Friend to Friend

  Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Concerns, Announcements and Devotional Thought

A Weekly Ministry of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting



As Way Opens

   I have appreciated the opportunity to participate in the discernment sessions that Eric Tinsley and our Ministry and Counsel have offered all of us over the last three weeks.  While I missed the first session, I was able to attend the last 2 gatherings and it was a rich experience of sharing about the Quaker discernment process both personally and in our faith community.  Eric did a wonderful job in talking about the different components of our discernment process, and the dialogue among us was rich and insightful.  As Eric talked about the concept of “standing aside” in our corporate discernment process, I was reminded of a powerful experience of “standing aside” I had about 19 years ago when I had only been attending First Friends for a couple of years and inexperienced in the ways of Quakers.  


At the time, First Friends had a day care called Little Friends.  This had been an important ministry of our Meeting for a number of years but enrollment had declined, finances were difficult, the Meeting was having to support Little Friends in their operating expenses and there had been conflicts between the day care and some of the Christian Education programs of the Meeting.  The Meeting was considering laying down this ministry. This was a really big decision for the Meeting and over the next year we entered into a discernment process that included a threshing session, many Monthly Meetings for Business that reflected on the various options and our Clerk listening to all the voices to try to discern the sense of the Meeting.  


I will never forget the Monthly Meeting for Business where we were coming close to discernment and a decision.  Our Friend, Rik Lineback had been a significant supporter of Little Friends and felt passionately about his support of this ministry.  He stood up during this Meeting and shared in a powerful voice that he cared deeply about Little Friends and did not want it to end, but that he sensed the Meeting was moving away from the support of this program and while he wanted to continue this ministry, he was willing to stand aside for the sense of the Meeting.  Rik had not been a person that I had ever heard speak out during Meeting for Worship, or Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business.  I was really blown away by his selfless act.  Rik could have dug in his heels and continued to insist on the continuation of this ministry.  But he understood the sense of Spirit that was moving through the gathering and felt he had to respond to the situation even though he personally could not give up Little Friends.  I felt God’s presence in that room.


It was the beginning of my understanding of how Quakers make decisions and I knew this was a place that I wanted to call my spiritual home.   As we journey together through the coming days and years, I pray that we will all open our hearts to God’s spirit even when we might have to set aside a deeply held belief or passion.  This is the amazing process that defines Quakers at their best.  



Joys & Concerns

Considering the Query: 'The Religious Society of Friends is rooted in Christianity and has always found inspiration in the life and teachings of Jesus. How do you interpret your faith in the light of this heritage? How does Jesus speak to you today? Are you following Jesus' example of love in action? Are you learning from his life the reality and cost of obedience to God? How does his relationship with God challenge and inspire you?'

From Advices and queries; Britain Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice, 5th edition, @ 1995-2015


Thank you Choir!  What a lovely time we shared together in Fellowship Hour, thanks to our Choir and their generous hosting last Sunday.  Simply delicious, and right in tune!


Great Thanks to Eric Tinsley for his leadership and teaching this past three weeks in sessions regarding Quaker decision making.  What a wonderful gift these gatherings have been for our Meeting!


Tyler Rodino has recently been diagnosed with pleurisy – a painful inflammation of the lining surrounding the lungs.  He had just recovered from pneumonia.  Tyler is a junior at Indiana University Bloomington.  Please keep him in your prayers.


Carolyn Marshall’s friend, Sheri, has just undergone surgery, and needs our prayers for a complete recovery.  Please hold her in your loving prayers for healing and strength.  To send encouragement to Carolyn for her friend…


Congratulations to Vicki Wertz! She has just begun a new job as the Executive Assistant to the CEO of Second Helpings.  We’re so proud of you, Vicki! To send Vicki a card…1510 E 77th St.

Indianapolis, IN 46240


Barbara Dubois has asked for prayers for three of her neighbors, and for her nephew’s daughter Ivy – all of whom are facing medical concerns.  Please surround Barbara and these whom she holds dear with your prayers for God’s love and healing light.  To send a card to Barbara…10310 Coral Reef Way Indianapolis, IN 46256


This last Sunday, 6 youth and 5 adults from First Friends went together to volunteer at the Mid-North Food Pantry. With the help of Bill Chapman, the youth learned about what they can do to help the hundreds of families who are hungry in Marion County. They stocked the shelves with donated foods, and worked together to help organize the next round of volunteers for the upcoming week. The youth will go again in December.


It was a joy last Sunday to have Eden Grace in Meeting for Worship here at First Friends.  While Ruthie traveled with Jon in NC, she was asked to bring the message for Deborah Seuss at Greensboro First Friends Meeting.  So many wonderful Friends Meetings!  So many wonderful Friends!


Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities  


What Are Quakers Doing In the World Today?

 World Quaker Day - Sunday, October 4, 2015


9:00 Breakfast with Our Friends; portrayals of George Fox, John Woolman, Lucretia Mott

Join these Friends from the past, as they speak into the present day.

Enjoy a delicious breakfast during the discussion!

10:15 Meeting for Worship with Colin Saxton, General Secretary of Friends United Meeting

God continues to speak and act in the lives of Quakers around the world!

11:30 Fellowship Hour ~ World Quaker Exhibits

Enjoy hot and cold beverages, treats, and great company while viewing displays of Quaker organizations from near and far!

Invite your friends, your family, your neighbors, your acquaintances to First Friends Meeting!


October 11th is Opening Day for Adult Sunday School Classes at First Friends!

Take a look at all these great choices:

Quakerism; Jim Donahue and Bill Chapman – A book study of Friends faith.

Seeking Friends; Jim Hejl – ‘Testament of Devotion’ by Thomas R Kelly; five compelling essays that urge us to center our lives on God's presence, to find quiet and stillness within modern life.

Coffee Circle; Jeff Rasley, Joyce Bowman, Kristyn Buckner – ‘Wired Word’; weekly lessons that confront the news with Scripture and hope.

*Mind the Light; Michael Hostetler – ‘Holy Silence’ by Brent Bill; *This is a new class not offered before…. Geared towards young adults and parents of small children, the class will explore the foundation of silence as a part of Quakerism and the challenge of incorporating that silence into our busy everyday lives. We will discuss the rewards and challenges of raising young children and how the foundations of Quakerism can positively influence our parenting. In addition, we will discuss the role our group plays in the overall purpose of Indianapolis First Friends.”


Sunday School No More! (Well, sort of). 6th-12th graders will now be meeting at 9am in the Youth Room for Donut Club. Come watch a short video, hangout, and eat donuts with your Friends. Hope to see you there next Sunday!


Mark your calendars!! First Friends Youth Group will be meeting every second Sunday starting October 11th. Join us as we learn about “Bible Storytelling” and the practical ways we see capture them in our lives. Each person will receive a sketch journal that goes along with each story for creative fun! Youth Group will go from 11:30am-1:30pm with lunch included. Parents, look for an upcoming email about a sign-up sheet about volunteering for meals.


The Eco-Film Series this Fall will be hosted by All Souls Unitarian Church, 5605 E. 56th Street. The Second film, Switch, will be shown on Friday, Oct. 9th, at 7 pm. Switch is about changing the way we use energy, to realize the many economic and environmental benefits of efficiency. Admission is free. Subsequent film will be: Friday, Nov-13 at 7 pm. – Damnation.  This film series is sponsored by All Souls Unitarian, Cross and Crown Lutheran, First Friends Meeting, Epworth United Methodist, and Heartlands Group of the Sierra Club.  Hope you plan to attend.


Women’s Gathering and Gardens!  Saturday, October 10th at 12:30 All women are invited to a Luncheon and Excursion to the Conservatory at Garfield Park, sponsored by our Friends Women Board.   Lunch will be served at the Meetinghouse at 12:30, followed by a trip to Garfield Park where we will be met by a Master Gardener for a tour of the Conservatory. The event will end at 3:30.  There is a $2.00 admission fee to the Conservatory.  If you have any questions, please contact Ann Rodino at Enjoy!


Time To Recycle – Clean out your Garage!  Sort out those Closets!

On behalf of the Shalom Zone, First Friends is to host a recycling event on Saturday, Oct. 10, at First Friends from 10 am – 2 pm.  Electronic items of all types are welcome.  Simply stop by on Oct. 10 and drop off the items you would like to recycle.  If you are not able to make it on Oct-10, you can arrange to drop off your items ahead of time.  Please call Bill Chapman (317 255-4739) or the office to arrange the drop off.



Fall Seasoned Friends Luncheon for anyone retired and older is Wednesday October14th at 11:30 AM in the fellowship hall. It will be a wiener roast theme along with squash soup. Please RSVP to office or Kathy Farris (



CROP HUNGER WALK    Please plan to join with others of First Friends to participate in the 36th annual Greater Indianapolis CROP Hunger Walk on Sunday, Oct-18 at 1:45 pm.  Walkers from First Friends will meet at 1:45 p.m. at CTS, 42nd St. and Michigan Road near the registration tent.  The walk is a scenic walk near the Butler campus and a little over 3 miles.  The purpose of the walk is to raise awareness of worldwide hunger and to raise funds to help alleviate hunger both locally and globally.  Please consider a donation for this worthwhile cause.  Checks can be written to “First Friends” with a notation of “Crop Walk” and placed in the basket in the front hallway. There will also be a sign up if you would like to join our group of walkers.


Would you like a First Friends tee-shirt?  If so, please contact the office.  The cost?  $16.00. The front of the tee says “First Friends Meeting Indianapolis”.  The back says “Quakers – Simplicity Equality Integrity Peace” It’s purple, (or periwinkle, according to Dan Mitchell!)


Attention Men! Save the date - Men’s Retreat - October 31st at FFMtg! What does it take to be a “real man” in today's world? A Christian man? A Quaker or Methodist* man? What beliefs do you have that speak to that? What are your core values?  Join us for a one day, thought provoking, and fun filled retreat at First Friends on Oct. 31st as we address these things, along with some of the Methodist men of Epworth Methodist *(our Eco Film Series partners). Call Ed Morris at 317-691-5542 if you have any questions.


Come One Come All! - To have your picture taken (at no cost, unless you want extra prints) for the First Friends Pictorial Directory!  Pictures will be taken by Lifetouch Directories at the Meeting House on Wed., Nov. 4 – Sat., Nov. 7.  The finished pictures will arrive in time for Christmas cards.  This is a great chance to have a professional picture taken of you and/or your family.  Having everyone participate enables the directory to be as useful as possible to facilitate our knowing one another, and in putting names and faces together.  We only do this every 4 years, so hopefully everyone will be able to participate.  If you cannot have your picture taken on the dates at First Friends, Lifetouch will allow you to go to another church that is also scheduling pictures at about the same time.  Sign-ups have started this September, and will be on-line and in person at the Meeting house.  More info will follow as we get closer to the sign-up dates.  If you need more info, please contact Sue Mills. If you are interested in helping out as a Host / Hostess during the photo sessions, please let Sue know.  Shifts are 4 hours.  Times are 2:30 – 9 on Wed. – Fri., and 10:00 – 4:30 on Sat.  If you would like to help with Sign-ups at the Meeting House after Meeting on Sept. 20 – Oct. 18, please let Sue know. Schedule your family portrait session now:



“Friends Of Nature Kids” ~ One to Ten: Although nature can look messy, it actually has its own quiet order. Patterns of numbers appear over and over again in nature. Certain leaves always have three points, snowflakes always have six points, and birds always have two wings. Starting with the number one, make up your own list of things that have the same number of parts, going up to ten or as high as you can go.

From ‘52 Nature Activities for Kids’ by Lynn Gordon



Indianapolis First Friends Meeting

Compassionate v Christian v Quaker

3030 Kessler Blvd. E. Dr.              Indianapolis, IN   46220





