Creation Care ~ Indiana has an abundance of fresh water in the Great Lakes. Prior to our current understanding of disposing of wastes, “Dilution was the Solution” for many industries. We now know that there are limits to what our water ways can absorb. Faith in Place has asked for help in contacting the Indiana Department of Environmental Management to protect our waterways by Thursday November 16, 2023. Click here to send your comments to IDEM leadership.
We are having warmer than “normal” November temperatures and as you already know, climate scientists are predicting that our atmosphere is warming faster than anticipated and most of the coasts and south will experience greater weather threats. Here in the Midwest, we are buffered from the weather extremes. Have you noticed the change in the amount of rain that we get? We have periods of intense rainfall and then periods of drought. The Nature Conservancy released this statement from their climate scientist, Dr. Katharine Hayhoe.
We have solutions- let’s use them to protect God’s Creation from further damage.