November 9, 2015
This Week’s Query…
From: Advices and queries; Britain Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice, 5th edition, @ 1995-2015 Quaker Faith and Practice
‘Come regularly to meeting for worship even when you are angry, depressed, tired or spiritually cold. In the silence ask for and accept the prayerful support of others joined with you in worship. Try to find a spiritual wholeness which encompasses suffering as well as thankfulness and joy. Prayer, springing from a deep place in the heart, may bring healing and unity as nothing else can. Let meeting for worship nourish your whole life.’
Not just when you feel like it. Not only when it fits your mood. But always, regularly, regardless of circumstance. This is the call of the query we read this week. Nourishment is needed for all of life – not just those times when we’re dressed and ready to feast. Perhaps we need nourishment most when we least can accept it… when we are too tired, or suffering too much to make the effort to lift the spoon. If it’s an habitual force in our lives, coming to the table of nurture is made easier. And as we come, we discover others there who are joined with us in their suffering, their joy, their thanks, their healing and their place of prayer. We are nourished, and we in turn, nourish others.