:
