Friend to Friend
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Concerns, Announcements and Devotional Thought
A Weekly Ministry of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting
As Way Opens
Friends gathered around the world this past Sunday to celebrate World Quaker Day. Our meeting asked the question, “What are Quakers doing in the world today?” Colin Saxton, our guest speaker, turned that question around. Instead, Colin asked us, “What are Quakers not doing in the world today?” We are busy people. But we are not busy just being busy. Friends are productive people, bringing hope, life and health to people as close as our next door neighbors and as far away as the oceans spread. Those we once thought of as outposts of Quakerism are now the largest centers of our faith community. People groups in Africa are asking their Quaker neighbors to come and speak peace to their people. Children in a slum in Africa, and Palestinian students under Israeli occupation in Ramallah, are being educated with Quaker values. And that’s not all. Ifyou consider the work of Friends – you, me,us – all around the world - there is a great deal of work being done. Why do we do these things? Where does the impetus for concern for others come from? What caused the Early Friends – Lucretia Mott, George Fox, John Woolman and others – to extend their reach, far beyond themselves? Perhaps George Fox captured it best… “Let all nations hear the word by sound or writing. Spare no place, spare not tongue nor pen, but be obedient to the Lord God and go through the world and be vailant for the Truth upon earth; tread and trample all that is contrary under… Be patterns, be examples in all countries, places, islands, nations, wherever you come, that your carriage and life may preach among all sorts of people, and to them; then you will come to walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in every one.” Early Friends, and Friends today, act out of obedience to God’s voice within them, calling each one of us to speak, write, act, and be Truth – Christ’s Light - for those who have not discovered it. It takes a valiant effort to help the world see God within themselves… the world is not a very self-reflective sort of place. And that’s why it’s such a joy to welcome you, and so many other Friends, whose lives are spent considering that of God within us, and answering it in every one whose lives we touch, and whose Light God changes.
Joys & Concerns
Considering the Query: Take time to learn about other people’s experiences of the Light. Remember the importance of the Bible, the writings of Friends and all writings which reveal the ways of God. As you learn from others, can you in turn give freely from what you have gained? While respecting the experiences and opinions of others, do not be afraid to say what you have found and what you value. Appreciate that doubt and questioning can also lead to spiritual growth and to a greater awareness of the Light that is in us all. From Advices and queries; Britain Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice, 5th edition, @ 1995-2015
John Beede has been deployed by the American Red Cross to Columbia, SC to bring help to those affected by the recent flooding there. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities
The Eco-Film Series this Fall will be hosted by All Souls Unitarian Church, 5605 E. 56th Street. The Second film, Switch, will be shown on Friday, Oct. 9th, at 7 pm. Switch is about changing the way we use energy, to realize the many economic and environmental benefits of efficiency. Admission is free. Subsequent film will be: Friday, Nov-13 at 7 pm. – Damnation. This film series is sponsored by All Souls Unitarian, Cross and Crown Lutheran, First Friends Meeting, Epworth United Methodist, and Heartlands Group of the Sierra Club. Hope you plan to attend.
Recycle Force Electronics Recycling Event – This Saturday!
October 10th 10:00am-2:00pm
A great opportunity to clean out your basement, garage, closets and attic, and safely and responsibly recycle your old electronics and appliances.
*A donation of $10.00 is requested for TVs and Monitors.
$20.00 is asked for refrigerators, freezers or air conditioners.
For more Information contact Bill Chapman 317-255-4739
This event is supported by Shalom Zone Churches, MSPSC, and our Witness and Service Committee
Computers & Laptops - Copiers & Printers - Gaming Systems - Any Small Appliance - CD VCR & DVD
Microwaves - Christmas Lights - TVs & Monitors* - Fax Machines - Answering Machines - Cell Phones
Scanners - Air Conditioners* - Dehumidifiers – Microphones - Satellite Components - Refrigerators*
Power Supplies - Car Batteries - Old Motors (No Gas) - Vacuum Cleaners
If it runs (or used to run) with a plug or a battery you can recycle it!
Women’s Gathering and Gardens! This Saturday, October 10th at 12:30
All women are invited to a Luncheon and Excursion to the Conservatory at Garfield Park, sponsored by our Friends Women Board. Lunch will be served at the Meetinghouse at 12:30, followed by a trip to Garfield Park where we will be met by a Master Gardener for a tour of the Conservatory. The event will end at 3:30. The Luncheon is free – hosted by our USFW Board. A free-will offering will be taken to support USFW missions. There is a $2.00 admission fee to the Conservatory. If you have any questions, please contact Ann Rodino at Enjoy!
Adult Sunday School Classes Begin This Sunday at First Friends!
Join us at 9:00 a.m.! Take a look at all these great choices:
Quakerism; Jim Donahue and Bill Chapman – A book study of Friends faith.
Seeking Friends; Jim Hejl – ‘Testament of Devotion’ by Thomas R Kelly; five compelling essays that urge us to center our lives on God's presence, to find quiet and stillness within modern life.
Coffee Circle; Jeff Rasley, Joyce Bowman, Kristyn Buckner – ‘Wired Word’; weekly lessons that confront the news with Scripture and hope.
*Mind the Light; Michael Hostetler – ‘Holy Silence’ by Brent Bill; *This is a new class not offered before…. “Geared towards young adults and parents of small children, the class will explore the foundation of silence as a part of Quakerism and the challenge of incorporating that silence into our busy everyday lives. We will discuss the rewards and challenges of raising young children and how the foundations of Quakerism can positively influence our parenting. In addition, we will discuss the role our group plays in the overall purpose of Indianapolis First Friends.”
It's here!! Young Friends Youth Group is meeting THIS SUNDAY, October 11th after from 11:30am – 1:30pm. Join us as we learn about "Bible Storytelling" and the practical ways we see them in our lives. Each person will receive a sketch journal that goes along with each story for creative fun! Games and videos are included. Let's have a great start for the New Year!
It is time to sponsor a College Student. This is an important ministry of care and love to our college students. Please consider selecting a student that you will periodically send a note, treats or words of encouragement to throughout the year. Our students love to hear from us and receive something in the mail. Students this year include, Amelia Calley, Helen Calley, Maggie Crawford, Natalie Donahue, Emma Falkenbach, Adrian Firsich, Lori Heusel, Will Mastin, Tyler Rodino and Nick Wilson. Please let Beth Henricks know if you would like to participate in this ministry.
Fall Seasoned Friends Luncheon for anyone retired and older is Wednesday, October 14th at 11:30 AM in Fellowship Hall. It will be a wiener roast theme along with squash soup. Please RSVP to office or Kathy Farris (
Fall Festival on October 17th at First Friends. The Preschool Co-Op has invited us to join them in their annual Fall Festival on Saturday October 17th from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. This is a great time of fellowship and includes games, crafts, door prizes, music and a chili cook-off. We have been asked to provide desserts if we plan on attending. This event will be held rain or shine and costumes are strongly encouraged. We invite all of our families to join in the fun. Please let Beth Henricks ( know if you will attend and if you want to enter the chili cook-off.
CROP HUNGER WALK Please plan to join with others of First Friends to participate in the 36th annual Greater Indianapolis CROP Hunger Walk on Sunday, Oct-18 at 1:45 pm. Walkers from First Friends will meet at 1:45 p.m. at CTS, 42nd St. and Michigan Road near the registration tent. The walk is a scenic walk near the Butler campus and a little over 3 miles. The purpose of the walk is to raise awareness of worldwide hunger and to raise funds to help alleviate hunger both locally and globally. Please consider a donation for this worthwhile cause. Checks can be written to “First Friends” with a notation of “Crop Walk” and placed in the basket in the front hallway. There will also be a sign up if you would like to join our group of walkers.
Would you like a First Friends tee-shirt? If so, please contact the office. The cost? $16.00. The front of the tee says “First Friends Meeting Indianapolis”. The back says “Quakers – Simplicity Equality Integrity Peace” It’s purple, (or periwinkle, according to Dan Mitchell!)
Poetry Group will meet on Tuesday, October 20th, at 2:00 in the Parlor. Linda Lee will read new poems and will explain what led to the making of them.
18.25 - Grounded in God; Coffee and Queries for those 18-25 Begins Tuesday, October 20 from 7:45 – 9:00 pm in the basement at First Friends. Are you curious about God? Are you ready for conversation? Then join Ruthie Tippin and others like you for a cup of coffee and dialogue about things that really matter. Anyone 18 to 25 years old is welcome. Bring your friends, too.
Jewish and Quaker - Finding Solidarity in our Shared Values. Share a Middle Eastern meal and meet Brant Rosen, the American Friends Service Committee Regional Director on Thursday October 22nd from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the Indiana Interchurch Center at 1100 42nd St. Brant is a Jewish Rabbi that has written the book, Wrestling in the Daylight - A Rabbi’s Path to Palestinian Solidarity and will speak about his experiences and work. Brant is a fascinating person in a leadership role at one of our Quaker national organizations so you won’t want to miss this. His book will be available for purchase that evening with all proceeds supporting American Friends Service Committee. Attached is the link to register - the cost to attend is $25.00.
Men of First Friends: I need to get a head count of men who are interested in the one day Mini Retreat at First Friends meeting house on Sat. Oct. 31, 9:00am to 4:00pm (or later for those who wish to linger). Please contact me at meeting, call me or email me by Sunday Oct. 11. Ed Morris (317) 691-5542
Come One Come All! - Have your picture taken (at no cost, unless you want extra prints) for the First Friends Pictorial Directory! Pictures will be taken by Lifetouch Directories at the Meeting House on Wed., Nov. 4 – Sat., Nov. 7. The finished pictures will arrive in time for Christmas cards. This is a great chance to have a professional picture taken of you and/or your family. Having everyone participate enables the directory to be as useful as possible to facilitate our knowing one another, and in putting names and faces together. We only do this every 4 years, so hopefully everyone will be able to participate. If you cannot have your picture taken on the dates at First Friends, Lifetouch will allow you to go to another church that is also scheduling pictures at about the same time. Sign-ups have started this September, and will be on-line and in person at the Meeting house. More info will follow as we get closer to the sign-up dates. If you need more info, please contact Sue Mills. If you are interested in helping out as a Host / Hostess during the photo sessions, please let Sue know. Shifts are 4 hours. Times are 2:30 – 9 on Wed. – Fri., and 10:00 – 4:30 on Sat. If you would like to help with Sign-ups at the Meeting House after Meeting on Sept. 20 – Oct. 18, please let Sue know. Schedule your family portrait session now:
Update on the Woods: We had a small and faithful crew on Saturday, September 26th. Thanks to Tom Wright, Terry Trierweiler, David Beatty, Normal Wallman and Dan Mitchell for all their work as we pruned trees, cleaned out the fountain, removed invasive honeysuckle and generally cared for our wonderful little urban woods. We temporarily turned off the water at the fountain to manage some unexpected algae growth. After allowing it to dry completely, scrub it clean and then turn it on again so we can enjoy its beauty through the winter.
“Friends Of Nature Kids” ~ Hide and Seek: This is played just like regular hide-and-seek except someone hides a rock or something else the group chooses. Everybody closes their eyes and counts up to thirty, while one person hides the stick or rock. After it’s hidden, everybody runs off to try to find it. If nobody finds it, the questions begin. Each person asks a yes or no question about where it is hidden, like “If I were a bird flying overhead, would I be able to see it?” After ten questions, there is a final search for the hidden object.
From ‘52 Nature Activities for Kids’ by Lynn Gordon
Indianapolis First Friends Meeting
Compassionate v Christian v Quaker
3030 Kessler Blvd. E. Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46220