As Way Opens
“It is from the numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”
-- Robert Kennedy
I heard the author of a new book about Robert Kennedy speak on a news show this week and he read this quote. I have heard it before but it struck me in a new way as we all try to figure out life in our troubled times today. There is so much fear, so much violence, such hardened political positions, that I hardly know what to do. It feels like the very core of our democracy is being challenged. The easy thing is to be depressed, sad, feel helpless and enclose my circle and be concerned with my little world. But it is in troubled times that God calls each one of us to act. When a problem seems so daunting, we have a tendency to think our small action will make no difference. But the history of our world (and the history of Quakers) has been made by countless number of individual acts of kindness, moments that we stood up for what is right and true as we follow the example that Jesus gave us, and defended the least of our brothers and sisters among us.
What small action can you do to today that will add to the ripple to build a current that will impact our course of history?
While these times seem like our most difficult ever, if we look at history we have experienced and survived far worse times. And those outcomes were shaped by individuals responding to God’s light within to take a stand, to look beyond ourselves but focus on the greater good and take some action that combined with others have changed our world.
What is God saying to you today? What act of kindness, what action do you need to take to respond to God’s voice? Is your God big and vast enough to break through your fear? Is your faith in God deep enough to allow you to make a difference?
Joys & Concerns
Nutmeg has found a home! We are glad to report the loveable cat up for adoption mentioned last week has now been adopted! Thank you to all who shared and helped find Nutmeg a home!
It is with great joy that Chris and Vicki W welcome a new grandson Oscar born on May 31st to Peter and Blair. Oscar spent some time in the newborn intensive care unit, but he is doing much better now and should be home soon. He joins brother Archie and we are excited for the whole family.
Happy Birthday Shirley! Shirley P will turn 89 on June 22nd. If you feel so led, it would make her day to receive birthday cards and wishes from her First Friends family!
Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities
Help us provide music this Summer! We still have some open slots for folks to share their musical talent with us - singing, playing an instrument or joining together with a couple of other individuals for a trio or quartet. Please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway. We look forward to hearing from you!
The cherry trees are ready! You might notice the cherry tree in the courtyard at the meeting is bright red with ripe cherries! Grab a bucket and start harvesting! Cherry pie? Cherry Jam? Cherry cobbler? Or maybe just enjoy them fresh! Please feel free to grab some cherries and enjoy them while they’re ripe.
Please note that the Woods Word Day scheduled for this Saturday, June 10th is being postponed for the time being. Keep an eye out for news on a possible rescheduled date.
The Library catalog is getting even better! Besides now having our library catalog available online on our website, the catalog now has tags to help you search for the topics you’re looking for. These tags include topics such as poetry, biography, prophecy, sermons, worship, etc. To search for a topic, simply click the arrow next to the search bar and choose “advanced search”. Then change the search field to “tag” and enter the topic you’re looking for. For a list of searchable tags, visit
The Pastoral Excellence Fund of Western Yearly Meeting depends on donations to fund its benefits to WYM pastors, which have including Stan, Beth, and Ruthie, and will benefit Bob if funded adequately. Please send donation to the office for PME, or place in the offering.
We need volunteers for the Mid North Food Pantry! ~ A few of our “regulars” will not be able to volunteer at the food pantry on Wednesday June 21. These are all days that First Friends regularly staffs the pantry. If you are in town and available during any of these dates, please consider volunteering. Let the office know if you are interested. Thank you for your assistance!
Babysitting Co-Op ~ Our babysitting co-op is happening on Saturday June 10th from 5:30 - 9:30. Dinner will be provided for the kids. Please contact Beth if you would like to have your kids join in the fun that evening!
Indy Pride Parade - It is now, more important than ever that we stand-up for what is right in our community. We will be walking as Quakers of Indy in the Indy Pride Parade on June 10 in support of the LGBTQ people we love. If you are interested in walking with us, you can contact the office. We will be meeting downtown around 9am. Hope to see you there!
Join us this summer on June 22nd for the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class! Want to learn how to better handle your money, budget, and dump debt? Then this is the class for you! Samantha R. took this class twice and it has helped her be in charge and organized with her money. It has also helped her pay off $30,000 in student loans and avoid debt forever! Click on the link to sign up . Also you're welcome to contact the office if you have any questions. Sam and her sister will be hosting this 9 week class at East Tenth United Methodist Church at 2327 E 10th St, Indianapolis, IN 46201.
You’re invited to the wedding! Our beloved organist and choir director Shawn P. and Dr Brett P. invite you to their celebration of marriage on Saturday July 8th with a musical prelude starting at 3:00 and ceremony at 3:30 p.m. This ceremony will be held at Indianapolis First Friends Meeting in the Meetingroom and all are welcome to gather together for this joyous occasion.
Vacation Bible School is coming up this July! We will kick off on Sunday, July 16 from 12:00-2:00pm and will continue Mon.-Thurs. from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Lunch will be provided for all who attend on the 16th. We are currently looking for volunteers to help! If you are interested in being a teacher, station leader, or bringing snacks, please contact Beth.
Volunteers for WYM Pancake Breakfast - Dale Graves is asking for each meeting to send one or more Quaker men to assist with the pancake breakfast at Western Yearly Meeting. This would be Saturday, July 29, starting at 7 am to set up, and continuing to 10:30 or so. YM sessions start at 9 am and men are excused if attending the sessions. Please let the office know if you will do this, and we will connect you with Dale.
FUM Stewards Program! Young Adult Friends (aged 18–27) who are interested in the Friends movement and in developing their leadership experience could gain significant benefit from participating in the Stewards Program offered during the Triennial on July 12-16, 2017. The program will be facilitated by Pat Byers, Assistant Superintendent, Indiana Yearly Meeting, and will include significant time working alongside those leading the Youth/ YAF Program, at the Triennial. The Stewards Program this year will have three main areas of focus: 1) Education/introduction to the Friends movement. 2) Leadership experience working with Young Friends and other Young Adults at the Triennial. And 3) Opportunity to rub shoulders with and learn from some ‘seasoned’ leaders of the Friends movement. To apply and for more information, visit Applications are due June 23.
Save the date for the Dairy Bar! Be sure to mark your calendars. We will be working at the Dairy Bar at the Indiana State Fair on Saturday, August 12th all day. This is a major fundraiser for our youth programming. It’s fast-paced but lots of fun! If you’re interested in volunteering, please keep the day free, and look out for signup sheets next month!