Friend to Friend

  Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Concerns, Announcements and Devotional Thought

A Weekly Ministry of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting



As Way Opens

We returned from our Affirmation trip to Philadelphia last Monday evening.  It was a trip that was full of visits to U.S. and Quaker historical sites, driving, laughs, ‘CatchPhrase’, revelations and a greater and deeper connection between all of us. Ellie Arle did a wonderful job of documenting the trip with pictures on Facebook (go to 2015 First Friends Philadelphia trip) and we plan to have a time of sharing about the trip on Sunday July 26th during Meeting for Worship.   

We worshiped with Central Philadelphia Friends Meeting at 15th and Cherry St (the old Race St Meeting) on Sunday morning.  As we pulled into the parking lot, I asked everyone in the van to think about this Query as they entered into unprogrammed worship: ‘What is God saying to you on this trip?’   I have been reflecting on this question myself and realize that God was speaking to me so many times during this adventure - through our kids, through our adults, through the history of Friends.  It is one thing to study our Quaker history like we did during Affirmation this year, but it is quite another to walk into the Meeting Room where Lucretia Mott stood up for her principles in the 1800’s.  And to walk into the room at 4th and Arch St where Elias Hicks was escorted or thrown out of the building.  And to be in the room where Free Quakers believed in the Revolutionary cause and joined the military to support the revolution.   There is something sacred about being in the physical space where ordinary people heard God’s voice and stood up to take action even when the personal cost was great.  I was inspired to step into these places and absorb the spirit of these individuals.  I also sensed the difficulty that many of these Quaker faith communities had in dealing with these individuals that pushed, stretched and challenged the status quo within the Society.    

What lessons can we learn from this history as we deal with issues that push, stretch and challenge us as a faith community today?  What would William Penn, Lucretia Mott, Betsy Ross, Elias Hicks and others share with us today?   How will we be remembered and our faith communities be remembered 100 years from now?


Joys & Concerns

Bob Davis, our beloved friend, passed away very peacefully this last Thursday afternoon, July 9th having battled lung cancer for a great while.  His family will remember him in Maryland on Saturday, August 8 in a Memorial Service there.  Friends will gather locally at the Indianapolis Arts Center on Sunday, August 23 at 3:00 pm for a Memorial Service here. Please hold Joyce Sommers, and Bob’s daughters Kristen and Karen in God’s loving, healing, comforting light.

Thank you for your prayers for our Affirmation Trip to Philadelphia!  We had horrible weather driving over, wonderful weather driving back, and no difficulties with van/car troubles.  God was watching over us.  We felt safe and protected, and are thankful for the covering of prayer you gave.

Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities                        

Western Yearly Meeting Starts Tomorrow!  The theme for Yearly Meeting, “Building Together to Become God’s Dwelling”, is about building the church -- an extension of the past two years: YM 2013 was centered on identifying spiritual gifts, and YM 2014 was about being stewards or trustees of our gifts and resources.  This year's theme builds on the other two by encouraging people to use our individual and corporate resources to encourage one another and build a strong body of believers.    Howard Macy (left) will be the devotional speaker each morning, and Alan Kolp (right) will be bringing the Quaker Lecture on Thursday evening at 7:30 pm. Workshops and worship will be offered, in addition to regular business.  Here’s info about some people you know!

Peace & Christian Social Concerns—”Addressing the Problems of Building an Inclusive Community: Lucretia Mott and Rufus Jones Visit WYM”. (aka Deb Hejl and Dan Lee!) Come and watch as current Quakers role-play these early church leaders.


Outreach—”Friends World Committee on Consultation (FWCC)” Norma Bangel Wallman, one of our WYM representatives to FWCC will provide an overview about FWCC, its founding, mission, and organization. Highlights of the Quaker Youth Pilgrimage and 2015 Section of Americas Mtg in Mexico will be provided. Bring your laptop, tablet or smart phone to research the FWCC web-site.


A calendar of events is attached to Friend to Friend… find something that you’d be interested in, and consider joining in the work and witness of Western Yearly Meeting at our summer session.


Worship this Sunday July 19th… you have options!!! It has been our custom at First Friends to join with other Friends throughout our Yearly Meeting for worship on Yearly Meeting Sunday.  A full morning is promised, with the ‘Concert of Gifts and Talents’ at 9:30 and Meeting for Worship at 10:30 at the YM Meetinghouse in Plainfield [105 S. East Street, Plainfield].  Ruthie will be leading the ‘Concert’, with people across the Yearly Meeting performing, including our own Eric Baker and Jim and Leslie Kartholl.  Howard Macy will be speaking in Meeting for Worship.


Some Friends find it more worshipful to gather in our own Meetinghouse for worship that day, and we provide an Unprogrammed Meeting for Worship at FFM at our usual time, 10:15.  This year, it will be led by Jim and Deb Hejl.  Nursery will be provided, but there will be no Children’s Message or Children’s Worship.  No matter where you gather, God’s Spirit will accompany you… enjoy the experience!


Ladies of Oak Leaf Book Discussion Group:  Pat Price invites you to her home for a Mid-Summer Social for next meeting Tuesday July 21st.  We will gather at 6 pm to share a meal before we discuss Jodi Picoult's novel:  Leaving Time, led by Rhonda Carver.  Please bring one of the following dishes: pasta, vegetable, fruit or congealed salad.  We will enjoy each other's tasty dishes!  Our host Pat Price will provide table service, lemonade, iced tea and brownies. Please contact Pat Price at (317) 626-8028 for directions to her home.  


Women’s Choir Fun!  Come to one or both practices!  Join Ruthie and Pat for a Sunday of Song! All women who love to sing are invited to sing in Meeting for Worship on Sunday, July 26th.  Save the date for lots of fun!  We will practice twice… Thursday, July 23 at 7:00 and Sunday, July 26 at 9:00.  Two pieces have been chosen: ‘Be Thou My Vision’ and ‘Rise Up Singing!’  We’re going to make a joyful noise! 


We at First Friends are proud to take part in an ecumenical Habitat for Humanity Panel Build on July 25th at Allisonville Christian Church. Allisonville Christian is located at 7701 Allisonville Road. Volunteers are needed for the build itself as well as hospitality tasks, including child care, food donations and serving a continental breakfast and lunch. Between all the congregations working on the build we need 100 volunteer shifts filled. Please find below links to both types of shift opportunities that are available.





If you have registered in the past with Indy Habitat Volunteer Hub you need only to sign-in. Otherwise, you will be need to create your own account and be registered to participate in this build. Please be sure to sign up for the specific shift you would like to join us for on build day.


The shifts available are:

Set-up- (7:00-7:30)

Nail Captain (All Day-7:15-12:15)

Shift 1 (7:30-10:00)

Shift 2 (9:30-12:00)

Tear Down (approx. 12:00-12:30 takes place when house is completed)


This build is the first project from an ecumenical group known as “Shalom Zone”. Shalom Zone’s mission statement is “Led by God’s Light, Ecumenically Building the Kingdom of God, One Need at a Time”.  First Friends along with several area faith groups have been working over the last several months to make Shalom Zone an important addition to our community.  For questions about Shalom Zone or the build please contact Bill Chapman at 255-4739 or



Temple Tour: Come tour the new temple in Carmel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons). It is a rare opportunity to visit a Mormon temple; there are fewer than 150 in operation worldwide, and non-Mormon guests are permitted to visit only during a brief time period prior to the temple’s consecration. The tour begins with a video presentation and concludes within an hour.

Date: Tuesday, Aug. 4

Time: Gather at First Friends by 6 p.m.; temple tour starts at 7 p.m.

Logistics: We will meet at First Friends north parking lot at 6 p.m. (Those who prefer to go directly to the temple should plan to arrive there by 6:45 p.m. Address: 11565 Temple Dr., Carmel.)

First come, first served: Our reservation is limited to 20 attendees. Wheelchair access is available, but service animals are not permitted.


To reserve your spot, please email name, cell number, whether you are available to drive or need a ride (if driving, indicate how many besides yourself you can transport) to: For questions, email Laura or call at 317-775-4849.


Temple reservation website:


Calling all ice cream lovers!  First Friends will be working at the Dairy Bar at the Indiana State Fair on Saturday August 8th all day.  This is a fundraiser for our youth program as we will receive $1100 from the Dairy Association for our work that day.  We plan to have two 6 hour shifts similar to last year. (9:30am-3:30pm or 3:30pm-9:30pm).  It is fast paced but lots of fun.  And you get to eat as much ice cream and grilled cheese sandwiches as you want.  Please let Beth Henricks ( know if you can participate. We need 27 people to fill these shifts.


M&C Notes for July '15 from Ed Morris, Clerk

A desire for more unprogrammed worship time was brought forward. Various ideas were proposed, including having a set expectation of unprogrammed worship starting earlier in worship during the Sunday morning service, and adding an extra worship service on Saturday evening. Jeff Goens and Mary Blackburn will study the various possibilities and report back to M&C.

Quaker Process Classes or Clinics: We will present a three part series on Quaker Process/Discernment at two different times; one on Sunday mornings with combined Adult Sunday school classes and another on Thursday evenings. The following dates have been chosen: Thurs. Sept. 10 and Sunday Sept. 13; Thurs. Sept. 17 and Sunday Sept. 20; and Thurs. Sept. 24 and Sunday Sept. 27. Eric Tinsley and Barbara Oberreich will be the primary facilitators of the classes. Eden Grace's piece on Quaker Business Practice may be used as a short guideline and Ruthie may ask Eden to come and speak to us during this process.

Marriage Equality: M&C is working toward a statement that could get unity within the Meeting as a whole. We identified four issues within the discussion of Marriage Equality as it relates to FFM: 1. Current Faith and Practice Statement of WYM. 2. Marriage by the Pastor outside of the meeting. 3. Marriage in the Meeting House, outside of the Care of the Meeting. 4. Marriage Under the Care of the Meeting. We seem to be in agreement that we are not prepared to address all of these issues simultaneously. We had an interesting discussion of Quaker marriage and Marriage Under the Care of the Meeting in particular. The discussion was positive and helpful.



Indianapolis First Friends Meeting

Compassionate v Christian v Quaker

3030 Kessler Blvd. E. Dr.

Indianapolis, IN   46220

