Friend to Friend
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Concerns, Announcements and Devotional Thought
A Weekly Ministry of Indianapolis First Friends Meeting
As Way Opens
I had a wonderful opportunity this past weekend to join Quakers from around the country including Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, New York Yearly Meeting, New England Yearly Meeting, Baltimore Yearly Meeting, Pacific Northwest Yearly Meeting, and South Central Yearly Meeting to share information and experiences about religious education for our children and youth. Four Quaker women representing four yearly meetings have taken a leadership role in creating the Quaker Religious Education Collaborative ( two years ago, seeking to bring Quakers interested in religious education together from all branches of Quakerism. This past weekend was their second annual gathering. This group of religious educators and volunteers brought materials and ideas that have been successful in their Meetings. I shared our Affirmation curriculum with everyone and there was great excitement about this. Many are anxious to see the curriculum and how they might incorporate this in their Monthly/Yearly Meeting. I am so thankful that our Meeting invested in this important work. While many Meetings talk about doing something more for their children and youth, our Meeting acted on this and made an investment of time and money.
I am hopeful this Collaborative will help us all share knowledge and experiences for our Christian Education programs. It is so beneficial to share time with Quakers that practice our faith differently than I do. We have a tendency to get stuck in “our way of doing things” and it is refreshing to experience God in a different way with others and see how God is moving in many corners of the world.
Joys & Concerns
A Memorial Service for Bob Davis will be held this Sunday August 23rd, 3:00pm at the Indy Arts Center, 820 East 67th Street. All are welcome to join this celebration of his life. Cards can be sent to Joyce Sommers at 5647 N. Delaware, 46220.
Cheryl Wyne was hospitalized Monday evening at St. Francis South with a blood clot on her lung, after an extended cross country car trip. Please hold her in prayer during this time of treatment. May God’s healing touch be hers. No cards please – just prayers!
Damian Walter’s Aunt Annie and her husband Jerry were in a motorcycle accident on Monday. Both are in the hospital with broken/shattered legs. Jerry has a "spot" on his brain, so could not receive surgery on his leg. Doctors are not sure yet if the spot is due to the accident or a possible tumor. Please hold them in your prayers.
Helen Davenport is resting at home after a fall this past weekend, and now is fighting pneumonia. Please keep her in your prayers for good response to healing prayer and watchful care. Cards can be sent to, 2444 E 64th St #206, 46220.
Beth would like to give a big thank you to the 28 volunteers that worked at the Dairy Bar this past Saturday. The American Dairy Association made a video of the work done at the Dairy Bar this last Saturday, and First Friends folk are featured! Take a look!
We at First Friends were able to share our “Mt Everest” VBS materials with Greater King Solomon Missionary Baptist Church on 24th and Sherman. They were very appreciative for all the materials that were donated and only wished that we could have seen the smiles that the congregation and the children had on their faces as they participated in their Vacation Bible School this summer.
Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities
Potluck Lunch this Sunday! We invite everyone to bring a side dish, salad or dessert this Sunday, August 23rd - the entrée will be provided. We will gather for lunch together immediately after Meeting for Worship, enjoy visiting together, and have a great ‘Q and A’ session with our good friend Dan Moseley. Such great fun!
Dan Moseley This Weekend, August 22-23!!! We hope you can join us on Saturday, August 22 as we explore the dimensions of Simplicity with Dr. Dan Moseley in our final program for Discovering God in a Changing World: What is ahead for me? When we free up resources, need less to be happy, and have time to consider what matters most, we can create the capacity to become more loving, hospitable, and generous. A light breakfast will be available at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday with the program running from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. As before, Dan will also bring the message on Sunday and be available for Q&A over lunch. Childcare will be available on Sunday, and as needed on Saturday morning, just let us know. Please call the church office (317-255-2485) if you plan to attend on Saturday. We hope to see everyone there!
Oak Leaf: Meeting for Reading will discuss F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsy on Tuesday the 25th of August at 7 pm in the Parlor. Sylvia Andrews will be leading the discussion. Please feel free to wear your best 20’s garb to the meeting if you’d like. Mark your calendar for September 29th for The Fault in Our Stars written by Indiana’s own John Green for the next book discussion. If you are interested in being on the mailing list or would like a list of novels please contact Kathy Rhyne at
Friends Committee on National Legislation Update: We are at a time that is critical time for diplomacy and war prevention, and our lobbyists at FCNL believe it is crucial that the recently concluded treaty with Iran go forward. It appears possible and maybe even likely that Congress has enough votes to reject the Iran treaty, which President Obama will veto. The critical point will be the vote needed to override the veto, and Senator Donnelly will likely be one of the deciding players. This is an important time to act. About 10 of us went to DC in November to talk about the Iran treaty. Donnelly's aide who talked with us seemed very open to our values, and we believe we have a powerful opportunity ahead of us. The Indiana FCNL delegation is arranging to meet with Sen. Donnelly, sometime between August 24th to 28th in Indianapolis. Tom and Noell Krughoff are planning to attend the meeting. If you would like to learn more about the treaty with Iran, or if you would like information about how to contact Sen. Donnelly yourself, Tom & Noell will be available immediately after Meeting for Worship this coming Sunday, August 23.
Woods Work Day August 29th 9:00-12:00 We need to weed and clean up the woods before we have our final Worship in the Woods. Bring your work gloves, hand towels, clippers and anything else to help us clean up. We have a good time doing this. It is a time for fellowship with some people you might not have a chance to talk with. Several hands make the work go faster and the reward is great. Hope to see you August 29th 9:00-12:00.
Join us at the Festival of Faiths on Sunday, August 30, 1-5pm; Veterans Memorial Plaza: Festival of Faiths brings together Central Indiana’s diverse faith groups in a one day event to learn and share with others in our faith community. Festival of Faiths also offers us a great opportunity to spend time with Friends from other Central Indiana Quaker Meetings. First Friends is proud to again be a part of this year’s event. We hope to celebrate and share our Quaker faith on this special day. Please consider spending a fun and spiritually meaningful day together with our diverse and loving faith community. This event is truly a gift to our city. Please join us!
First Friends is looking for assistance in set up at noon and Friends to spend time greeting visitors in our tent. To volunteer or for further information please contact Bill Chapman at 255-4739 or To learn more about Indy Festival of Faiths visit
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." You know you have them: shoes that are "too good" to get rid of but pinch your toes...that gorgeous dress that itches your armpit...those awesome jeans that fit you perfectly--10 pounds ago. These items are taking up space in your closet and weighing down your spirit! Open up your closet space from items you no longer love with items that you will actually use. The best part: it's all free! Here is how it works:
Give 1 nonperishable food item for the pantry and your lightly loved (and laundered) clothing, shoes, accessories, and costume jewelry for our WOMEN'S CLOTHING SWAP on August 30 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall, and you will get unlimited access to other clothing, shoes, accessories, and costume jewelry as well as enjoy light refreshments. What's not to love? Even if you don't have anything to swap, come anyway--there is always plenty of clothing for anyone who might need something. Clothing will be organized by size (the more participants we have, the wider the range of sizes), and there will be plenty of space to try things on. Any leftovers will be donated to Thrifty Threads, a thrift shop which benefits the Julian Center Shelter for Women.
Contact Carrie Sample (317-697-9706 or with questions or if you wish to help with set up or tear down.
‘Quakers and Peace: Past and Present’; Diana Hadley has worked at Franklin College since 2004 where she is executive director of the Indiana High School Press and has taught journalism classes and a liberal arts course in nonviolence. She will be leading this course from her new book, “The Peace Class”.
Time : Monday evenings 6:30 pm August 31-October 5th.
Where: Fairfield Friends Meeting 10441 E. County Rd 700 S. Camby, IN, 46113
The cost of the course is $30, with a book included. Please RSVP
How do Friends decide? From carpet colors to choosing a new pastor, Friends have to make many different decisions. How do we carry these questions forward? What process do we use that stands out from other faith communities? Why do we do things the way we do? What is our individual responsibility toward the process? How is that different from our responsibility as a group? Join Eric Tinsley and members of Ministry and Counsel this September for three sessions, learning about Quaker process in decision-making. This is especially important to our Meeting, especially as we consider decisions regarding marriage equality. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Session One: Thursday, September 10 at 7:00; repeated Sunday, September 13 at 9:00
Session Two: Thursday, September 17 at 7:00; repeated Sunday, September 20 at 9:00
Session Three: Thursday, September 24 at 7:00; repeated Sunday, September 27 at 9:00
All regular adult Sunday School classes will be suspended during this time, in order that everyone can attend the Quaker Process gatherings.
Women’s Retreat! Join Katherine Murray, September 14-15 at Quaker Haven. Quaker Women from across Indiana will be gathering to learn to “Choose Gratitude”. Come join us as we explore practical, worshipful and creative ways to fill our lives and spiritual practice with gratitude. Cost: $65, includes 3 meals and night’s lodging. Begins at 1:00 Monday (14th), and ends after lunch on Tuesday (15th). All who are interested please contact Katherine at
Save the Date: Say "Cheese!"
Did you know that First Friends publishes a directory every 4 years that includes pictures to make it easier to get to know the names and faces of the members and attendees of our Meeting? It's also a great opportunity on a deal for a family portrait. We will have sign up, registration information and all the details for our picture days by early September, but put the dates of November 4th-7th, 2015 at First Friends on your calendar! Expect the new directory to be available in early 2016. More detailed information coming soon.
Report from Ministry and Counsel Clerk, Ed Morris
· Our series of discussions with Dan Mosley continues this week on Aug. 22nd. See separate article in this issue for details of this session. M&C will be discerning how to best spend a $1,000 WYM grant for consultation with Dan.
· World Quaker Day – Oct. 4: Quakers from all over the country will be coming to Indianapolis. We will celebrate in a variety of ways. Organizations such as AFSC, UFSW, FCNL, etc will be invited to put up displays in Fellowship Hall to help inform people about their missions.
· Quaker Process Classes: Our Quaker process classes will begin on Thurs. Sept. 10th. See the separate article in this issue for dates and details.
· Marriage Equality: Ministry and Counsel has been discussing, sharing, learning and discerning the subject of marriage equality or same sex marriage for about a year. While we are not in full unity on how best to move forward on this issue the sense of the Committee is that we should now begin the process of discernment as a group in Monthly Meeting. We are aware that progress has been made at West Newton Meeting and can share their minute with FFM. We can begin our discussion at our September Monthly Meeting on Sept. 20th. Childcare will be available. M&C members believe that we can use our Meeting review of Quaker process as a practical and strong spiritual guide to our corporate discernment of this subject.
Indianapolis First Friends Meeting
Compassionate v Christian v Quaker
3030 Kessler Blvd. E. Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46220