Friend to Friend
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Concerns, Announcements and Devotional Thought
A Weekly Ministry of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting
As Way Opens
Queries, or questions, have long been a part of the spiritual nurture of Friends – both individually and as faith communities. In its earliest days, Quaker Meetings were asked three questions each year by London Yearly Meeting: What Friends had passed away since the last Yearly Meeting gathering? What Friends, imprisoned for their testimonies, had died in prison since the last Yearly Meeting gathering? How had the Truth prospered amongst their Meetings since the last Yearly Meeting, and how were Friends in peace and unity?
Three queries were expanded into six, and then later into many more. The use of the queries moved from finding factual information, to enforcing discipline and order as more and more Yearly Meetings were formed. Written answers had long been enforced, with Monthly Meetings and Quarterly Meetings reporting their shared responses with the Yearly Meetings. Today, this has evolved into a set of queries called ‘The State of Society’ in Western Yearly Meeting, sent in by each of its Monthly Meetings, telling of our spiritual health, life in community, and work and witness in the world. Increasingly, queries became a tool for self-examination – not just for Meetings, but for individuals as well. Advices were also written, bringing a source of challenge and encouragement. Each Sunday, an advice or query is included in our bulletin for consideration during Open Worship.
Quaker queries offer us an incredibly useful tool in thought and reflection about our journey of faith. I invite you to join me and others in considering an advice or query each week throughout this coming school year. Beginning in September, I will offer an advice or query with a reflection of my own on our website blog. I invite you to either respond to it, or even better, to find another person to meet with, and discuss the query. What speaks to you? What challenges you? How does this query move you forward in faith? Take time to pray for one another. My prayer is that these interchanges will deepen our faith, both individually, and as a Meeting. Can you imagine it? Our entire Meeting family, considering the same query, week after week? How lovely!
I leave you now with two considerations: What person(s) would you like to gather with to share about the queries/advices/God’s leading? (Keep any group to five persons or less.) How does the Truth prosper in you, and how are you in peace and unity with yourself and those around you?
Joys & Concerns
A Memorial Service for Bob Davis will be held Sunday August 23rd, 3:00pm at the Indy Arts Center, 820 East 67th Street. All are welcome to join this celebration of his life. Joyce Sommers 5647 N. Delaware, 46220.
Please hold in prayer the Muslim Congregation of Kokomo, as they have faced harrassment by persons there. We are thankful for a gathering of civic and faith leaders this past Sunday, including our own Daud Abdur-Rahman, who have responded and are intentional in their work together to address this concern.
Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities
Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation presents Quaker Historian Thomas D. Hamm. Friday, August 14th from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. here at First Friends Meeting. Tom Hamm will speak about the history of Quaker involvement in political & social activism. A discussion period to follow Tom’s lecture. A freewill offering will be taken to support the advocacy work of IFCL.
Thank You Dairy Bar Friends! This Saturday, August 15th is Our Day!
Two crews of folks from First Friends and Fairfield Friends will work the registers, run the orders out, and scoop hard ice cream, each for six hour shifts. Why are we doing this??? The Dairy Association donates monies to each organization that works at the Dairy Bar. First Friends used the profits last year to fund our Affirmation Youth Program. This year, the funds raised will go toward our Youth Program. Exciting!
Monthly Meeting for Worship to Conduct Business! This Coming Sunday!
We haven’t met for two months, and there’s lots of great things to discover about what God has been doing, and intends to do at First Friends Meeting. Join Clerk Bill Dubois, committee clerks and many other friends, and find a welcome place.
First Friends Yoga, held on Monday evenings, is canceled until after Labor Day. We will reassess in September depending upon interest. If you’ve ever been curious about the Monday night slow-vinyasa yoga class, join us this fall! Watch for more information to come.
Gentle Yoga, with Beth Henkel, has move to Friday afternoons at 1:00. The cost for each session is $5.00; the sessions last for an hour. Join us!
Beth’s email:
Dan Moseley Weekend- August 22nd-23rd
Come join us on Saturday, August 22 as we explore the dimensions of Simplicity with Dr. Dan Moseley in our final program for Discovering God in a Changing World: What is ahead for me? A light breakfast will be available at 8:30 a.m. with the Program running from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Dan will also bring the message on Sunday and be available for Q&A over lunch after Meeting for Worship. We hope you can join us! Please contact the office if you would like to attend.
When we think about living simply, we tend to focus on things we can see. We think about decluttering and donating. We celebrate clear countertops, empty book shelves, organized computer desktops, and unplugging from electronic tethers. While all of those things are important and worth celebrating, that’s just the surface of simplicity. When we free up resources, needless to be happy, and have time to consider what matters most, we simply become more loving, caring, and giving.
Woods Work Day August 29th 9:00-12:00.
We need to weed and clean up the woods before we have our final Worship in the Woods. Bring your work gloves, hand towels, clippers and anything else to help us clean up. We have a good time doing this. It is a time for fellowship with some people you might not have a chance to talk with. Several hands make the work go faster and the reward is great. Hope to see you August 29th 9:00-12:00
Please join the presence of Friends at the Festival of Faiths on Sunday, August 30, 1-5pm. The Festival will take place at the Veterans Memorial Plaza in Downtown Indy. There will be a “Meet the Quakers” display with information about Central Indiana Friends. Come say “hi" or spend some time volunteering at the table. The Festival will feature performances of different faiths’ wedding ceremonies, music and dance on the Sacred Arts Stage, Social Awareness Table Conversations and wonderful ethnic foods. For more info, contact Erin Polley at
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." You know you have them: shoes that are "too good" to get rid of but pinch your toes...that gorgeous dress that itches your armpit...those awesome jeans that fit you perfectly--10 pounds ago. These items are taking up space in your closet and weighing down your spirit! Open up your closet space from items you no longer love with items that you will actually use. The best part: it's all free! Here is how it works:
Give 1 nonperishable food item for the pantry and your lightly loved (and laundered) clothing, shoes, accessories, and costume jewelry for our WOMEN'S CLOTHING SWAP on August 30 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall, and you will get unlimited access to other clothing, shoes, accessories, and costume jewelry as well as enjoy light refreshments. What's not to love? Even if you don't have anything to swap, come anyway--there is always plenty of clothing for anyone who might need something. Clothing will be organized by size (the more participants we have, the wider the range of sizes), and there will be plenty of space to try things on. Any leftovers will be donated to Thrifty Threads, a thrift shop which benefits the Julian Center Shelter for Women.
Contact Carrie Sample (317-697-9706 or with questions or if you wish to help with set up or tear down.
‘Quakers and Peace: Past and Present’; Diana Hadley has worked at Franklin College since 2004 where she is executive director of the Indiana High School Press and has taught journalism classes and a liberal arts course in nonviolence. She will be leading this course from her new book, “The Peace Class”.
Time : Monday evenings 6:30 pm August 31-October 5th.
Where: Fairfield Friends Meeting 10441 E. County Rd 700 S. Camby, IN, 46113
The cost of the course is $30, with a book included. Please RSVP
How do Friends decide? From carpet colors to choosing a new pastor, Friends have to make many different decisions. How do we carry these questions forward? What process do we use that stands out from other faith communities? Why do we do things the way we do? What is our individual responsibility toward the process? How is that different from our responsibility as a group? Join Eric Tinsley and members of Ministry and Counsel this September for three sessions, learning about Quaker process in decision-making. This is especially important to our Meeting, especially as we consider decisions regarding marriage equality. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Session One: Thursday, September 10 at 7:00; repeated Sunday, September 13 at 9:00
Session Two: Thursday, September 17 at 7:00; repeated Sunday, September 20 at 9:00
Session Three: Thursday, September 24 at 7:00; repeated Sunday, September 27 at 9:00
All regular adult Sunday School classes will be suspended during this time, in order that everyone can attend the Quaker Process gatherings.
Women’s Retreat! Join Katherine Murray, September 14-15 at Quaker Haven. Quaker Women from across Indiana will be gathering to learn to “Choose Gratitude”. Come join us as we explore practical, worshipful and creative ways to fill our lives and spiritual practice with gratitude. Cost: $65, includes 3 meals and night’s lodging. Begins at 1:00 Monday (14th), and ends after lunch on Tuesday (15th). All who are interested please contact Katherine at
Save the Date: Say "Cheese!"
Did you know that First Friends publishes a directory every 4 years that includes pictures to make it easier to get to know the names and faces of the members and attendees of our Meeting? It's also a great opportunity on a deal for a family portrait. We will have sign up, registration information and all the details for our picture days by early September, but put the dates of November 4th-7th, 2015 at First Friends on your calendar! Expect the new directory to be available in early 2016. More detailed information coming soon
Indianapolis First Friends Meeting
Compassionate v Christian v Quaker
3030 Kessler Blvd. E. Dr.
ndianapolis, IN 46220