As Way Opens
One of my favorite writers is Peter Rollins who is also a storyteller, philosopher and public speaker ( I am reading his latest book, The Orthodox Heretic and Other Impossible Tales. I love what he writes about the Word of God becoming incarnate. “We are invited to reflect upon the true meaning of the phrase Word of God. While this term is often used in order to describe a set of Scriptures,….the words, or at least the message contained by the words, has a status far beyond that of even the greatest literary achievements. We must ask whether holding the words of the Bible in such high regard is really the best way to show our love and respect to this ancient text. For is it not the Bible itself that informs us how God’s Word never returns empty (Isaiah 55:11)? In other words, God’s holy Word cannot be heard without being heeded; it cannot be received without being incarnated. Indeed, it is only in being incarnated that one can say that it has been received. For instance, the words love your neighbor should not be thought of as sacred or divine. These words are no more than words. They take on a revelatory role only when they are lived, that is, when someone actually gets their hands dirty and loves their neighbor - in other words, when this phrase is incarnated in action. The idea of loving one’s neighbor is the Word of God, not when it is merely affirmed, but when it is lived. Therefore, it is impossible to affirm God’s Word apart from becoming that Word, apart from being the place where that Word becomes a living, breathing act. The Word of God is an incarnated Word that is lived. Its call is heard only by those who inhale the aroma of the words and who exhale life, liberation and love.
May the Word of God be alive and incarnate in each of us today.
Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities
Please note there will be no Gentle Yoga this week, Friday, June 2nd. Yoga will resume next week.
Friends Education Fund is a Quaker college scholarship program for African American students. If you know of a student who might be interested in applying, please ask them to contact the Meeting Office or visit our website at Applications are being accepted through Friday, June 2nd. The selected applicants will be celebrated later in June.
Join us for Worship in the Woods on Sunday, June 4th. Worship will be at the normal time, 10:15am, in the Meditational Woods, weather permitting. Jim and Leslie K. will be leading the service. Please note that we will not have a church picnic at this time. Keep an eye out for news on a picnic in July, after Bob Henry arrives!
You’re invited to the celebration! Everyone is invited to stop in for an open house this Sunday, 1-3:30pm in the Parlor to celebrate Lori H's graduation! Lori graduated from IUPUI’s Purdue School of Science on May 14 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a minor in Criminal Justice. She has been accepted and plans on attending Valparaiso University to receive a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. She plans on going on to receive her Doctorate for Clinical Forensic Psychology once completing her Master’s program.
Temporary Home Needed for Our New Pastor! Bob and his family have found a home in Fishers but they can’t move into it until September 1st. Does anyone know of a need for house sitters for the summer or have room for a family of four or know of a place to rent? They will need this from July 1st to September 1st. Please ask around and contact the office if you have any possibilities.
The Pastoral Excellence Fund of Western Yearly Meeting depends on donations to fund its benefits to WYM pastors, which have including Stan, Beth, and Ruthie, and will benefit Bob if funded adequately. Please send donation to the office for PME, or place in the offering.
We need volunteers for the Mid North Food Pantry! ~ A few of our “regulars” will not be able to volunteer at the food pantry on Wednesdays, June 7 and 21. These are all days that First Friends regularly staffs the pantry. If you are in town and available during any of these dates, please consider volunteering. Let the office know if you are interested. Thank you for your assistance!
Please note that the Woods Word Day scheduled for Saturday, June 10th is being postponed for the time being. Keep an eye out for news on a possible rescheduled date.
Babysitting Co-Op ~ Our babysitting co-op is happening on Saturday June 10th from 5:30 - 9:30. Dinner will be provided for the kids. Please contact the office if you would like to have your kids join in the fun that evening!
Shalom Zone Garage Sale ~ On Saturday, June 3, from 8:00 am to noon (set up beginning at 7 am) the Shalom Zone churches (Cross and Crown, Allisonville Christian, Epworth, First Friends and St. Pius X) will be sponsoring "garage sale" and “craft sale” opportunities for individuals in the Cross and Crown parking lot at 79th and Allisonville Road. You will be able to reserve a space for $10 in advance ($15 day of sale). The rest is up to you - bring your own table or use the trunk of your car. You get to keep whatever you earn. The adjoining neighborhood of Ivy Hills will have its annual garage sale the same day so there should be no shortage of folks looking for a deal. The Shalom Zone will donate the reservation fees to School on Wheels, a voluntary program which tutors homeless children throughout Marion County. For more information or to reserve a space contact the office.
Indy Pride Parade - It is now, more important than ever that we stand-up for what is right in our community. We will be walking as Quakers of Indy in the Indy Pride Parade on June 10 in support of the LGBTQ people we love. If you are interested in walking with us, you can contact the office. We will be meeting downtown around 9am. Hope to see you there!
Vacation Bible School is coming up this July! We will kick off on Sunday, July 16 from 12:00-2:00pm and will continue Mon.-Thurs. from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Lunch will be provided for all who attend on the 16th. We are currently looking for volunteers to help! If you are interested in being a teacher, station leader, or bringing snacks, please contact the office.
Hello, my name is Nutmeg. My beloved owner passed away last week. I am 13 years old. I am cared for by the VCA hospital at 4030 W. 86th Street. I eat Hill's CD wet and dry food, and am currently taking one medication, which is mixed in my food. I am an affectionate and playful cat. I'd do best in a home without other animals, but a girl can't be too picky. Look at my big eyes and give me a thought, please. Contact the office if you know of a home.
IFCL’s Lawmakers of the Year - Members of the Indiana FriendsCommitteeon Legislation recognized Sen. James Merritt, Jr. R-District 31, and Rep. Scott Pelath, D-District 9, as the IFCL 2017 Lawmakers of the Year on Thursday, May 25. At the legislature as in other projects, IFCL aspires to be led by the spirit of God as mediated by the traditional testimonies of Friends: peace, simplicity, equality, integrity, stewardship and earth care. More information about IFCL can be found at To see the press release, please visit
Volunteers for WYM Pancake Breakfast - Dale Graves is asking for each meeting to send one or more Quaker men to assist with the pancake breakfast at Western Yearly Meeting. This would be Saturday, July 29, starting at 7 am to set up, and continuing to 10:30 or so. YM sessions start at 9 am and men are excused if attending the sessions. Please let the office know if you will do this, and we will connect you with Dale.
Quaker Life magazine is being offered to us for renewal at a group rate of $30.00 per year. Published by Friends United Meeting, issues come out quarterly, that will “inspire, inform and teach you.” The journal is normally priced at $40.00 annually. We keep one copy in our Library. Please let the office know if you would like to add your name to the list of subscribers. Thank you!
Rise Up – A Youth Empowerment Summit – This summer Peace Learning Center will be hosting the Youth Empowerment Summit, Rise up!, on Thursday, June 15 from 8am-2pm. It is free and open to ages 8-12. Because it is free it does fill up quickly, interested individuals and groups are encouraged to register in a timely fashion! Breakout sessions will include peer norming & bullying, upstander skills, restorative practices, and peer meditation. Along with all the learning that takes place it is very neat for students to be able to enjoy a catered meal through the Rathskeller Restaurant! For more information and to register, visit
FUM Stewards Program! Young Adult Friends (aged 18–27) who are interested in the Friends movement and in developing their leadership experience could gain significant benefit from participating in the Stewards Program offered during the Triennial on July 12-16, 2017. The program will be facilitated by Pat Byers, Assistant Superintendent, Indiana Yearly Meeting, and will include significant time working alongside those leading the Youth/ YAF Program, at the Triennial. The Stewards Program this year will have three main areas of focus: 1) Education/introduction to the Friends movement. 2) Leadership experience working with Young Friends and other Young Adults at the Triennial. And 3) Opportunity to rub shoulders with and learn from some ‘seasoned’ leaders of the Friends movement. To apply and for more information, visit Applications are due June 23.
IFCL News ~ Now that the 2017 Indiana General Assembly session has concluded, the Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation (IFCL) would like to report to Friends on the legislative accomplishments of our bipartisan Quakerly lobbying. We are positively surprised and elated by the effective influence that our faith-based IFCL organization has been able to have at the Statehouse - both in terms of substantive impact on legislation, and in terms of building personal relationships and mutual respect with lawmakers (on both sides of the aisle) that should pay rich dividends for years to come. We want to share IFCL's good news with you, and to thank you for your interest and support of IFCL - now flourishing in its 46th year. To read the legislative summaries, visit
2017 ESR Leadership Conference--Online Registration Now Available! The compelling urge to create new venues for service and ministry rises from deep within. A call beckons with an invitation to consider something new—a different path, a fresh venture, a new vocation. With courage the entrepreneur moves forward into a mysterious unknown with as many questions as answers, but with a certainty that the risk is worth taking. Join with others who wrestle with such callings at this year's ESR Leadership Conference, August 11-13. For more information and to register, visit