Friend to Friend

  Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Concerns, Announcements and Devotional Thought

A Weekly Ministry of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting



As Way Opens                is Sunday our Affirmation youth will share the experiences of our trip to Philadelphia.  We had many wonderful experiences, but a highlight for me was the trip to Chestnut Hill Friends (suburb of Philadelphia) Sunday evening to wach the sky change from dusk to dark.  This Meeting House was designed by James Turrell, the Quaker artist ( ) that we studied during Affirmation and creates art based on Light (he has an exhibit on the top floor of our Indianapolis Museum of Art).  He donated his services in designing this Meeting House that was completed in 2013.


We entered the building as dusk was beginning to encompass our surroundings and we were instructed to lie down on the Meeting benches.  The roof opened up to a rectangular square and we entered into silence as we began to experience the changing LED lights in the roof and observe the sky through the rectangular opening. The lights within the room continued to change from white, red, pink, purple, blue and green for the next 50 minutes and as the changes occurred, the sky that we observed moved from light, dark, hues of green and blue and then intense black. 


It was amazing to view the sky that completely changed by the Light that surrounded the rectangular opening in the roof. The sky was the same, but my perception of the color of the sky was totally influenced by the colors in the room.  It was a profound experience to think about how I let Light into my life and how that Light influences my perception of a situation, relationship, job, or circumstance.  The Light determines how I react to my circumstances, my dark shadows and my joy.  I have not been able to get these images out of my mind over the last few weeks.  I continue to recognize that the amount of Inner Light that I embrace will influence and impact my response to the difficult situations that I find myself in and that you might be experiencing.  The Light is sufficient for me to view my situation with hope even when I feel hopeless. The Light guides me into a path of love.


Watch for the Light today and see how it changes the color of your situation.    





 Photos provided by Ellie Arle



Joys & Concerns


Bob Davis Memorial Service will be held at the Indy Arts Center at 3:00pm on Sunday August 23th, All are welcome to join this celebration of his life.



Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities   


Please join us this Sunday as our Affirmation youth will share experiences of their Philadelphia trip with us during Meeting for Worship.  Ellie Arle has also prepared a brief slide show to give a pictorial sense of our amazing trip together.  You won’t want to miss this!  



First Friends is looking for a Part Time Youth Pastor - We are very excited that our Meeting is supporting the position of a part time (average 10 hours per week) youth pastor to offer a full blown youth group this fall.  If you know of someone that might be interested, please have them contact Beth Henricks ( or 331-8306).



Summer Seasoned Friends lunch for anyone retired and older is Wednesday August 12th at 11:30 AM in the fellowship hall. It will be a picnic theme with fried chicken, potato salad and orange jello provided.  Other salads and desserts may be donated if desired.  Please RSVP to office or Kathy Farris ( by Sunday.



 Have you ever hated to have to throw away those colorful coffee bags that your favorite beans come in?  Now you don't have to!  Carrie Sample has plans to adopt any of your unwanted coffee bags for her handmade holiday craft projects.  Please get in touch with her at to make pick up arrangements. 


 Susan Belton has two Twin Beds that she would like to give away, if you are interested in the beds please contact Susan at 317-490-6483                                                                  


Friday August 7th:

First Friends Community Salad Supper and Screening of

‘The Many Storeys and Last Days of Thomas Merton’

Supper served 5:30 - 7:00.  Film begins at 7:00 PM

The film will be followed by a discussion with Producer Morgan Atkinson.  Come to either or both segments of the evening.

We are expecting a large gathering and we ask that you would bring a salad for supper to share.



Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation presents Quaker Historian Thomas D. Hamm. Friday, August 14th from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. here at First Friends Meeting. Tom Hamm will speak about the history of Quaker involvement in political & social activism. A discussion period to follow Tom’s lecture. A freewill offering will be taken to support the advocacy work of IFCL.


‘Quakers and Peace: Past and Present’; Diana Hadley has worked at Franklin College since 2004 where she is executive director of the Indiana High School Press and has taught journalism classes and a liberal arts course in nonviolence. She will be leading this course from her new book, “The Peace Class”.

Time : Monday evenings 6:30 pm August 31-October 5th.

Where: Fairfield Friends Meeting 10441 E. County Rd 700 S. Camby, IN, 46113

The cost of the course is $30, with a book included. Please RSVP 



Dan Moseley Weekend- August 22nd-23rd.

When we think about living simply, we tend to focus on things we can see. We think about decluttering and donating. We celebrate clear countertops, empty book shelves, organized computer desktops, and unplugging from electronic tethers. While all of those things are important and worth celebrating, that’s just the surface of simplicity. When we free up resources, needless to be happy, and have time to consider what matters most, we simply become more loving, caring, and giving.


Come join us on Saturday, August 22 as we explore the dimensions of Simplicity with Dr. Dan Moseley in our final program for Discovering God in a Changing World: What is ahead for me? A light breakfast will be available at 8:30 a.m. with the Program running from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.  Dan will also bring the message on Sunday and be available for Q&A over lunch after Meeting for Worship.  We hope you can join us!   Please contact the office if you would like to attend.



Women’s Retreat! Join Katherine Murray, September 14-15 at Quaker Haven.  Quaker Women from across Indiana will be gathering to learn to “Choose Gratitude”.  Come join us as we explore practical, worshipful and creative ways to fill our lives and spiritual practice with gratitude.  Cost: $65, includes 3 meals and night’s lodging. Begins at 1:00 Monday (14th), and ends after lunch on Tuesday (15th). All who are interested please contact Katherine at



Attention Men! What does it take to be a “real man” in today's world? A Christian man? A Quaker or Methodist* man? What beliefs do you have that speak to that? What are your core values? (And how do you feel about bocce ball?)  Join us for a one day, thought provoking, and fun filled retreat at First Friends on Oct. 31st as we address these things along with some of the Methodist men of Epworth Methodist *(our Eco Film Series partners). Call Ed Morris at 317-691-5542 if you have any questions.  Save the date!



Save the Date: Say "Cheese!"
Did you know that First Friends publishes a directory every 4 years that includes pictures to make it easier to get to know the names and faces of the members and attendees of our Meeting? It's also a great opportunity on a deal for a family portrait.  We will have sign up, registration information and all the details for our picture days by early September, but put the dates of November 4th-7th, 2015 at First Friends on your calendar!  Expect the new directory to be available in early 2016. More detailed information coming soon


Indianapolis First Friends Meeting

Compassionate v Christian v Quaker

3030 Kessler Blvd. E. Dr.

Indianapolis, IN   46220
