Friend to Friend
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Concerns, Announcements and Devotional Thought
A Weekly Ministry of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting
As Way Opens
Howard. Ed. Duffy. Our hearts are breaking. We have loved and lost many – friends and family – in recent months and days. Each loss brings the kingdom of heaven a little closer, as we release them to God’s presence and care. But wait – didn’t Christ teach us that the kingdom of heaven was with us now? Visible? Tactile? Within our reach? The strength of Christ’s message was that you didn’t have to die to see God. God’s power, strength, love, and grace was and is with us, available to us, in us now. Wasn’t that true in Howard Taylor’s life? In Ed Thomas’ life? In Duffy Fankboner’s life? Need we die in order to live with God? No. These men, and so many others we each have known, loved, respected, treasured, have shown us God made known in the practical, actual living of life. The ‘now’ of life. The kingdom of heaven is at hand! Do we see it? Do we recognize it for what it is? Do we see God in the lives of those who surround us, who honor and follow Christ’s teachings of compassion, mercy, boldness, joy, gentleness, love? Do we ourselves bring heaven – the presence of God with us – a bit closer in the ways we act and react with one another? Perhaps if we pay attention to the kingdom at hand, our healing will come more quickly.
Joys & Concerns
A Memorial Service for Ed Thomas will be held this Sunday, July 12th at Marquette Manor, 8140 Township Line Road, Indianapolis, IN 46260, at 4:00 pm in Foundation Hall. Pastor Stan Banker will be officiating, and Helena Riley will be playing. Friends are invited to join his family in remembering Ed and celebrating his life. A reception will follow the service. Please keep his daughters, Kathy, Beth and Jennifer and their families in your hearts and prayers.
Bob Davis recently returned from a five weeks’ stay with his daughters, Kristen and Karen, in Maryland. Scans were done, revealing the continued growth of cancer cells, and he has been hospitalized now for the past ten days. His prognosis is not good. Visits are too tiring, but prayers for strength and peace for Bob, his family, and for his companion, Joyce Sommers are most welcome.
A big thank you to Sarah Roth for helping out in the office during the last month. Sarah helped prepare and send out Friend to Friend, the bulletin, Vacation Bible School materials and a variety of signs. Ruthie and Beth are so thankful for her help. It was also a joy to have Kincade in the office each week. There is nothing like a baby to make one’s day better. What a blessing to have Sarah and her family as part of our faith community.
From Duffy Fankboner’s Family: Friends, My brother and I want to thank you for the beautiful celebration of life for our Dad, Duffy. He would have loved having so many people full of life and laughter in one room. Thank you to all those who shared such lovely things about Dad during the service and after to my brother and I. Dad's strength and absolute faith in his journey forward helped Cody and I at the end and you all helped us after to be happy and strong and joyous.
Our love goes out to all of you, Kate Smith and Cody Fankboner
Phyllis Paulsen, from 2nd Friends in Indianapolis sent this message, after reading last week’s Wednesday Word about our Affirmation Students work this past year: “Very, very nice. It took a lot of planning, organization, volunteering, and dedication on a group to work together for this to happen. This is what all Friends should be about! These young people will be able to keep the faith no matter what comes along in life. Blessings upon all of you.”
A Note from Jan Ahmed: Friends, I just wanted to thank all of the people who paid a visit to my family. We appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers, as well. The dinners were scrumptious and the gifts and cards were quite welcome and will be used. We have been blessed, not only by the outpouring of support, but by the lives of the people that were shared with us. It was truly wonderful to get to know all who stopped by. I hope to further and continue our friendships. Again, Thanks for a welcoming wonderful new start for our little Guy, Zarian Elijyah Ahmed.
Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities
Affirmation Students leave tomorrow, July 9th, for Philadelphia! Chelsea Tinsley, Elle Arle, Kendal Tinsley, Krishan Coffman, Logan Kay, Paul McDonald, Sam Arle, Sam Miller, and Paul Lee will be traveling with adult sponsors; Beth Henricks, Jon and Ruthie Tippin, Barbara and David Blackford, and Karen McDonald. The students will tour several Quaker historic sites including Arch St.Meeting House, Quaker Free House, Pennsbury Manor and Chestnut Hill Friends. We will also be touring several historic sites of our country. We ask for your prayers for this upcoming trip. You can follow our trip on Facebook/ 2015FirstFriends Philadelphia trip.
First Friends Representative Needed for Peace Church Coalition (Quaker/Brethren/Mennonite): In the midst of this horrific string of attacks on historically black churches in the South, I am reminded how important it is not only that we abstain from violence ourselves and seek tranquility for our own
Families, but that we actively advocate for peace and justice for everyone. I would encourage you to bring your thoughts, your ideas, your concerns, and your prayers to our next PCC meeting, which is scheduled for this Thursday, July 9 at 7pm, at Fairfield Friends. Fairfield is located at 10441 E County Rd 700 S, Camby, IN. I was asked to inform you that we will be meeting in the older, white meeting house, not the new meeting house. Brian Bither, Convener; Associate Pastor – Shalom Mennonite Church
Mid-North Food Pantry Update: Bill Chapman, Bill & Kathy Farris, Phil Kitchel, Jade Malott, Ed Morris, Susan Rains, Samantha Ryan and Norma Wallman served at the pantry. First Friends donated 265lbs of food. We are especially grateful to Susan Rains for her generous food donation. Thanks to all for making a difference in our community!
Greg Keesling and Recycle Force: Mark your calendars for next Sunday - July 12! That's when Greg Keesling will be here to tell us about the mission of Recycle Force which combines environmental care and social ministry. Greg is a lifelong Quaker with deep roots in Indiana. He is the president and founder of Recycle Force which is a recycling company that emphasizes the recycling of electronic materials. While Recycle Force recycles most recyclable goods, they specialize in recycling computers, TVs, monitors, printers, cell phones and just about anything electronic. In addition to this environmental service, Recycle Force provides jobs for people who have formerly been incarcerated. Recycle Force helps former inmates break the cycle of the revolving prison door by providing jobs, training, and other support systems.
Valley Mills Friends invites you to join us for a "Quaker Jamboree" with singing and instruments on Sunday, July 12, 2015, at 1:00 pm. They will provide refreshments. Bring your voices and/or acoustic instruments. We will be singing from the available hymnals and song sheets that any of you might bring. Please join us for this afternoon of visiting, fellowship, fun and music. Dress is casual, including jeans or whatever is comfortable for you. The address is 6739 W Thompson Road, Indianapolis, IN 46241. If anyone has any questions, they can call or text Pastor Marilee Gabriel at (317) 362-4517.
This Sunday, July 12, Seeking Friends has scheduled a period of Unprogrammed worship from 9:00am – 10:00am in the Seeking Friends room before the regular Meeting for Worship. ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US. To focus our worship, we will use the following statement from Faith and Practice of Western Yearly Meeting:
As we yield ourselves to divine guidance, we become active partners with God in the extension of His kingdom. It is the Light of God within that gives a burning sense of mission and inspires the ideal of universal kinship. Out of the realization of this spiritual fellowship come the rising tides of human sympathy that bear us forth to do His will.
Deb Hejl, 317-569-8394
Mark your calendars for an interfaith event hosted by Fairfield Friends Meeting. On Monday, July 13th, Noor-Malika Chisti will be presenting “Stories of a resilient heart: navigating culture and religion in the pursuit of Peace.” Noor-Malika Chisti is a founding member of the Southern California Committee for the Parliament of World Religions and the Southern California Muslim-Jewish Forum. The event will take place July 13 at 6:30 p.m. at Fairfield Friends Meeting, 10441 E. County Rd. 700 S.; Camby, IN 46113.
Western Yearly Meeting, July 16-19 in Plainfield; Register Now!
‘Building Together to become God’s Dwelling’ is the theme for the sessions this year. Howard Macy will be the devotional speaker each morning, and Alan Kolp will be bringing the Quaker Lecture on Thursday evening at 7:30 pm. Workshops and worship will be offered, in addition to regular business. Consider joining in the work and witness of Western Yearly Meeting at their summer session.
Worship at First Friends on July 19th. Since many of us will be worshipping at WYM, we will offer an Unprogrammed worship service at First Friends at 10:15am.
Looking for a Youth Pastor - Our Meeting has approved the hiring of a part time youth pastor starting in September. The job description is attached. If you know of someone that might be interested in this position, please have them contact Beth Henricks at
Women’s Choir Fun! Join Ruthie and Pat for a Sunday of Song! All women who love to sing are invited to sing in Meeting for Worship on Sunday, July 26th. Save the date for lots of fun! We will practice twice… Thursday, July 23 at 7:00 and Sunday, July 26 at 9:00. Two pieces have been chosen… warm up your warblers! We’re going to make a joyful noise!
Calling all ice cream lovers! First Friends will be working at the Dairy Bar at the Indiana State Fair on Saturday August 8th all day. This is a fundraiser for our youth program as we will receive $1100 from the Dairy Association for our work that day. We plan to have two 6 hour shifts similar to last year. (9:30am-3:30pm or 3:30pm-9:30pm). It is fast paced but lots of fun. And you get to eat as much ice cream and grilled cheese sandwiches as you want. Please let Beth Henricks ( know if you can participate. We need 27 people to fill these shifts.
We at First Friends are proud to take part in an ecumenical Habitat for Humanity Panel Build on July 25th at Allisonville Christian Church. Alllisonville Christian is located at 7701 Allisonville Road. Volunteers are needed for the build itself as well as hospitality tasks, including child care, food donations and serving a continental breakfast and lunch. Between all the congregations working on the build we need 100 volunteer shifts filled. Please find below links to both types of shift opportunities that are available.
If you have registered in the past with Indy Habitat Volunteer Hub you need only to sign-in. Otherwise, you will be need to create your own account and be registered to participate in this build. Please be sure to sign up for the specific shift you would like to join us for on build day.
The shifts available are:
Set-up- (7:00-7:30)
Nail Captain (All Day-7:15-12:15)
Shift 1 (7:30-10:00)
Shift 2 (9:30-12:00)
Tear Down (approx. 12:00-12:30 takes place when house is completed)
This build is the first project from an ecumenical group known as “Shalom Zone”. Shalom Zone’s mission statement is “Led by God’s Light, Ecumenically Building the Kingdom of God, One Need at a Time”. First Friends along with several area faith groups have been working over the last several months to make Shalom Zone an important addition to our community. For questions about Shalom Zone or the build please contact Bill Chapman at 255-4739 or
Indianapolis First Friends Meeting
Compassionate v Christian v Quaker
3030 Kessler Blvd. E. Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46220