Friend to Friend
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Concerns, Announcements and Devotional Thought
A Weekly Ministry of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting
As Way Opens
This past Sunday we celebrated the life of our dear friend Duffy Fankboner. The service was a fitting tribute to a life that impacted so many people. Folks were so anxious to share a story or memory showing the power his personality had on their own life that they had to wait in line for the microphone to be passed to them. The friends and family that shared their special moments with Duffy represented folks that had known Duffy for 50 plus years and those who felt his touch within the last couple of years. That is the biggest legacy that we need to breathe into our own beings. Duffy never stopped reaching out, sharing God’s love, connecting, embracing and sharing his experience of Jesus throughout a life with its share of joys and pains, accomplishments and disappointments. I personally learned so many things from Duffy, but the biggest impact he had on my life was his sharing in Unprogrammed worship a number of years ago. He stood out of the silence and talked about the terrible foot pain that he had experienced the night before. The pain was so intense that he couldn’t sleep and cried out to God to take this pain away. As Duffy laid in bed asking for relief from the pain, he began to experience God in the midst of the pain. All of a sudden, the pain was a conduit to God in a profound way. God came to Duffy in the pain and he became thankful and full of joy. Wow! How many times have we cried out to God in the middle of the night to take away our physical or emotional pain. And yet Duffy tells us to look for God in the pain. Duffy’s sharing that morning changed my life. The one certainty in our life is that we will experience pain. And yet Duffy shows us a different way to look at pain. I am so thankful that God brought Duffy into my life. I am sure many of you say this same thing and we rejoice in his spirit and are challenged to live out his witness to this world.
Joys & Concerns
We celebrated and affirmed eleven of our young people Sunday. These young people completed the ten month Affirmation Class and prepared a final project that reflected what they learned. Please be sure to tell these young people how much you appreciate this accomplishment.
They are, Chelsea Tinsley, Elle Arle, Kendal Tinsley, Krishan Coffman, Lena Kelly, Logan Kay,
Paul McDonald, Sam Arle, Sam Miller, Paul Lee and Scott Small.
Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities
Catinia is here! Catinia Dycus Persaud has joined the staff at First Friends Meeting as our Office Administrator. We are so glad to have her with us! Catinia brings a lot of professional gifts to us; she owns her own business – Divine Designs, LLC – a hairstyling business. She has worked for Wellfount Pharmacy Corporation as a technician, for Insight Corporation as a Direct Care Specialist, and as a Remittance Processor for National City Bank. She and her husband Leon were married on his birthday – and it was a surprise to Catinia! You’ll have to ask her about that story! She is a delight, and is happy to help you in any way she can. Welcome Catinia!
David Beede’s photography will be on exhibit this Friday evening, July 3rd at the Harold Miller Studio, 646 Virginia Avenue in Indy. The studio was once the Hudson car dealership, and is a unique and wonderful space to see this unique and wonderful exhibit. Both David and Harold are a part of First Friends Meeting
Quaker Affirmation Class is heading to Philadelphia July 9th-15th. Nine young people and six adults will be climbing into a van on July 9th and driving to Philadelphia. We will be touring several Quaker historic sites including Arch St.Meeting House, Quaker Free House, Pennsbury Manor and Chestnut Hill Friends. We will also be touring several historic sites of our country. We ask for your prayers for this up coming trip.
Calling all ice cream lovers! First Friends will be working at the Dairy Bar at the Indiana State Fair on Saturday August 8th all day. This is a fundraiser for our youth program as we will receive $1100 from the Dairy Association for our work that day. We plan to have two 6 hour shifts similar to last year. It is fast paced but lots of fun. And you get to eat as much ice cream and grilled cheese sandwiches as you want. Please let Beth Henricks ( know if you will help.
Greg Keesling and Recycle Force: Mark your calendars for July 12! That's when Greg Keesling will be here to tell us about the mission of Recycle Force which combines environmental care and social ministry. Greg is a lifelong Quaker with deep roots in Indiana. He is the president and founder of Recycle Force which is a recycling company that emphasizes the recycling of electronic materials. While Recycle Force recycles most recyclable goods, they specialize in recycling computers, TVs, monitors, printers, cell phones and just about anything electronic. In addition to this environmental service, Recycle Force provides jobs for people who have formerly been incarcerated. Recycle Force helps former inmates break the cycle of the revolving prison door by providing jobs, training, and other support systems. Plan to be here on 7/12 to hear more about this amazing man's story and mission!
Valley Mills Friends invites you to join us for a "Quaker Jamboree" with singing and instruments on Sunday, July 12, 2015, at 1:00 pm. They will provide refreshments. Bring your voices and/or acoustic instruments. We will be singing from the available hymnals and song sheets that any of you might bring. Please join us for this afternoon of visiting, fellowship, fun and music. Dress is casual, including jeans or whatever is comfortable for you. The address is 6739 W Thompson Road, Indianapolis, IN 46241. If anyone has any questions, they can call or text Pastor Marilee Gabriel at (317) 362-4517. How many are coming? If you could respond by July 7, that would be great!
Mark your calendars for an interfaith event hosted by Fairfield Friends Meeting. On Monday, July 13th, Noor-Malika Chisti will be presenting “Stories of a resilient heart: navigating culture and religion in the pursuit of Peace.” Noor-Malika Chisti is a founding member of the Southern California Committee for the Parliament of World Religions and the Southern California Muslim-Jewish Forum. The event will take place July 13 at 6:30 p.m. at Fairfield Friends Meeting, 10441 E. County Rd. 700 S.; Camby, IN 46113.
Western Yearly Meeting, July 16-19 in Plainfield; Register Now!
‘Building Together to become God’s Dwelling’ is the theme for the sessions this year. Howard Macy will be the devotional speaker each morning, and Alan Kolp will be bringing the Quaker Lecture on Thursday evening at 7:30 pm. Workshops and worship will be offered, in addition to regular business. Consider joining in the work and witness of Western Yearly Meeting at their summer session. Register by July 1 (today!) for Early Bird Rates.
Women’s Choir Fun! Join Ruthie and Pat for a Sunday of Song!
All women who love to sing are invited to sing in Meeting for Worship on Sunday, July 26th. Save the date for lots of fun! We will practice twice… Thursday, July 23 at 7:00 and Sunday, July 26 at 9:00. Two pieces have been chosen… warm up your warblers! We’re going to make a joyful noise!
Changing Footprints: First Friends has an ongoing collection drive for all types of footwear for distribution by Changing Footprints, a nonprofit group. We are always grateful for shoes AND volunteers. In Fellowship Hall, in the northwest corner, we have a bin marked for footwear donations to Changing Footprints. If you would like more information about this organization, the website is Since I retired five years ago, I have been involved in helping distribute 10,000-17,000 pairs of shoes and other footwear per year for those in need. Many of these shoes are given to local nonprofit organizations and schools. Others have been distributed through medical mission teams or volunteers who travel to places such as Guatemala, Haiti, and Nepal. If you would like more information, please contact me ( Thanks for your continued support of this worthwhile cause! Carol Donahue
Indianapolis First Friends Meeting
Compassionate v Christian v Quaker
3030 Kessler Blvd. E. Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46220