As Way Opens

Yesterday was the birthday of Anne Frank, the young Jewish girl that died at age 14 in a concentration camp in Germany.  Prior to that, her family hid in an upstairs attic space above the family's warehouse business for two years and Anne chronicled their life in her diary that was published after her death in 1947.  The diary was an overnight sensation and also an important record to document the life of Jews during the Holocaust and in particular to give a view of this tragedy through the eyes of a young girl.  Anne would have been 88 yesterday.

I am deeply touched by the goodness she still found in people.  She wrote "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery, and death. I see the world gradually being turned into a wilderness, I hear the ever approaching thunder, which will destroy us too, I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and tranquility will return again. Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery.” 

May each one of us see the good in others today and have courage and faith to help bring peace and tranquility to our world. 


Announcements, Reports, & Opportunities

Brrr! Don’t leave on the A/C! A friendly reminder ~ as we approach hot summer days, please remember to turn the air conditioning off after using the building! Help us keep cooling costs down! Thank you!

Opportunity to serve! We are currently in desperate need of an usher to replace someone that has served in this role. The open spot is every second Sunday of the month but that may be able to be changed by negotiation with the other ushers.  We also never filled the 2 open spots for every 5th Sunday (only 4 times a year!).  This is an easy job and new members are definitely welcome!  This could also be a shared position to decrease the total days of service.  Please email the office for further information.

Help us provide music this Summer! We still have some open slots for folks to share their musical talent with us - singing, playing an instrument or joining together with a couple of other individuals for a trio or quartet. Please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway. We look forward to hearing from you!

We’re Hiring! First Friends Meeting is seeking a qualified applicant for the job of Music Director at the meeting. The Music Director is a part time salaried position, responsible for developing and leading the worship music, in collaboration with the pastor, in a way that is consistent with the mission, values and theology of The Society of Friends (Quaker). The applicant need not be a member of the Religious Society of Friends, but should have a knowledge of, and appreciation for, the worship experience. If you’re interested or know anyone who may be interested in this position, please visit our website at for more information and to apply!

Our picnic has been rescheduled! The annual picnic that we normally would’ve had after worship in the woods a few weeks ago now has a date. Mark your calendars for July 23, where our picnic will also welcome and celebrate our new pastor Bob Henry. Look for more details as the date draws near!

Welcome Your Neighbor Signs ~ The Welcome Your Neighbor signs have arrived!  Please pick one up after Meeting at the table in the corner of the hallway.  Proudly display them at your home and/or place of work to provide a welcome to everyone, particularly to certain ethnic groups that some have tried to marginalize.  Contributions for the signs are appreciated but not required.

The Library catalog is getting even better! Besides now having our library catalog available online on our website, the catalog now has tags to help you search for the topics you’re looking for. These tags include topics such as poetry, biography, prophecy, sermons, worship, etc. To search for a topic, simply click the arrow next to the search bar and choose “advanced search”. Then change the search field to “tag” and enter the topic you’re looking for. For a list of searchable tags, visit

We need your help at the food pantry! ~ Last Wednesday we served the largest number of families we have ever served in the many years we have worked at the pantry!  We are still looking for volunteers to help at the food pantry on Wednesday June 21. Need for pantry items and volunteers increases in the summer due to lack of school breakfast/lunch availability, so please consider volunteering! Let the office know if you are interested. Thank you for your assistance!


2017 Friends Mission Project For FUM - Belize ~ Friends United Meeting (“FUM”)’s Mission project for this year focuses around Belize. There are three ways you can help this project!

1.    FUM operates a small school in Belize which offers a “second chance” for kids failing the high school test to further their education. The FUM vision is to raise $25,000 to expand the school, establish a Quaker meeting where there currently is none, and create a community center.

2.    In addition to renovating the new facility, Oscar Mmbali, a Kenyan Friend, has accepted FUM’s call to serve as the first Friends pastor for Belize.  Oscar is traveling among North American Friends raising support for his new ministry.

3.    Finally, we at First Friends are honored to have one of our member families, the Thornburgs (Aaron, Michelle, Kwali, and Meshach), feeling led by God to go to Belize and help with the facility renovation and provide other assistance to the Friends school (come this Sunday for more details). The Thornburgs will need your financial assistance in order to make their Belize leading a reality.

Your prayers and financial support are needed to accomplish each part of this mission project.  Your contribution can be to all or any one of the parts of this Belize Project (checks can be made out to First Friends; please designate how your contribution is to be allocated among these 3 needs).  Please give prayerful consideration to how you might be led to provide support for this Project.


Join us this summer on June 22nd for the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class! Want to learn how to better handle your money, budget, and dump debt? Then this is the class for you! Samantha R. took this class twice and it has helped her be in charge and organized with her money. It has also helped her pay off $30,000 in student loans and avoid debt forever! Click on the link to sign up . Also you're welcome to contact the office if you have any questions. Sam and her sister will be hosting this 9 week class at East Tenth United Methodist Church at 2327 E 10th St, Indianapolis, IN 46201. 

FUM Stewards Program! Young Adult Friends (aged 18–27) who are interested in the Friends movement and in developing their leadership experience could gain significant benefit from participating in the Stewards Program offered during the Triennial on July 12-16, 2017. The program will be facilitated by Pat Byers, Assistant Superintendent, Indiana Yearly Meeting, and will include significant time working alongside those leading the Youth/ YAF Program, at the Triennial. The Stewards Program this year will have three main areas of focus: 1) Education/introduction to the Friends movement. 2) Leadership experience working with Young Friends and other Young Adults at the Triennial. And 3) Opportunity to rub shoulders with and learn from some ‘seasoned’ leaders of the Friends movement. To apply and for more information, visit Applications are due June 23.

 You’re invited to the wedding! Our beloved organist and choir director ShawnP.  and Dr Brett P. invite you to their celebration of marriage on Saturday July 8th with a musical prelude starting at 3:00 and ceremony at 3:30 p.m. This ceremony will be held at Indianapolis First Friends Meeting in the Meetingroom and all are welcome to gather together for this joyous occasion.

Western Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions are coming up July 27-30! You can find all of this year’s information & registration online at You’ll find all the details such as menus, the preliminary program, housing, and more. There are also chances to volunteer for the Festival of Fun and Fellowship, the Indian Table and Interest Groups. In addition you can see photos and videos of last year's Annual Session. Pre-registration is due by July 13! We hope you are planning on joining us!

Save the date for the Dairy Bar! Be sure to mark your calendars. We will be working at the Dairy Bar at the Indiana State Fair on Saturday, August 12th all day. This is a major fundraiser for our youth programming. It’s fast-paced but lots of fun! If you’re interested in volunteering, please keep the day free, and look out for signup sheets next month!
