Do you like digging in the dirt and transplanting flowers? Weeding a flower bed? Picking up trash along Kessler Blvd? Join us as we pick up trash, transplant prairie drop seed and blue eyed grass and remove wild onion on Thursday morning April 7 from 9:30-11:00 AM.

Have you heard of “No Mow May”? Some communities choose not to mow the month of May to allow native pollinators to thrive on clover, dandelions and sedges. Help our early butterflies and bees thrive. For more,

Here's an interesting way to fight invasive species- feed them to your dog! I was reading Katharine Hayhoe’s book, Saving Us and here’s what Purina dog food has developed:

So far, Emmett and Yogi find those Asian carp delicious.

A query for today. What actions can each of us take to keep our earth from further warming? Think of ways you can become more energy efficient and less fossil fuel dependent. Talk with friends and community members about your concern and hope for a healthier future.

Hortuscope has many opportunities to connect with local gardeners and native plant enthusiasts. See if there is an opportunity that “speaks to your condition.” Tending God’s creation renews the mind, body and spirit, so dig in!

May primary is May 3, 2022

The May primaries are coming up. Voting is both a privilege and an obligation for those who love this country. Early voting starts April 5 until May 2, 2022. You can vote absentee in person (early voting centers), mail-in ballot, or by traveling board for those who are homebound and need assistance.

Check your local newspaper for candidate information, or look for websites with the list of candidates and their voting record or political history.

“Please say,‘ NO!’ To Mosquito Joe and similar mosquito services. The insecticides are indiscriminate in their action. They kill helpful insects as well as mosquitoes. Use mosquito repellent, long sleeves. Save a monarch or a firefly.

Mary B, Co-Clerk of the Meditational Woods

The Meditational Woods is celebrating 20 years of service to our community.
